Winter blast!


Moderator: SIED
Staff member
Jul 23, 2009
Well nolys inspired me to make my own blast thread so here it is.
Plan is 10-12weeks long.
As I'm coming off a cruise I'll build into the blast to make the most use of the short esters :
Weeks 1-10/12: test c 500mg/week
Weeks 3-10/12: tren a 350mg/week
Weeks 3-10/12: trest a 175mg/week
Weeks 7-10/12: epistane 50mg/day
Weeks 3-5: sdrol 10mg/day and 10mg pre-workout

The idea is to use moderate test and moderate trest as the mass builders with sdrol to really pack it on. The modest tren dose is to keep things tight and aggression and pretty much all the benefits of tren with minimal sides. The epistane is to polish it off and is a feel good hormone for me and help cut out some estrogen sides once the test and trest are booming. I got nolva on deck and Aromasin and am buying more nolva before kicking off this blast. Will be getting pharmacy grade so it'll be legit. Will be getting bloods done at about week 6to check liver after sdrol ran it's course before starting epi. I haven't obtained the orals yet so those are subject to change (may just get masteron instead of epi and do 300/week mast).
I'm trying to run lower doses and focus on training and nutrition. Overall looks solid to me but want some feedback.
What I don't get is how your making 4 vials last 7 weeks, what dosage are they?
They're 100mg/ml. So I'd use 50mg/day for starts. At that dose each vial lasts 20days or 80 days total which is 11 weeks. Though I plan to up it possibly to 75mg/day down the line.
That's what I was wondering lol.
Where's a good place to look up info on trest. Something that has interested me in the past
Not really much info out there. I'm essentially gonna be a Guinea pig and log results with it. It's a nandrolone class drug but is similar to tren in some respects and similar to Testosterone as well in that it aromatises. It goes by MENT too so you could try digging around for that.
Isn't it supposed to aromatise to estrogen quite a lot?
Isn't it supposed to aromatise to estrogen quite a lot?
There was some study I saw that says it aromatises to methylestrogen which is what dbol does too. I ain't even scurred lmao. I got good Aromasin and going to order pharma nolva/raloxifene soon to cover my precious nipple.
BTW got 60ml of 50mg/ml. Trest Ace coming my way this week hopefully :D
There was some study I saw that says it aromatises to methylestrogen which is what dbol does too.

Dbol aromatises into 17a-methylestradiol and trestolone aromatises into 7a-methylestradiol. They're two different things even though both are stronger estrogens than regular estradiol, which is what testosterone aromatises into.
Dbol aromatises into 17a-methylestradiol and trestolone aromatises into 7a-methylestradiol. They're two different things even though both are stronger estrogens than regular estradiol, which is what testosterone aromatises into.
Good finding! I'm not too smart when it comes to these things but am learning so thanks for that.
Hey Sero I'm doin a lil research and I've got a question for you, I sent you a FR. Idk the rules about source talk at blue light but I assume my Q is better suited for PM.
Hey Sero I'm doin a lil research and I've got a question for you, I sent you a FR. Idk the rules about source talk at blue light but I assume my Q is better suited for PM.

What? If you came here to source gtfo my forum.