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Game Word Association Thread v. Let's Join Hands!!

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Who are you? Where is Buspersons Holiday? I have an incredible insomnia run going. I wish I could function on this much sleep.
Avatar changes should be noted. It's unsettling. :(
Sorry, I'm being Boadicea for a little while until my nuther-thread rage abates
Normal avatar service will be resumed on the morrow <3
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Ah, most definitely a good choice of avatar. I actually knew her by the name of Boudicca. <3

Unfortunately, I can literally read a technical manual written in ESL and stay awake. My doctors are kind of freaked out every time I explain it to them. Sigh.
If you can't sleep dugz, you could instead take a leaf out of Boudica's book and rape pillage and burn a bunch of Roman legions?
OMFG, my post was going down the gorging then visiting the Vomitorium route, went to check the spelling & find out one of my favourite parts of Classical Studies at school was all a LIE
If you can't sleep dugz, you could instead take a leaf out of Boudica's book and rape pillage and burn a bunch of Roman legions?

That's Plan B. I'm going to this insomnia group (I know right?) that my doctor freaked out and recommended after seeing me at the 80+ hour mark. It was kind of humorous.

I'm feeling a little arson isn't a bad thing!

Ooh ooh Buspersons Holiday! Yes! (Although I know what the avatar means to you and thus learned to love <3 it but this is how I picture you!
I lit a guys pants one time, was fun.

Feel you on the insomnia cdugs, my doc freaked out once over me telling him I'd been up 3 days straight and working... if he knew about the meth hed have a stroke lol.
The russians had the right idea with *molotovs*
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It's a shame that us obsessive spellers are lumped in with & also identify ourselves with a movement whose ideologies and actions were so heinous
I do feel like a spelling Nazi when I correct someone who I wasn't aware was dyslexic though (if it isn't an official thing & the wrong spelling really doesn't matter a jot)
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I'm a touch dyslexic myself, maybe why I'm so obsessive over it.
That word always makes me think of Law & Order, the one with Ice T.
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I'm unfamiliar with that show but that comic strip illustrates perfectly why I rarely go on fb these days

Just fucking google or write a status saying 'I need some attention desperately' instead of dramatic self-pitying essays or a cryptic one-word status like 'heartbroken' or 'devastated', inviting a stream of 'what's up hun?' type replies
If it's a good friend, I just ring them up & check up on them, I can't be doing with engaging in public fb attention-seeking silliness
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