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Will tyrosine be helpful


Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 3, 1999
I plan to have adderall half the month and then supplement tyrosine the rest of the month, w/o adderall I barley feel anything under 30mg. That’s my own problem.
Would tyrosine help both boost the efficiency of my dosages if I’m using 30+ mg a day of adderall and coffee. And when I decide to stop, to conserve pills cause I don’t have shit to do today everything’s done. But I’m still taking my meds. But they feel Like they aren’t working I’m also using dr emils 5htp and triple calm magnesium, and sun theanine to boost my klonopin atarax combo at night so far I can sleep well, eat well and I’m focused but I don’t feel focused enough i feel I need 20 in the morning and 20 in the evening. I been on stims since 5. So, I know what helps. The first few doses were amazing but I ran outta tyrosine and it seems to be to early to built a tolerance at current dosing/intervals. Ima order some anyways
will help the first 3 days mybe then there a downregulation will happen to Tyrosine hydroxylase that convert tyrosine to levodopa and downrgulation to AADC enzyme that will convert levodopa to dopamine this tolerance is semi-permanent, the best way to interact with a neurotransmitter is agonisting it directly with an agonist to avoid tolerance in good degree
Ok so when I stop taking adderall cause I plan to take it half the month and half off. How would you space out tyrosine given the fact I’m also working out using grass fed garden of life whey mixed with hemp protein? I just ordered 2 bottles. Not for the trend but I noticed at 2- 3 grams I feel almost like what I get from my prescribed stims. But I also take 5htp so I’ll quit that cause I know that serves to downregulate my natural tyrosine. Long story short I got 15mg for the morning I’ll get what I need done today. Thank you
Hey Funeral. Glad to see you posting and it sounds like you are getting healthier. Why do you use your addies in a 2 week on /off manner as opposed to the daily requirement. Are you running out or trying to decrease your tolerance? You sound like you also might be a little happier than you were for the last few weeks. Hope whatever you are doing is working for you and that you and your girl are doing better.
Hey Funeral. Glad to see you posting and it sounds like you are getting healthier. Why do you use your addies in a 2 week on /off manner as opposed to the daily requirement. Are you running out or trying to decrease your tolerance? You sound like you also might be a little happier than you were for the last few weeks. Hope whatever you are doing is working for you and that you and your girl are doing better.
Not really with the girl but as for myself. I’m doing great so yet to be remains about that. And no just trying to not being tolerant. But I may just ask for an increase to 30mg a day instead of 20 15 morning 15 11am. My mornings are ungodly early (5-6) am
will help the first 3 days mybe then there a downregulation will happen to Tyrosine hydroxylase that convert tyrosine to levodopa and downrgulation to AADC enzyme that will convert levodopa to dopamine this tolerance is semi-permanent, the best way to interact with a neurotransmitter is agonisting it directly with an agonist to avoid tolerance in good degree
But to be clear tyrosine doesn’t increase any effects of adderall right? Making it more effective ?
with enough dosage in short term it will increase adderall effect but semi-permanent tolerance will develop after 3 days
Yeah I’ve noticed that. Not willing to discuss much but dosages certainly don’t do what they should. And tyrosine has became a trend so the prices are being inflated ima just cut the stims for about 2 weeks outta the month so I have extra I can have for later. Dextro Amp is good for a lot of thing other the ADHD. And hard to come by with a current script for Clonazepam. So do you think I can just avoid buying tyrosine and just eat high protein to help restore it naturally. I worry cause without adderall I lack any motivation. That’s more sorta a discipline issue I’m working on, hence the adderall script for short term. But I wanna get the most and I don’t wanna rock the boat anymore then 30mg of adderall a day and 1mg of klonopin at night with hydroxizine.
Most of my shit is done now I can chill, so with my current nootropic stack of triple calm, suntheanine. Green tea around the clock to help flush and gallons of water as I hear creatine may help glutamate receptors and I’m currently working out more then I ever have.
But I wanna start saving money and finding healthy foods that carry this cause nootropics are not covered by insurance lol.
Ok so when I stop taking adderall cause I plan to take it half the month and half off. How would you space out tyrosine given the fact I’m also working out using grass fed garden of life whey mixed with hemp protein? I just ordered 2 bottles. Not for the trend but I noticed at 2- 3 grams I feel almost like what I get from my prescribed stims. But I also take 5htp so I’ll quit that cause I know that serves to downregulate my natural tyrosine. Long story short I got 15mg for the morning I’ll get what I need done today. Thank you

It's the depletion of Serotonin that results in tolerance to L-Tyrosine biosynthesis. The brains reward system has a safety mechanisms and if you have too many Catecholamine neurotransmitters occupying the pre-synaptic vesicles you'll have less Serotonin, then the brain will simply refuse to biosynthesise anymore Catecholamine neurotransmitters from Tyrosine until Serotonin levels have been replenished. The same occurs in reverse with 5-HTP/L-Tryptophan. If your Serotonin levels get too high, then there's not enough pre-synaptic vesicle space to store and adequate amount of Catecholamine's. So once again, the safety mechanism kicks in and the brain will simply refuse to convert Tryptophan into more Serotonin until a healthy balance of Catecholamine's have been restored.

So in summary, use both L-Tyrosine and 5-HTP together. A 10:1 dosage ratio seems to be the common consensus. So if you're taking 2000mgs of L-Tyrosine, take it together with 200mgs of 5-HTP. This will maintain a healthy balance between the Catecholamine and Serotonin neurotransmitters and the brain will continue to biosynthesize both amino acids until the pre-synaptic vesicles are fully loaded. The dosage of L-Tyrosine required will depend on your daily Amphetamine dosage and unfortunately I haven't done enough research yet to tell you what this dosage should be. But whatever the dosage is. Take it in a 10:1 ratio with 5-HTP.

A couple of other things. Take them late evening 7-8pm. Not in the morning pre-Adderall. The whole point is to replenish these neurotransmitters so your dosage remains consistently effective the next day. Taking it in the morning will simply boost the effects of the Adderall, but that boost will be short lived. Timing is very important. Also, avoid using 5-HTP if you happen to be taking any Anti-Depressants (SSRI's or MAOI's) and don't take it for at least 2 weeks after stopping your anti-depressant if you're currently using one.