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Woman incarcerated 47 days for spaghetti sauce on spoon. Almost pled guilty!


Dec 29, 2010

Drug charges have been dropped against a Commerce woman after crime lab analysis confirmed her claim that a spoon she had in a vehicle leading to her arrest did not contain methamphetamine residue but spaghetti sauce.

Ashley Gabrielle Huff, 23, initially was charged with possession of methamphetamine. She maintained the residue on a spoon was spaghetti sauce, not meth.

After the analysis agreed, the charge was dismissed. She was released from the Hall County Jail on Thursday night.

“I think she said it had been SpaghettiOs,” Hall County assistant public defender Chris van Rossem said.

Huff was arrested July 2 by the Gainesville Police Department, suspected of having meth residue on a spoon, van Rossem said.

“From what I understand, she was a passenger in a car and had a spoon on her, near her, and I guess the officer, for whatever reason, thought there was some residue,” he said.

According to the Hall County Comprehensive Justice Information System, Huff had not been charged with any type of felony or drug-related offense prior to the incident.

“She’s maintained all along that there’s no way in hell that’s any sort of drug residue or anything like that,” van Rossem said.

Attempts to obtain the original arrest report from the Gainesville Police were unsuccessful, and van Rossem was unfamiliar with other details related to the arrest. Gainesville Police spokesman Cpl. Kevin Holbrook said the department would defer to the district attorney’s office.

Van Rossem, who was assigned Aug. 11 to Huff, began the process of a plea deal. The district attorney’s office filed a dismissal Thursday following the crime lab’s analysis.

“The Crime Lab report showed no controlled substances on the spoon submitted for testing,” according to a dismissal signed by Northeastern Judicial Circuit District Attorney Lee Darragh.

Huff originally attempted going through the Hall County Drug Court but wasn’t able to make all the appointments, van Rossem said. Huff was then reincarcerated Aug. 2 and was unable to make the bond payment, he said.

“I think what the unfortunate part about her case is that she was probably willing to take the felony to close out her case so that she get out of jail, even though she always maintained innocence,” van Rossem said.

Attempts to reach Huff through her public defender were unsuccessful.

I think we should arrest people for having spaghetti residue on a spoon.
Makes about as much sense as arresting them for having drug residue.
And, seriously, SpaghettiOs? Think of the children! We must protect them!
The fact that she was willing to plead out to a felony just shows how fucked our system is.
She better be compensated because there clearly was no evidence strong enough to hold her. Unless a field test came back positive. then there would be evidence showing field tests are utter shit.
It blows my mind how often I hear stories of people getting charged with drug possession in the U.S. over a bit of residue. I can't imagine there are any other developed countries in the world doing that...
How do you even mistake spaghetti sauce for meth? What a weird and fucked up case.
I think they probably thought the red was blood???

But I mean, seriously, this is just inane.
She better be compensated because there clearly was no evidence strong enough to hold her. Unless a field test came back positive. then there would be evidence showing field tests are utter shit.

That is very astute of you:


Ashley Gabrielle Huff, 23, maintains the spoon had only spaghetti sauce. Gainesville police officers thought differently after conducting a field test of the spoon July 2.

The officer’s report states he received consent to search Huff’s 1994 Ford Explorer, and searched a bag with the name “Ashley” printed on it. The officer described Huff, a passenger, as “nervous,” noting sores on her face, arms and legs. Inside the bag was a spoon with a “clear, crystal-like substance,” according to the report.

“I tested the spoon with a field test kit, and the crystal-like substance on the spoon showed a positive indication for methamphetamine,” the report reads.

Maybe it was the phenylalanine in the sauce that produced a false positive? Phenylalanine is alpha-carboxy amphetamine.
What the fuck? Spaghetti sauce? Copping to felonies you didn't commit? I don't fucking understand it. At all.

If the police perform a field test, and someone is arrested, they should have to keep it as evidence, until they go to court or whatever. Because you can say you did a FT, and just lie about it.

As much as the cops fucked up, she's just as bad for sitting there and taking it. I would be fighting tooth and nail to prove my innocence and gtfo of jail. Jail sucks.

Fuck this dumb ass war on drugs, and especially fuck our justice system. "Guilty until proven innocent," is how it should really read.
What the fuck? Spaghetti sauce? Copping to felonies you didn't commit? I don't fucking understand it. At all.

If the police perform a field test, and someone is arrested, they should have to keep it as evidence, until they go to court or whatever. Because you can say you did a FT, and just lie about it.

As much as the cops fucked up, she's just as bad for sitting there and taking it. I would be fighting tooth and nail to prove my innocence and gtfo of jail. Jail sucks.

Fuck this dumb ass war on drugs, and especially fuck our justice system. "Guilty until proven innocent," is how it should really read.

She was just desperate to get out of jail. I'm sure they told her you can accept drug court and be released today or you can fight the case and sit on jail for who knows how long. If she really doesn't do drugs she probably thought drug court was a decent option since they will drop her case if she completes the program. You would be surprised what people will agree to after a month in jail.
What the fuck? Spaghetti sauce? Copping to felonies you didn't commit? I don't fucking understand it. At all.

If the police perform a field test, and someone is arrested, they should have to keep it as evidence, until they go to court or whatever. Because you can say you did a FT, and just lie about it.

As much as the cops fucked up, she's just as bad for sitting there and taking it. I would be fighting tooth and nail to prove my innocence and gtfo of jail. Jail sucks.

Fuck this dumb ass war on drugs, and especially fuck our justice system. "Guilty until proven innocent," is how it should really read.

She had a tweak pipe in the same bag
And i cant tell if the officer said she or her passenger had meth sores everywhere
This chick isnt as innocent/victimized as the article leads u to believe
Not the best picture to tell, but maybe someone wants to try blowing it up?

Oh that girls on the shit,can tell just by looking at her. Pure luck with the spaghetti sauce..probly gnna go twirl the pipe when she gets out and talk for hours about how she got arrested for spaghetti sauce on a spoon.
does not look im guilty mug to me, more like this is fucking crazy and I'm not sure I belive whats up smile to me and this is crazy lame??