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Will you raise (or have you raised) your kids to believe in Santa?

Will you raise (or have you raised) your kids to believe in Santa?

  • Yes, when I have kids I'll raise them to believe in Santa

    Votes: 30 52.6%
  • No, when I have kids I'll tell them the truth

    Votes: 12 21.1%
  • Yes, my kids already believe in Santa

    Votes: 3 5.3%
  • No, my kids don't believe in Santa

    Votes: 2 3.5%
  • I have allowed my kids to believe in Santa, but am unsure if I would again

    Votes: 1 1.8%
  • I'm not sure which way I'll go yet

    Votes: 9 15.8%

  • Total voters
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Who Stole The Cookie From The Cookie Jar?

diegoblunt said:
Heyyyyyyyy, wait a minute ... santa claus isn't real?

But who's been eating all my milk and cookies?

up at 4 am...
perhaps memmory a little hazy...
crumbs on the rug...
wake up with a milk-mo,
eze451 said:
someone brought up the fact that u should only be passing on things that u believe in to your kids..... ie we know santas not real so we shouldnt pass it on which might be the stupidest thing i ever heard

i should not pass on to my KIDS that 99% of the world are fuckwits, because they will figure that out for themselves as they get older, they might not be as cynical as i am naturally, so it would be wrong to raise them to believe that if they wouldnt think so of their own accord....

just because we know santa isnt real, doesnt mean its wrong to raise your child to believe in santa, they are just that, kids for gods sake, any child who would rather be sat down and taught about the environment and charity rather than open a whole bunch of gifts i feel sorry for to be honest...... you only get one shot at childhood, parents shouldnt ruin their kids by making them grow up too fast..... there is plenty of time to teach them about the environment and all that other stuff, its all about creating a fun little world for them..... who cares if none of it matters when they get out in the "real world", they will learn about that when they need to....

Christmas isn't a commercial venture, it's about happiness and bringing family together regardless of circumstances. I believe no one has any right to take that out of a childs life.
^^ and you don't need santa to have that either :)

eze - you don't think children can care about the world they live in and still live in a beautiful world with make believe? i'm not against make believe and magic and letting kids be kids. I just don't like what santa stands for.
you can have plenty of fun as a child without being lied to. even when i found out santa wasn't real when i was 5 years old, i viewed the thing as a pointless exercise. personally, i think it's a practical joke on behalf of parents to see just how ignorant their kids really are.
doofqueen said:
^^ and you don't need santa to have that either :)

eze - you don't think children can care about the world they live in and still live in a beautiful world with make believe? i'm not against make believe and magic and letting kids be kids. I just don't like what santa stands for.

for someone that's all about spiritual things and believing in fairies, it's kind of ironic that you don't want anyone to believe in Santa or the Easter Bunny because they are "bad"......

You obviously have not been reading as to why i think they are then....
you think it's one huge global corporations commercial venture, I guess ?

Christmas and holidays aren't about commercialism though, it's just that it also provides another outlook on life by sharing presents and good times with one another.
no i'm not saying all holidays are for that. I'm saying that santa specifically is evil :X
keystroke said:
Christmas and holidays aren't about commercialism though, it's just that it also provides another outlook on life by sharing presents and good times with one another.

Bwahahahahaha so it's totally co-incidental that it generates an absofuckinglutely enormous profit for every single retail outlet thats open?

No fucking way I'd have kids and tell em bullshit. There's enough cynical whingers who've grown up having their little bubbles shattered one by one till they're just this mass of bitterness at the world for telling them so much crap. Tell them the truth straight out, and they'll grow up knowing the truth which is a fuckload more than most of us could say we've had. Anyway the thing is, its not like there's any cause for complaint given the world might be shite but this country's well off by comparison, so there might not be a fucking Santa Claus, but there's food on your plates... ;)

Then again, the chances of me actually voluntarily producing any spawn in the indefinite future are fucking low, (thankfully, as many would say). ;)

-plaz out-
What I can't stand even more than the whole myth of Santa Claus etc. is parents repeatedly coming up with deeper and in-depth lies to cover up what their child may have discovered.

As stated ages ages ago in this thread I will never raise my (if I ever have any) kids to believe in Santa etc. I don't mind if people do but for fuck's sake if your kid has figured it out, don't keep on lying and making up more complex lies. You'll do its poor head in.

And I hate it when I hear parents bragging about how they reconvinced their kid to believe in Santa Claus when they were having doubts. That's not clever, tricking your child, it's evil and deceitful.
haha I miss DQ. We don't have anyone left to post threads like this. =D

Seriously though, you people are taking things way too seriously and your kids are going to grow up being the most boring block-heads in existence.

Santa is FUN! I think it's a great myth which creates excitement and joy and I can't see the harm in that. Parents lie to their children all the time and usually do so for their own good. eg If you don't eat your crusts your hair will go curly. I think the only time lies are TRULY harmful are when they don't benefit the child.

What DQ is saying about fairies is so hypocritical I'm not even going to bother answering it. And I think the fact she believes in fairies is more damaging than allowing a child to believe in Santa while they're young.

For some people Christmas is about who gets the best presents but that's not what it was in my childhood. We usually got one or two things we really wanted and then a whole lot of little presents that my parents wrapped individually [because in reality, there was just as much joy in opening presents as there was in playing with them!] I don't understand why some people want to take away some of the only mystery left in the lives of children and basically turn them into mini-adults.
i remember in my first year of primary school my teacher called my mother to the school to have a "serious chat" with her as she believed there was a "problem"... i got home from school that day and my mother told me of the meeting arranged for the following day and asked if there was anything i wanted to tell her before she found out for herself? i had no fucking clue what she was talking about so answered no... my mother took me to school the next morning and sat in with my teacher before class while i played in the schoolyard... she returned with fury, grabbed me by the arm and said "were going home!"... i didnt dare ask my mother what had happened as she looked super pissed... we got home, walked inside and mum asked me to go to my room while she sorted through a telephone book...

i was shitting bricks by this stage wondering what i had done wrong when my mother called me out to the living room... "kytn, you start at your new school tomorrow... its kind of a trial/special school, i know you will love it there, its called a montessori, you can be yourself there"... i couldnt even say the word, let alone know what the meaning was... it wasnt spoken about again...

i asked my mum a few years later what happened that day, and she explained that my teacher called her in to tell her that i had "too great of an imagination" and that my wild imaginatings were that far from the truth that she worried i would have problems in years to come deciphering truth from fantasy... she asked my mother to explain to me that "things arent real"...my mother was disgusted and had no hesitation in telling her that she couldnt believe a grown woman had become that bitter that she would try and kill a childs imagination and belittle them for being children (among other things)... my mother said "i will not let anyone take anything from you"... and i have that same moral with my daughter...

that moment stays in my mind in my mid-twenties...santa never hurt me, i dont have a single bad memory regarding christmas or being that excited that id fight sleep all night just to catch a glimpse of this generous man who would reward me for good behaviour, not scar me for fault, or any wild imagining... only adults scar children, not the "unreal"...


P.S John Marsden is a dick...
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