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World's Scariest Drug

Step 1: go to colombia
step 2: get a pound of that shit

Seriously, man think of the kind of POWER you can harness with a drug like that

Think of how fucked you would be, when you tripped and landed face first in it, lol.
I once used datura almost every day for around 3 or 4 months. Shit is absolutely crazy, nothing at all like other psychedelics like salvia and DMT, it's a different feeling entirely. Full on delirium is a strange, horrible experience. Lower doses are very dark and surrealistic.

I can never get past the preliminary effects. The other night I, having nothing better to do, ate three small pinches of Datura, spaced 45 minutes apart. Once the effects were coming on, there was a brief moment of, "hey, it's starting to work!" which quickly became, "shit, I'm sooo sleepy." The most interesting waking experience was jumping at things that would suddenly appear in my peripheral field. They were actually there, but my brain took sudden notice of them and I jumped, that's all. My dreams were enhanced, but difficult to remember. The worst part at that dosage was the dryness of nose and mouth.

I get the feeling that Datura requires a lot of patience. Jumping straight in with a high dose, you're likely to wake up in a hospital bed or drunk tank, wondering what the hell. And I just can't see taking a higher dose, with the sleepiness, dryness and bad eye effects and all.

One time I was walking around late at night on datura and I saw a swing set except it looked to my intoxicated brain like a bunch of bodies hanging from ropes off the edge of some weird alien tree. And my reaction wasn't fear, I just looked and was like "whoa, are those bodies?" And my friend said he didn't think so but wasn't sure.

LOL, classic :)
I can never get past the preliminary effects. The other night I, having nothing better to do, ate three small pinches of Datura, spaced 45 minutes apart. Once the effects were coming on, there was a brief moment of, "hey, it's starting to work!" which quickly became, "shit, I'm sooo sleepy." The most interesting waking experience was jumping at things that would suddenly appear in my peripheral field. They were actually there, but my brain took sudden notice of them and I jumped, that's all. My dreams were enhanced, but difficult to remember. The worst part at that dosage was the dryness of nose and mouth.

I get the feeling that Datura requires a lot of patience. Jumping straight in with a high dose, you're likely to wake up in a hospital bed or drunk tank, wondering what the hell. And I just can't see taking a higher dose, with the sleepiness, dryness and bad eye effects and all.

LOL, classic :)

Yeah the main mistake I've seen and heard of people making with datura is starting with a full dose. They then wake up in the police station or the hospital. A quick reading of erowid's datura reports show that 2/3 of them seem to start with "so I'm 14 and I heard datura gets you high, so me and a friend ate a seed pod each" Then it moves onto a bunch of crazy shit and ends with "and then the nurses fed me this weird black stuff, I tried to spit it on them but ended up swallowing it and throwing up"

Datura requires the utmost respect, bordering on fear, and really, people should not use such drugs. I mostly smoked the leaves and flowers, and I'd also keep a baggie of dried leaves and I'd take a pinch and hold it in my cheek for 30 or 40 minutes and then swallow. In that way I'd titrate my dosage up, and I almost never went fully delirious. Usually I'd spend the day dissociated, disoriented, getting minor visuals and feeling slightly crazy.

High doses really aren't worth it. Not only do you run a very high risk of going crazy in a very public way (and ending up in the hospital or jail), but you won't remember the experience. All of my fully delirious experiences involved me taking the dose, then waking up with a vague memory of a few of the things that happened. Then having friends explain exactly how crazy I'd been acting.

Datura...it defines crazy, never have I felt so insane, except maybe this one time on PCP. With datura you are totally out of control of your actions. I probably will never do it again, I don't even take medical doses of benadryl any more.

Also, don't expect it to ever get even a little bit fun. In fact, it becomes more and more emotionally neutral or negative as you get higher. The shadow people out the corners of your eyes are as good as it gets, unless spiders descending from the ceiling onto you and worms eating your chest sound better. I've had all these things happen. Datura makes you see things that are realistic, as in, they usually look real (spiders, bugs, shadow people, bodies, etc.), but they are totally out of place. While high though, you don't remember you took a drug. So you see this shit and are just like "oh yeah, better watch out for those spiders, I forgot my ceiling does that."
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So you see this shit and are just like "oh yeah, better watch out for those spiders, I forgot my ceiling does that."

lol so true. You just accept every fucking hallucination as truth, and you don't question its existence for a second.
Step 1: go to colombia
step 2: get a pound of that shit

There is no reason to go to Columbia to acquire scopolamine. The medication is rather common, and Datura grows in various locations in the US.

Think of how fucked you would be, when you tripped and landed face first in it, lol.

Not very: scopolamine isn't particularly potent on a per-milligram basis.

I have some experience with brugmansia and I can attest to the descriptions given by psychotomimetic, spot on fella. Smoking the leaves is much easier to titrate your dose up with than, say, eating seeds. Never did that, never will. Anticholinergics are very tough to use, and the risks far outweigh the benefits. But for the novelty factor, absolutely. Scopolamine and atropine shit on Dramamine for batshit craziness, and that says a lot. Dehydration often kills, and not only if you are a 14 yr old dipshit wandering around the desert behind your parents house in Bakersfield. Unbelievable dry mouth with these things. I saw this video a long time ago, and although it is delivered in the usual irritating Vice fashion, it is pretty spot on. This isn't unheard of in columbia, far from it.
You can buy Scopoderm at the store for nausea. The worlds scariest drug sold at your local pharmacy.
^Jesus, these reporters are thick. They think datura only grows in the forests of Colombia? There's at least 3 datura plants within 2 blocks of me, they grow every where (at least in Texas, California, basically the whole south west, I'm not so sure about other places).

Shit, the most magnificent, beautiful datura plant I've ever seen is growing in the median of a road that leads to the most popular park in my city, about 200 or 300 feet from the park. They're really pretty plants (although I always feel this kind of weird dark energy from them, I'm sure it's psychosomatic but still), and they grow like fucking weeds, all over the planet.

I know that Europeans have been using datura and its relatives for hundreds of years, it's interesting these reporters all think it's some amazing find that scopolamine grows everywhere.

Also, there's no way you could use datura to control people's minds, as these reports are saying. I mean, maybe you could get them to do simple tasks, but on datura not only are you 100% batshit delirious and ignorant of the outside (read: real) world. Plus you have the intelligence and comprehension levels of a small child. Plus you have nearly no memory, you often forget things that you started doing seconds prior. So if someone told you to go get a glass of water for them on datura, I doubt you could do it, forget about actually doing anything complex. I've never managed to do anything except walk around crazily while on a full dose of datura.

It doesn't "remove free will", if anything it enhances it by making you lose all understanding of the world around you. All you do on datura is exactly what your crazy, delirious brain wants to do.
This article reminds me of the time I ate an entire pack of motion sickness pills.... not a fun time
This article reminds me of the time I ate an entire pack of motion sickness pills.... not a fun time

I did that with Bonine (meclizine) and was able to watch myself stop breathing before I passed out. Not sure how I survived. I think I took only 300 mg too!
I've taken this drug before in the form of a type of dip mixed with tobacco and other plants and an alkaloids. It was quite pleasant and not a tad bit scary. Of course I imagine my experience is dose dependent.
Everyone of u is a complete dumb ass. No offence. Did you watch the entire video? He clearly says at one point the drug they use to control people is chemically synthesized like how they do with coxain. You guys are doing the pure drug, witch like he said will cause hallucinations. Before you talk shit on a reporters findings you better pay close attention to what they tell you.
Everyone of u is a complete dumb ass. No offence. Did you watch the entire video? He clearly says at one point the drug they use to control people is chemically synthesized like how they do with coxain. You guys are doing the pure drug, witch like he said will cause hallucinations. Before you talk shit on a reporters findings you better pay close attention to what they tell you.

I've done datura of various species as well as pure scopalamine and pure hyoscyamine (datura contains both scopalamine and hyoscyamine btw). And I've done a wide variety of other anticholinergic drugs, both pure and in the form of plants. Not one of them can legitimately be used to control someone's mind. The US government would have figured it out long ago if any drug could consistently be used as a mind control device.

Also lol at "every one of u is a complete dumb ass. No offence", you could be a bit nicer I think, you just come off as an ass when you start your post like that, people won't take you seriously when you start off by insulting them, dumb ass =D.