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Worst high on drugs situation with your family

Probably DXM, because my mind feels perfectly sharp but I look and act like a brain-dead zombie!
This goes away with tolerance. I was using a lot of DXM while in public and it acted like an antidepressant, stimulant and social lubricant. But yeah the first few doses, especially when dosing above 300mg or so, had a heavy body load. I loved low dosages (75-150mg) though. They are really a bit like MDMA,
This goes away with tolerance. I was using a lot of DXM while in public and it acted like an antidepressant, stimulant and social lubricant. But yeah the first few doses, especially when dosing above 300mg or so, had a heavy body load. I loved low dosages (75-150mg) though. They are really a bit like MDMA,
I always did the straight Robitussin long-acting full strength, which was 354mg in a 4oz bottle. I felt phenomenal and my mind was perfectly sharp, but I looked and acted like I was on a week-long meth binge or something! It was really frustrating because I would be trying to explain some profound concept to someone, but all they heard was, "Blah, blah, blah."!