Withdrawing from opiates starting today

IMHO it has been a god send. I started using piracetam about a month before I got off heroin. Now, to be frank, I'm on a suboxone program, so PAWS isn't really an issue regardless. But for a couple weeks between getting off the heroin at home and getting onto the suboxone through this outpatient program I'm at, during which time I didn't use any opiates, I found that the piracetam helped a lot. In my case I found it useful in terms of some certain GI problems I have when coming off opioids - i.e. runny stools. For some reason piracetam seemed to help this. It also gave me a bit more motivation/energy while in the acute phase of withdrawal. I might be a lucky case, but I believe it's worth a try (I mean, the stuff is cheap and safe so why not).

Totally do the gaming thing! I hear you 100% about that. When I was bad into w/d and had to escape I'd read thriller crime/lawyer novels and listen to KiD CuDi, which are my guilty pleasures :)

The username, well, it all goes back ten years or so ago, when had to choose a name for a long lost yahoo email account. At the time, I had just gone shopping and set the bag down next to the computer. It had some toothpaste in it. As I was thinking of an original name for my yahoo account, I was also eating a hot dog. So I was like, toothpaste+hotdog=toothpastedog.

Iono :) TPD has stuck though. who knows. I like to let my freak flag fly =D

Super glad to hear your being good to yourself. That's the most important thing right now. DO NOT BEAT yourself up. You have no reason to. Tomorrow you can get your game face on and go nuts and all, but for right now, just chill and be good to your mind and body.

Play your games. Tomorrow you can deal with another game... the game of life :)

Oooooohohhohohohoooo ;)
That's a funny story about your username. I just always liked the word "fascination". Maybe because when I was a teen I was a big Cure fan and they had that song "Fascination Street". Hmmm
I'll look into the piracetam if I have very bad PAWS.
From what you've posted so far, you're doing an AWESOME job! I'm glad someone immediately told you not to beat yourself up over your slip-up. Such a minor speed bump is not even worth getting upset about. You seem to have a great attitude, which is very helpful in a successful detox (but something I've never been able to keep while in withdrawals).

You're a few days in, and probably almost "over the hump". Things should start to get better now! Keep your head up, keep that positive attitude, and be proud of yourself for being strong. Keep us posted. This site has helped me countless times, and will be a great help in my upcoming challenge. Talking about your pain, stress, and emotions with others who've been there makes this process much more bearable. Plus, once you're clean and happy, you have SO many more people to tell your story to. Stay strong.