Will my brother ever be normal again?

I have no idea how long recovery is from that, but there's a site dedicated to the addiction and to recovery that has some stories you may want to browse through.


Please keep us updated on his progress and how he does through withdrawal/PAWS. I would love to know what his final diagnosis is in a year or so. Two years is a long time on that stuff, he actually sounds pretty lucid to be hitting it that hard for so long. I lost my sanity pretty early on, and didn't have the where-with-all to even notice any withdrawal or PAWS getting off it, and my experience wouldn't be valid anyway as I was going through benzo withdrawal from quitting cold turkey after using daily for ten years (literally couldn't remember my name at times).
I have no idea how long recovery is from that, but there's a site dedicated to the addiction and to recovery that has some stories you may want to browse through.


Please keep us updated on his progress and how he does through withdrawal/PAWS. I would love to know what his final diagnosis is in a year or so. Two years is a long time on that stuff, he actually sounds pretty lucid to be hitting it that hard for so long. I lost my sanity pretty early on, and didn't have the where-with-all to even notice any withdrawal or PAWS getting off it, and my experience wouldn't be valid anyway as I was going through benzo withdrawal from quitting cold turkey after using daily for ten years (literally couldn't remember my name at times).
Wow I didn't even know that site existed. Thanks so much for the info. You are a huge help. Yeah I will post the progress of his recovery. It must have been tough still recovering after 10 years on benzos. Glad you made it out and helping others!
Zyprexa is pretty much perfect for rapidly and efficiently arresting psychosis and/or mania.

Long term, Zyprexa has profound negative effects like weight gain, insulin resistance, and other unhealthy metabolic effects.

So, if after your brother is stable the Doc decides to move him to another med, there are good reasons for doing that.
Zyprexa is pretty much perfect for rapidly and efficiently arresting psychosis and/or mania.

Long term, Zyprexa has profound negative effects like weight gain, insulin resistance, and other unhealthy metabolic effects.

So, if after your brother is stable the Doc decides to move him to another med, there are good reasons for doing that.

I could be wrong, I've never taken antipsychotics...but don't most drugs in that class have those side effects and worse? Just curious.
I could be wrong, I've never taken antipsychotics...but don't most drugs in that class have those side effects and worse? Just curious.
Haliperidol was one of the weirdest drugs I've ever taken. I think there were more side effects than primary ones. But the over riding effect was one of immense calming. I could have been chucked off a cliff and just think 'oh well..'

I suppose that's what they're there for.
Haliperidol was one of the weirdest drugs I've ever taken. I think there were more side effects than primary ones. But the over riding effect was one of immense calming. I could have been chucked off a cliff and just think 'oh well..'

I suppose that's what they're there for.

Interesting. I didn't realize they were calming. Years ago my psychiatrist offered me Abilify to complement my Zoloft as I was on the highest dose and it was no longer effective. I turned it down because I was already on Xanax and Zoloft and was losing faith in meds for my OCD, and was going to get off them and explore other solutions. I almost regret not trying it because it was such a stressful time in my life I wonder if I could have held it together better. On the other hand I read account about how systemically hard antipsychotics are, and how terrible it is to get off them and I'm glad I didn't as quitting benzos, alcohol, and the SSRI was long and excruciating lol.
I could be wrong, I've never taken antipsychotics...but don't most drugs in that class have those side effects and worse? Just curious.
An older antipsychotic that doesn't cause weight gain is Moban (molindone), not used much anymore. Geodon (ziprasidone) and Abilify (arapiprazole) are supposed to have much lower risk of weight gain and metabolic problems for most patients. Weight gain and metabolic problems are so common with Zyprexa you could almost say they are expected. But every agent has some problems. Geodon has the potential to cause some cardiac problems in some people, it requires twice a day dosing and has to be taken with food, as an example.
spice is pretty nasty stuff I hope he gets better soon
True. Although 'spice' is a completely ambiguous term. There's a whole galaxy of these synth-cannibinoids that they use to make the different versions.

What's sad is that the original 'spice' contained a couple of synth-noids that were actually very similar to cannabis itself, with very few side effects. If they had let that be, we wouldn't have 1/100th of the problems we got now. But once again the establishment knee-jerked and banned it impulsively because of media frenzy.

I hope I live to see the day when they have the revelation that prohibition simply does not help. Were they to legalise cannabis, ecstasy and mushrooms, and I think that would make a make dent in the drug problem. If only..