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Women Who Curse Like a Sailor, Do You Men Approve or Disapprove

Oh dear oh dear. You are butt hurt aren't you.

(And btw, the superfluous 'do' in your post makes you sound a bit mongy).
I'm fine with women who curse.

Did your boyfriend who you refuse to break up with say something to you about how you curse OP?
For me, the gender of the person swearing isn't important.
Some folks' approach to swearing is just to blurt out whatever "bad language" comes to mind when they are feeling emotional, one way or another. It tends to come out as non-sensical gibberish for these types of people.

Whereas some bastards just have a golden touch for blurting out chains of poetic profanity.

And a perfectly timed and executed swear word from a woman's mouth can be just as beautiful, powerful or vulgar - and appropriate as any guy.
I rather enjoy hearing "good swearer" make good use of this part of their vocabulary, in the right context.

And some cultures within the english language have perfected crude turns of phrase and dirty idioms into a fine art. This is particularly true of the working classes in certain rural parts of the UK.

Particuarly "bad swearers" rarely seem articulate or self-aware enough to have full control of their use of "rough language", or an understanding of when it is appropriate to do so.

So, coming back to the subject of women swearing; if i were to take a young lady round to my elderly grandparents' house to meet them, yet she cannot sit through a meal without dropping a bunch of curse words at the dnner table, i can't see myself inviting her back again. And it would probably change the way i thoight about her, if i wasn't expecting it.

My grandparents do have certain hang-ups about what is and isn't appropriate behaviour for men and women, respectively - but that's not really relevant to me; it's just about context, and in the example i've given - respect and self-awareness.
It would be no different if i took a male friend to have a meal with my grandparents and he did the same.
Or if he called my 10 year old nephew a cunt.

To me it suggests a person has "no class" - male or female, to use expletives inappropriate environments - be it in front of small children, a magistrate, in a job interview or dealing with a client at work - or whoever.

But amongst friends, in informal environments or in moments warranting an exclamation that carries a bit of strength, conviction - and a touch of well-placed vulgarity, judicious use of a bit of strong language can be bloody useful.

Love, hate, pleasure, pain, frustration, joy - there are so many ways a word like "fuck" can be used in.
Indeed, a well-timed swear can be a fucking beautiful thing.


Beautiful girl whispers "Make love to me" in your ear.

"Make love" was the unsexy euphemism we were told to use instead of "sex" in sex ed class at school.

Now, on the other hand, imagine a beautiful girl whispering "Fuck me!" in the same situation.

Which do you prefer? For me it is the latter. Shi - no fucking question about it.
Now, on the other hand, imagine a beautiful girl whispering "Fuck me!" in the same situation.

Someone would argue with you that a girl telling you to fuck her is far from swearing. Swearing means using offensive language, not using specific words. "Oh he used the word fuck or cunt then he MUST be swearing!". NO. Offensive is something subjective and if a girl says fuck you its not in anyway offensive * to you * since you are not offended. Someone has to be offended to be considered swearing,no ? If you say my dog fucked another dog and they had puppies why is this swearing ? Cause you used the word ? Most words have an objective/subjective meaning and can be used either way.

Although I do get what you want to say and read between the lines your example is bad.
Fuck is a "swear word" regardless of the context.

Swearing affectionately doesn't negate the fact that you are using a swear word.
It simply means that you are not swearing in a way designed to be offensive.
It is the word itself - not the intention of its use - that makes it a "dirty word".

For example, in Australia, a lot of people i know refer to their friends affectionately as "cunts".
"You're a funny cunt!", "you're a good cunt", "you're a tough cunt" are all said - and understood as compliments.

Yet if i said it in earshot of a 9 year old girl and her mother, do you think it would be reasonable for them to take offence?

Of course it would. Intended, contextual meaning of words does not overpower their widely agreed-upon definitions.

In the english language, swear words have definitions and understandings that are essentially fixed, regardless of the speaker's intention in using them.
Obviously language is fluid and meanings change constantly - but if you are arguing that "fuck" is only a swear word if it is used in a manner designed to cause offence, that's simply not true.

Try marketing a line of children's toys - such as dolls - called Sweet Little Dreamy Fucking Princess Tart to Mattel, and let me know how far you get pitching that idea.*

Definitions of words are essentially social agreements between large amounts of people. You can't take the taboo out of 'fuck' by claiminc you meant it in a nice way. It's nowhere near that simple.

* on the very very remote chance that mattel start manufacturing your little kiddy sweet dreamy fuck tart doll, i am staking my claim to at least a 50% cut of the profits. That's me being generous! And even more generous is the fact that you are entitled to full, 100% control all other financial liabilities. Sweet fucking deal, i reckon. Let me know how it works out for you.
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Well that's not the case with other languages.

Your mattel example is again stupid but again I can read between the lines and understand what you are saying. Its stupid because you are not using the word literally like I described. In other languages you could say to kids The male dog fucks the female dog and they have kids. This kid is a bastard, their parents are not married. This girl is a poutana or whore, she gets money for sex. In my language we dont really have particular swear words ( although there are some I guess) most words can be used in a good or bad way, depending on usage

Thanks for explaining and remind me how limited the English language is.
In my thinking using curse words is like trying to get power from using a single words instead of phrasing your words into a paraphrase that has much more power than simple saying with a curse word(s).

For me cursing while speaking means that you have already exhausted your supply of other options. If it happens straight away then your supply isn't big at first place. Also cursing puts me into alerted state like I am waiting for something bad like violence to happen soon which is a huge turn off atleast.

For some areas of life cursing just fits. Army is one and I have seen that whole company of guys slacking off has been put back to work by a single line with cursing words from a petite female officer yelling loudly. That did turn me on :p
yeah my Boyfriend doesn't like that I cuss, even though I have been since we first started dating. He says he just didn't notice.
Well that's not the case with other languages.

Your mattel example is again stupid but again I can read between the lines and understand what you are saying. Its stupid because you are not using the word literally like I described. In other languages you could say to kids The male dog fucks the female dog and they have kids. This kid is a bastard, their parents are not married. This girl is a poutana or whore, she gets money for sex. In my language we dont really have particular swear words ( although there are some I guess) most words can be used in a good or bad way, depending on usage

Thanks for explaining and remind me how limited the English language is.
The english language is unique in many regards.
Words i am talking aboit - fuck, shit, cunt et cetera are not use in common conversation without the intended meaning being to use a dirty word.
Instead of fuck, you might say "screw" or "damn". Instead of shit, and so on, there are plenty of more polite words (dending on the context) people would use - but there are a few words - sometimes called "four letter words" (i gave examples above) which are always considered to be curse words.
They are loaded with cultural baggage that gives the words a certain power, as well as taboo.
It is quite possible to swear in English without being especially vulgar. It is sometimes done very casually, with no desire to offend or be contensious.
I think the idea that swearing generally is offensive or taboo in the West is pretty rare these days - but to some people it is considered crass and an unimaginative way to speak, man or woman.

Language is a funny thing isn't it? I have taught english as a second langage, and the languager is so inconsistent.
No 'rules' we have vague 'patterns' and words stolen from every other language.
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I understand what you say.

You also said this :

Beautiful girl whispers "Make love to me" in your ear.

"Make love" was the unsexy euphemism we were told to use instead of "sex" in sex ed class at school.

Now, on the other hand, imagine a beautiful girl whispering "Fuck me!" in the same situation.

In school we were taught to say sex. We also differianted between have sex and make love in school. Sex is not a bad word in my country. It was never bad to say it. I think fuck me and make love to me both have their places and one is not the unsexy version of it. I like both the same depedning on if we are doing rough sex or passionate love. Do you understand why you feel that the fuck me is much better ? Because it was the illegal thing to say when you were young......... :) And that was what I wanted to point out in the first place... Nothing special just ramblin really and i hope you dont mind.

Have fun friend !

( PS make love in my country means any action of showing physical love like kissing down to sex and I still think it like that when I talk in english, am I wrong? ) and how do you say when two people are in bed if you are not sure what exactly they are doing ? Its wrong to say the make love unless you know they have sexual intercourse ? Else you say they make out ? This doesnt make any sense, english language isnt based on anything I agree its vague terms stolen and stitched
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How long have you been together with this guy that he is just now is getting irritated with your cursing? Maybe he is worried you would embarrass him in front of his family or in public. Or it didn't bother him before because your relationship is heading in a more serious direction. You should be able to feel comfortable being yourself with your friends. Do you think that you curse too much?

I like spacejunk's point of view, it depends on the context. I'm a woman and I think excessive swearing is unattractive for either sex. If need be, I can tear someone a new asshole pretty well without using curse words. But my dad cannot express any sort of everyday aggravation without being vulgar. He was discharged from his GP for dropping the f bomb on the receptionist over the phone. Needless to say, I have to make all the calls now. :(
I could give a fuck about what is said in private.

I like to keep a low profile at times in public but honestly I talk alot of shit to dumb cunts all the time.

Fuck it.
I actually often wonder this exact question...not so much will a man find it attractive..but how off putting is it or does it matter that much... i have a horrible mouth...filthy...but i swear i don't even realize I'm doing it... it's like I'm programmed to use foul language in every sentence that comes out of my mouth... even when I'm having internal dialog I'm cursing...i actually don't know why...lately it's been bothering me mostly because it's unintentional... i was in church for my niece's first holy communion and after mass was talking to my sister...just everyday random conversation and was dropping the F bomb like i was a drunken sailor...she (who curses all the time) was a little appalled and had to correct me...but i didn't even realize i was doing it... i often wonder if I'm at work having a conversation with patients or my boss doing it... I'm doing it right now in my head thinking "what the fuck, Dumb ass.. you sound like a fucking retard to these people who doesn't realize they fucking curse...fucking idiot" this is going thru my head as I'm trying not to curse while writing... so I'm wondering how trashy is it that i curse so much that i don't know I'm doing it until someone points it out?
I don't cuss, so I hope those around me would not do so, so much... However, a woman who speaks her mind rocks!!!
I think "curse words" are a legitimate part of the human language and have their place in anyones vocabulary. I wouldn't be put off by swearing whatsoever. I wouldn't really hold it against someone if they choose not to swear either but I sincerely don't think I could remove these words from my vocabulary completely at the insistence of someone else, they are as much a part of me as my penis. I would be being disingenuous to myself if I did. If anything I could probably use a little bit of self control, some situational awareness perhaps.
The only words i like to hear is her say "Oh fuck" when she cums.