Would Remote Mind Control Be Possible With Current Technology?

RedVox infrasound app is without a doubt identifying the “V2K”

if you get the free app then go to the Spectro Log and record it absolutely identifies it as conversation or music.

now we are getting close.. tic toc

EDIT: If you are victim of this please please please create an account and submit the recordings. Please do this even if you have other theories and opinions about how this technology works. This has the potential to provide undeniable proof that a massive organized crime spree that includes serial murder, torture and rape. It’s a free technology that is able to record the v2K and deliver it to scientists who study and analyze infrasound as their specialty. This is a God send and should provide strong evidence to stimulate investigation and in prosecution of these horrible criminals. So please make an account and start submitting evidence. let’s light these monsters up like they were dumped on the sun!
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I'm somewhat of a skeptic on this conspiracy theory, but I have often wondered if it would be possible. There are people who call themselves "targeted individuals" and claim that the government is using HAARP and/or other high tech installations to beam mind control signals into their brain. In other words to change their emotional state using electromagnetic frequencies. I find their claims rather chilling and sometimes wonder if they are on to something, as some of them honestly don't strike me as crazy but merely experiencing something that most don't. However, do their claims violate the laws of plausibility and physics? In other words, could governmental organizations beam signals into someone's brain from afar like that? Or is that impossible? Thoughts? How much energy would it take to do that? And if it wasn't directed at one individual but merely these people are more astute to it than others....... perhaps a diffuse signal of some kind is being beamed from such installations to the populace at large. That would make somewhat more sense to me given the way that I understand these things, though admittedly I still don't buy it. Perhaps, that actually is a scientifically valid hypothesis though? Though, perhaps that isn't possible either. In short, do you think it's possible that the government could come up with an installation that is capable of affecting the thoughts of the populace by using electromagnetic waves. What if they put something into the air (e.g. chemtrails) to amplify the signals? Would this be scientifically possible? Not saying it's happening. Just curious if these types of conspiracy theories are within or against the laws of physics. Not plausibility. Because while I don't believe in these theories, some people I have seen and talked to online do (in the course of my conspiracy theory/ufology research). Simply out of curiosity I wonder if these theories are plausible. Even if perhaps these people have simply gone off the deep end........ perhaps what they are saying is not 100% impossible. Or is it?
100% Truth
I am a survivor of the global targeting programs. It is almost two hard to believe even when it is happening to you!

Ultimate Goal is Immune System health - through lifestyle and personal well-being, but for cancer patients, this is something special.


Thanks for the links. Hypnosis is great. Shit should be standard practice for psychiatry. Currently almost everything they're taught is bullshit, unsubstantiated claims about psychology, drugs to prescribe that don't work at all (pharmaceutical companies have hijacked doctors and psychiatrists, it's why SSRI's are so prescribed even though they're less effective than placebo), talk therapies that can be completely useless. Instead of that circle jerk of complete bullshit, they should be taught intensive hypnosis therapies, it would also help the study of psychiatry develop a lot faster. Currently they stuff they teach could literally be learned in a month if the filler was taken out, as compared to hypnosis which takes years to master (as a high level scientific and expensive skill should).
It is possible and it has been happening for decades. Open your fucking mind you sheep and wake up to what and who you are.
@Miss TargetedJustice

Welcome to BL.. about this forum, sheep don't flock here. It's just not a place for them.

Being naive of this horror is a blessing and I envy every blessed naive one. It's so dysfunctional and terrifying that imho uninitiated realization can only come from graspable explanations and demystifications based off comprehensible truth. Who would choose to wake up to a real nightmare?

Sending support, love and hope.. we will eradicate this filth.
I have come to the conclusion that this thread is moot.
We are already under mind control and have been for quite some time.
What kinda mind control would it be if we knew about it... wot?
Here are some RedVox representations of the V2K interface it’s at about 30HZ. it registered speech the entire time but on labeled it a few times. It looks like even novel intelligences like fart jokes because they were making fart noises to get them labeled on the recording.

there are three screen shots
During the last 20 years, I have seen plenty of things that look like I or someone else is being "targeted" in this way, but I don't think they have any device to read people's thoughts, let alone insert thoughts to someone's head.

Instead, it looks like they first try to make sure they see and hear as much of your doings as possible, 24/7, by hacking to your computer and cell phone to see your internet browsing and to listen to phone calls (possibly asking the Russians or the Chinese to do this for them so that local authorities can't be accused for anything illegal). There are also microwave and terahertz radar devices that can to some extent see through walls and the way how you are moving in your home can be followed, but for this to be effective they first have to fool you to move to an apartment or house where the wall material is especially easy to see through with that kind of radar.

After they have followed you for enough time to be able to deduce what you're up to by simply looking at your behavior, they try to make you an environment that contains lots of things that are named in such a way that the names contain hidden manipulative details if you read them in an abnormal way by splitting words to pieces. A familiar example of something like this is how the serial killer Ed Gein's name creepily becomes "Edge In!" when you read it like that. it was probably this scary hidden detail in that guy's name that made his neighbors deny any clues of abnormal behavior they saw, and that's why he was able to continue his sick shit for years before getting caught. It's like you get an "edge" over other people simply by having that kind of name. People don't read stuff with that kind of splitting unless they're expecting something to contain that type of hidden message or if they're reading or listening to something they consider "inferior" to themself, and when they don't see this they can be manipulated with this type of messages without them even noticing that someone's practically giving them orders that way. The ancient Romans had this saying divide et impera, which described how they isolated their provinces from each other to gain better control of the nation, but it also seems to say something about this human tendency to "split" things they see as lower-status (even by reading names like that), as a symbol of power.

Now, if they can easily manipulate the targeted individual with that type of hidden messages, they leave them alone. But when they find someone they call a "certified asshole", who considers almost everything as inferior to themself and isn't easy at all to fool this way, they start throwing all kinds of ambiguous insults at them. For instance, if they see that the person has a toilet habit of pissing sitting down despite being male, they could throw a pink-colored miniature toilet bowl on the yard as some kind of comment. And a multitude of other unpleasant surprises. If someone is considered an especially bad troublemaker, they can even add that kind of shit to the program aired to local television or radio channels, and when it's visible in the media it goes viral in people's behavior and even the traffic on the street soon starts looking like it contains the same type of hidden mocking as in the media. The craziest part about this is that when you're put in that kind of situation, you can feel the anxiety (like being targeted with a gun) even before you actually see what's going on in the media or on the street. It looks like humans are able to sense this particular thing from so little clues that it's like a dog sensing odors from several miles distance, which is also something that seems like it shouldn't be physically possible. During the Cold War, the Soviets and the East Germany's Stasi were able to do human experiments with this kind of harassment without having to follow any ethical principles, and that's why the former communist bloc countries are better at using this psychological weapon than the countries of the West. And all of the details known about this aren't said publicly, because then it wouldn't be as easy to scare people with this to silence them.

And in addition to this type of harassment, they also have something that can be used to cause heart arrhythmias or other scary symptoms to someone in a neighboring apartment on the other side of a wall, and this is used in a nasty way to force someone out of their home and even to sleep on a park bench. I think these "weapons" are similar to whatever they used to cause the neurological symptoms to the diplomats in Cuba several years ago. I also believe that the reason why the Danish inventor and murderer Peter Madsen built his DIY submarine was to have a hiding place from these electronic attacks and surveillance. Radio and microwave signals don't pass through sturdy metal obstacles, and not through several meters of sea water either unless it's very low frequency radio waves (20 kilohertz or less).

Now I'm not saying that I have any actual information about this matter, and I don't expect anyone to believe a word about this unless they have experienced this themself, but this is what this phenomenon looks like to me. And if asked for a theory about why they're doing this, then I would say that they are either trying to learn better at this type of manipulation to be able to control people once the climate and energy crisis becomes bad enough to cause riots and civil unrest, or alternatively they are simply addicted to this kind of behavior after learning this type of abuse from the totalitarian nations of the East.
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Here are some RedVox representations of the V2K interface it’s at about 30HZ. it registered speech the entire time but on labeled it a few times. It looks like even novel intelligences like fart jokes because they were making fart noises to get them labeled on the recording.

there are three screen shots

Fart Jokes, will save the world. 😁😉🙏
You are a genius lady A (and I fukn :In love: you) The novel intelligence is not stupid thank God as proved by the fart jokes and the divine intelligence of humor.
TBf, I'm an idiot. 😉Love ya back, dote...know I am a pain but do love your bones. Much respect 🙏
It doesn't exist. People are just stupid, ignorant, unaware of their biases, and various other flaws of human nature that cause people to imagine all sorts of things.

It doesn't exist because even if you just assume based on nothing that it's even possible to do what you suggest, the idea that the government would perfect such technology and successfully keep it secret in spite of their repeated failures. And succeed where countless money and manhours of private wealthy corporations investigating such concepts have failed, is simply not believable.

But, solid rule of life, people will believe what they want to believe, and absolutely no evidence will ever change that. It's no different than religion. For the rational mind, all the information is out there to obtain the most likely answers. You need only learn the scientific method, read about what we've learned about how people bias and misinterpret the world around them. How people think, and how technology advances and the physics of the world and the biology of the human mind, and you can find it all out for yourself with a high degree of certainty.

Or, you can choose what you wanna believe and convince yourself of it to the point where it will be as much a certain reality to you as tomorrow's sunrise. In such instances, you simply don't know enough to realize how little you know.

Then there's also the simple logical problem that once you accept a level of improbability as reality, or a level of undeniability as plausible, ever possibility becomes equally valid. So, are we being mind controlled by the government? Or is that what the aliens want us to think? Or is that just God posing as the aliens posing as the government to test our faith? Every possibility is just as likely once you start believing in concepts that implausible and fantastical and impossible to argue. So no belief is any more or less worth believing. Might as well believe in nothing.
It’s not the government it’s subcontractors for the military. They are stronger than the government, and they have no accountability to anyone. AIght?
More Boo T stalking can be found here. Let's just say my first name is "T". I guess you could train an AI to act like a smartass by splitting like that, but this is exactly the way how no one wants any kind of "tool" behave. "Bot, you're such a tool".

If some people want to make someone hear voices that no one else can hear, then one way to do that is the new directional speaker system that can produce an audible sound only around one person in a room.

For hearing what someone is talking somewhere at a distance, I think some news article in an English version of an Estonian newspaper claimed that wearable objects like clothing and women's necklaces and earrings can act like an unintended passive microphone if someone directs microwaves at them and listens to the signal that is reflected back. And there's also a version of the Cochlear hearing device implant where the microphone part is also inserted under the skin behind one's ear instead of being external. I think this was originally developed to make someone fit for service again after getting hearing damage from an explosive accident in the military. I'm not sure from how long distance this can be used for secretly listening to a person and anyone around them, if the microphone part of this device has been put in someone's head (without asking permission or telling about it) when they end up unconscious in the hospital because of alcohol, drugs or some other reason. There are some rumors that especially dangerous people may be implanted with this so that if necessary, they can be distracted by listening to them and showing it by doing things like making street lights blink at the same pace as their breathing rate, so that they are easier to arrest. Or if it needs to be an active device with a power source lasting for decades (like in the most expensive heart pacemakers), then it wouldn't fit under the skin behind ear and would have to be slammed in the paranasal sinuses inside your palate. At least they don't quite yet have a version that sucks glucose from your bloodstream and uses that as an energy source like your own cells do. I believe the most typical person dangerous enough to have this implanted would be someone who has participated in war in some third world country as a mercenary, and is unpredictable afterwards because of PTSD and can start behaving on the street like they think they're still in combat.

The trick to affect peoples opinions by giving hidden messages in what kind of names are assigned to things, is called "The hidden hand" in English I guess, and in some other languages it's "The Fist" (capitalized) or "The king's fist" or something to that effect. They also use this kind of psychological attacks to try to make the dictators in totalitarian countries more uncertain about their position.

In Robin Cook's novel "Coma", there is a hospital where patients unproductive to society are euthanized by "some hand" going to replace the anesthesiological oxygen tank with a carbon monoxide container, and then their internal organs are sold to be transplanted to more affluent people.

What I'm saying is just a conspiracy theory but I think it's a lot more believable than the QAnon's "satanic world elite eating children" theory.
More Boo T stalking can be found here. Let's just say my first name is "T". I guess you could train an AI to act like a smartass by splitting like that, but this is exactly the way how no one wants any kind of "tool" behave. "Bot, you're such a tool".

If some people want to make someone hear voices that no one else can hear, then one way to do that is the new directional speaker system that can produce an audible sound only around one person in a room.

For hearing what someone is talking somewhere at a distance, I think some news article in an English version of an Estonian newspaper claimed that wearable objects like clothing and women's necklaces and earrings can act like an unintended passive microphone if someone directs microwaves at them and listens to the signal that is reflected back. And there's also a version of the Cochlear hearing device implant where the microphone part is also inserted under the skin behind one's ear instead of being external. I think this was originally developed to make someone fit for service again after getting hearing damage from an explosive accident in the military. I'm not sure from how long distance this can be used for secretly listening to a person and anyone around them, if the microphone part of this device has been put in someone's head (without asking permission or telling about it) when they end up unconscious in the hospital because of alcohol, drugs or some other reason. There are some rumors that especially dangerous people may be implanted with this so that if necessary, they can be distracted by listening to them and showing it by doing things like making street lights blink at the same pace as their breathing rate, so that they are easier to arrest. Or if it needs to be an active device with a power source lasting for decades (like in the most expensive heart pacemakers), then it wouldn't fit under the skin behind ear and would have to be slammed in the paranasal sinuses inside your palate. At least they don't quite yet have a version that sucks glucose from your bloodstream and uses that as an energy source like your own cells do. I believe the most typical person dangerous enough to have this implanted would be someone who has participated in war in some third world country as a mercenary, and is unpredictable afterwards because of PTSD and can start behaving on the street like they think they're still in combat.

The trick to affect peoples opinions by giving hidden messages in what kind of names are assigned to things, is called "The hidden hand" in English I guess, and in some other languages it's "The Fist" (capitalized) or "The king's fist" or something to that effect. They also use this kind of psychological attacks to try to make the dictators in totalitarian countries more uncertain about their position.

In Robin Cook's novel "Coma", there is a hospital where patients unproductive to society are euthanized by "some hand" going to replace the anesthesiological oxygen tank with a carbon monoxide container, and then their internal organs are sold to be transplanted to more affluent people.

What I'm saying is just a conspiracy theory but I think it's a lot more believable than the QAnon's "satanic world elite eating children" theory.

originally I was exploring many types of sound beams and also the microwave hearing effect. It actually is using sound near hearing threshold sound frequencies and infrasonic frequencies to both deliver the forced audio, subliminal thought influence and DEW. That’s a fucking fact at this point and it’s easily recorded and graphically seen using the redvox infrasound ap.

I still don’t know how they do it to victims on planes that even travel across oceans to different continents. Figure that out later.. it’s time to focus on its weakness which is infrasound at about 30Hz and about 19Hz with other frequencies in between being spiked for different DEW effects.
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originally I was exploring many types of sound beams and also the microwave hearing effect. It actually is using sound near hearing threshold sound frequencies and infrasonic frequencies to both deliver the forced audio, subliminal thought influence and DEW. That’s a fucking fact at this point and it’s easily recorded and graphically seen using the redvox infrasound ap.

I still don’t know how they do it to victims on planes that even travel across oceans to different continents. Figure that out later.. it’s time to focus on its weakness which is infrasound at about 30Hz and about 19Hz with other frequencies in between being spiked for different DEW effects.
I do believe that many of the claims about audible sound being forced in someone's head are true, because the stories told about that are often very similar. But I'm not sure whether it's done with directed sound beams, microwaves or something else. Infrasound seems quite unlikely explanation to me, because it's very difficult to send sound of that low frequency to only one direction to avoid disturbing others, and a low frequency audio or radio signal can't be modulated to contain higher frequency information in it, unlike what is possible the other way around.

One way to find out whether it's caused by directed sound or by microwaves is to test whether wrapping all of your head except face in a soundproof material will prevent you hearing that. This should block directed sound, and also a microphone kept near your head should be able to record the audio sent at you. Microwaves can be blocked by covering your head with several layers of metal fabric, but it's best to wrap your head in normal textile first because direct skin contact with copper-nickel fabrics can be allergenic.

If all of this is really happening, then it's not surprising if airplanes are equipped with those devices as well. Someone suddenly getting out of reach of this "targeting" can start behaving aggressively, and a flying airplane is one of the most dangerous places for this to happen.
I do believe that many of the claims about audible sound being forced in someone's head are true, because the stories told about that are often very similar. But I'm not sure whether it's done with directed sound beams, microwaves or something else. Infrasound seems quite unlikely explanation to me, because it's very difficult to send sound of that low frequency to only one direction to avoid disturbing others, and a low frequency audio or radio signal can't be modulated to contain higher frequency information in it, unlike what is possible the other way around.

One way to find out whether it's caused by directed sound or by microwaves is to test whether wrapping all of your head except face in a soundproof material will prevent you hearing that. This should block directed sound, and also a microphone kept near your head should be able to record the audio sent at you. Microwaves can be blocked by covering your head with several layers of metal fabric, but it's best to wrap your head in normal textile first because direct skin contact with copper-nickel fabrics can be allergenic.

If all of this is really happening, then it's not surprising if airplanes are equipped with those devices as well. Someone suddenly getting out of reach of this "targeting" can start behaving aggressively, and a flying airplane is one of the most dangerous places for this to happen.

Here is a screen recording of the redvox app both recording and analyzing both the “v2k” and the DEW. This was taken isolated and distanced from other people. You will see that it repeatedly labels “speech”. That’s the forced audio. its levels are right at human hearing threshold. There is also a spike at about 19 Hz and that’s the subliminal “thought insertion” and manipulation.
