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Game Word Association Thread v. Let's Join Hands!!

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Erikmen needs a good stretch before his workout routine.

All the stretching out there won't help me.
Samurai had a strict code of honor. During the transition into the Tokugawa Era, which united the Japanese under one Shogun/feudal lord (daimyo), samurai fought for the feudal lord in whose territories they lived.
Samurai were considered elite warriors as opposed a common soldier.
If a feudal lord conquered a particular territory, the samurai fighting for them might have a choice to swear fealty to their new feudal lord or perform seppuku (sometimes called harikari). A samurai who brought dishonor to his house was also expected to disembowel himself.
To perform seppuku, the samurai takes a shorter blade (not his long sword) and slices the abdomen horizontally to disembowel himself and then upwards to hasten death.
Then his head is partially cut off using a traditional sword by a "second." It is incorrect to cut through the entire neck -- the spinal cord should be severed and the head still attached.
That's one story for you, BtS. No disrespect intended, just fit the thread and people are sometimes interested in it. I remembered! :)
Nerdy info about Samurai disembowelment in a Word's thread is pretty groovy to see.... %)
Indeed, nerds aren't lumpy, but quite smooth, from all the time we spend in the library.
That's just our pale skin from lack of sun exposure, and the glint off our glasses.

(I've never worn glasses)
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