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would this be a mistake?


Jun 15, 2008
..;:(([[{{would this be a mistake?}}]])):;..

ive been on subs for about 3 months now, now down to a little under 2mgs a day.

for these past months ive had a shit load of hydromorphone, shit load of IR oxycodone, and bunch of vikes...i havent budged once

but for some reason i feel like i CAN get high....will this be worth it or do u think i would just end up going right down the toilet spirilling into addiction once again...
ive had the courage to not take it for so long so i feel like i could, but any inputs...

a lil about me

i do not go to NA for reasons of not wanting to be brain washed and listen to the "take it one day at a time" BS...i enjoy looking to the future. idk just all the people italk to who go tel me the most untrue stupidest things they say NA tells them and i just cant stand it...idk if they are taking these na quotes the wrong way or if they are just stupid.

i quite all on my own wit subutex...always under the tounge

i do drink atleast once a week, usually like 2 beers if im alone atleast once a week but if at a party i just drink to get drunk n have fun

i do smoke weed, not all day but deff at night time.
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No one can tell you definatively if you can get high again without going back down the path you just came from.

My opinion is you should wait...don't get high just cuz u can.

Forgoing a high in the short-term can have long-term benefits because repeatedly resisting temptation establishes that you are in control.

If/when you get high again please be cautious as you may have a (much) lower tolerance than previously. Start with a low dose so you don't unintentionally OD...
Also remember if you ahve been on the subs for a while you will have to wait till you feel moderate to light WD's from the subs before you can actually get high.... The subs have a opiate blocker in them that binds really really tight to your receptors.... if you dont wait youll be wasting pills and you run a chance of ODing since you wont be able to feel the opiates....

If your on subutex (which i think you said, instead of suboxone) it doesnt have the opiate blocker so you can take it without having to wait for WD's

Also remember if you ahve been on the subs for a while you will have to wait till you feel moderate to light WD's from the subs before you can actually get high.... The subs have a opiate blocker in them that binds really really tight to your receptors.... if you dont wait youll be wasting pills and you run a chance of ODing since you wont be able to feel the opiates....

If your on subutex (which i think you said, instead of suboxone) it doesnt have the opiate blocker so you can take it without having to wait for WD's


not to be a dick but ur mis informed... bupe if what blocks opiates not the naloxone

and either way i know all that information thats why i didnt ask it

im was just wondering about if its okay to get high, not if i can
No one can tell you definatively if you can get high again without going back down the path you just came from.

My opinion is you should wait...don't get high just cuz u can.

Forgoing a high in the short-term can have long-term benefits because repeatedly resisting temptation establishes that you are in control.

If/when you get high again please be cautious as you may have a (much) lower tolerance than previously. Start with a low dose so you don't unintentionally OD...

i have had the opportunity since the day i started sub, like i said, i have oxy, HM, and vikes, and a shit load of each...i didnt just obtain these, ive had them

but the control thing is true, i should wait a lil longer
Not naming your thread something descriptive so others may benefit from it?

Yes, that WOULD be a mistake! Don't do it.
not too sure what your question is, just know your limits/tlerance and
IDK, ordinarily I'd say don't do it, for obvious reasons. But you're not off opiods, you wouldn't really be relapsing as just substituting one opiod for another. As long as you have those pills laying around you're going to do them sooner or later. And just having them laying around is a felony. Personally I'd have some fun and then get back on the subs when they're gone. Harm reduction at it's finest? Hardly, but that's still what I would do.
na its not a felony actually

lol idk why ud mention that, everyone here is commiting felonies everyday

its all old presciptions
I thought I was doing fine by limiting the hydromorphone to get the most out of it. I just had a pharamcy change my script from 8mg tabs to compound and didn't ask if they could do that. I have taken 3 x what i normally take and nothing, so it has to be the compound because last week I had no problems with it. any change that the compound has something added that is making me not 'feel' that I am taking them?
na its not a felony actually

lol idk why ud mention that, everyone here is commiting felonies everyday

its all old presciptions

Just that i wouldn't keep illegal drugs around if I didn't plan to do them, why risk it if you aren't going to use them anyway.

Obviously if you have scripts for them that's diffferent.
if u/me didnt plan to do them, than whats the difference

its just like any family household with percs, or vicoden in there medicine cabinet

i havent used them for 3 months, not much of a risk, now almost 4 months

and i would never use 2 days in a row, let a lone once a week, ive learned my lesson
Having the drugs laying around is too tempting. Its like having a pack of cigarettes nearby and saying I'll just smoke one and then the next day the feeling of taking that drag was so d@mn good that you want to do it again, and again. The memory is the agonizing part and although you can stop again with help, why put yourself through that?
im most likely going to wait til im completely off subutex...

but its not like i dont remember how good opiate high is, i do, its just been so long

but the real question is

if i were to get high, u think id just keep gettin high? or hop right back onto sub
i would think you would go right back to the sub. If you weren't questioning it at all, you wouldn't care and it sounds like you do. Good luck.
good for you on waiting. I know as an addict I constantly look for validity of drug use (i.e. it's been so long/I won't use more than once a week/I'll use responsibly/my back hurts) but it is usually just the monkey on my back speaking