Mental Health Wonna help your mental health? Quit TV!


Jan 18, 2013

Everytime I used to eat my meal in front of the TV in evening and my parents would have the news on. I found too much negativity from news would give me bad feelings in my stomach and cause anxiety, anger and arguements, ever since eating in the kitchen away from the news, not listening to politics and any other rubbish on tv I’ve felt a lot better! I feel free!
Hahaha. I own 3 TVs and watch none. I got really bored for a while last year and tried watching TV, but it was even more boring than what I was doing.
Tv in Uk can be boring as hell especially during day with decorating programs or cookery programs, at night it’s SEX, war propaganda, bad dramas and horrors that can be disturbing sometimes, that’s why I ain’t watched night time tv for 20years, I doubt it’s changed much in those years though. Just garbage really. It was better in the 90s.
Tv in Uk can be boring as hell especially during day with decorating programs or cookery programs, at night it’s SEX, war propaganda, bad dramas and horrors that can be disturbing sometimes, that’s why I ain’t watched night time tv for 20years, I doubt it’s changed much in those years though. Just garbage really. It was better in the 90s.

I went for months watching/listening to videos on YouTube. The vast majority were music but also some documentaries, talks and funny stuff. I sort of programmed my own TV station haha. I’d post it on this online journal which nobody looked at (I don’t think) but it made me feel like I had an audience. Now TV seems so passive but what’s worse is advertising. I’ve always disliked it but now it’s the most obnoxious thing ever and people sit there absorbing all this shit 😕

You might like this. It’s like 20 years old but still cool I reckon:

As Abbey said, that's why I like YouTube. It's a free-networking software. You choose your own soul food. In the next years or so, TV's gonna be a blast from the past.

Everytime I used to eat my meal in front of the TV in evening and my parents would have the news on. I found too much negativity from news would give me bad feelings in my stomach and cause anxiety, anger and arguements, ever since eating in the kitchen away from the news, not listening to politics and any other rubbish on tv I’ve felt a lot better! I feel free!

Yes, good for you! I never watch the local news. Some people watch it day and night. I don’t get it. I also can’t stand when people go out of their way to tell me about what they saw on the news “So and so was killed and raped. Trump did blah blah blah.” I don’t watch the news because it upsets me so I sure as hell don’t want to hear someone tell me all about it.
I hardly ever watch tv. My grandma and aunt on the other hand love watching tv, especially the news. I just don't get how they do it. When I watch the news it makes me feel miserable and anxious.

Same here... My dad's always watching the news or msnbc/cnn and that shit's like having dentistry to me.
My mother watches Fox news all day while simultaneously quoting me stupid internet headlines about political conspiracies. I walk around the house wearing headphones now.

The last time I sat down and watched the news was when the NH primaries were ending and even then I watched maybe a half hour before my brain started to hurt me from all the bullshit. Conservative and liberal news is all the same to me and I just don't have the patience for it.
Love the title: True, IMO.
TVs been off for a couple days but last night had to catch up on Mcmillions and the ol' fox sun nite lineup (not a plug)... simpsons, peter g etc
It's always just on in the background mostly anyway as she is always playing her games and im stuck here like an opium den gettin my fix... lol
Figure we save a few bucks too as that big ass plasma sucks the life outta the pole... figure of speech, perhaps? Perhaps not...................
TV and all other plastic ass devices has contributed greatly top the dumbing-down of the human race.... just my opinion
would love to ba atop a mountain dont need no tvs just french fried taters and mustard... mmmm...hmmm.