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withdrawal: ir oxy vs oxycontin


Jul 11, 2015
Hey BLers, quick question.

I looked but couldn't find anything..
Is the withdrawal from er oxcontin (op 80s to be specific.) Longer, and more drawn out than that of IR oxycodone hcl tablets (15,30 MG versions)? I know that the parent drug in both is oxycodone, but I was just curious if the continuous release version has a typically longer withdrawal, with a presumably lower intensity than that of IR oxycodone. Or is it more drawn out but equal intensity? Or just equally shitty? Just curious cause I know drugs like suboxone and methadone have 20-30 day withdrawals due to their excessive half life.
Thanks in advance <3
What's up delta.

OC's have been my DOC for years compared to IR's. And I have tried to get off both. I can tell you getting off of OC's (were talking cold turkey here) is about two days longer then the normal 3-4 day worst days of your life average. I like to think it's ever so slightly easier to get off of OC's over IR's, but honestly it probably isn't, it's probably just mental for me.

Now one thing that's insteresting is that getting of OC's is still easier then subs. I've been off subs too cold turkey, and even though they both have longer half lives, at least in comparison to IR's, subs are still a million times worse then either oxys. I'd still rate both forms of Oct at the same level on the crap scale of withdrawal, and subs reach a level of insanity in comparison.

But if you have a decent amount tapering is your best bet, especially because if the fact that you have OC's. The extended release really work on your side of you have the mental will power to stick with a schedule. I've done it without problems when I had enough of a supply to do so.

Hope this helps. I apologize for any grammer if misspellings, I'm using my phone.