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Will I be ok if I iv a small dose of heroin just once and then go straight back to smoking


Apr 13, 2013
Question says it all on the title really I got a little pinch of powder probably 5-10 lines but I hopefully might be able to get some tomorrow if I can sell my bike but I got nothing until then ain't got any methadone either because I had the whole 3 days with in one take to ur time answering I'm in no rush I'm also homeless again but it's minor cus Its warmer now and I know a public bathroom I can kip it's not hygienic and I'm a clean freak but I need my sleep...
Have you ever shot heroin before? Just once isn’t really a realistic outcome.

Chances are if you have a habit and use methadone shooting a small amount of heroin will not cause overdose but IV greatly increases chances of death.

Do you have access to a clean needle? Clean water? These are the serious things you need to honestly answer. And by clean needle I mean unused or new.

Throwing needles in the mix while homeless and addicted to heroin is almost a death sentence. It’s not a good equation and the desire to get well will overcome the fear of disease. I’ve seen great people use dirty needles because the drugs and the rush are more important than their well-being.

If you must IV it please use a clean needle and bottled water. Sink water if you must but it can have bacteria in it that will cause a cotton fever like reaction or worse.

If you don’t have access to a clean needle I really suggest you don’t share. If you must I’d wash it out with bleach and water as many times as you can stand to do. If you don’t have bleach just water personally I’d probably use a lighter to sanitize the needle, wash it out with water at least 10 times. But I’m no medical professional and I’m unsure if using heat on the needle could be dangerous.

God bless be safe.
If you haven't shot heroin before don't start now. You'll never go back because shooting it is simply more efficient. I know from experience 😳
I don't think that it will raise your tolerance as much as the methadone already does if that's what you are asking, but if you only have a very small amount and a poor technique you just may lose that small amount by missing so idk if it is worth it, plus maybe you will like it much more than you think and it will result in a bigger problem. just keep smoking it, sorry to hear that you are homeless, stay strong
Question says it all on the title really I got a little pinch of powder probably 5-10 lines but I hopefully might be able to get some tomorrow if I can sell my bike but I got nothing until then ain't got any methadone either because I had the whole 3 days with in one take to ur time answering I'm in no rush I'm also homeless again but it's minor cus Its warmer now and I know a public bathroom I can kip it's not hygienic and I'm a clean freak but I need my sleep...

Shit mate, sorry to hear you're homeless again. Can't begin to imagine how bad that is in winter with a habit.

As others have said, if you've never IVd before, then this is the worst time to start. It's very hard to go back to smoking after experiencing IV - it never satisfies. I myself tried to get back to smoking after an IV habit and it was a waste of time. So much so that I decided to just throw in the towel and sack it completely.

For future reference, don't fuck about with your script. It's your lifeline. However much you use gear on top, please don't leave yourself short of methadone...
Please don't, the chances of it being "just this once" are virtually zero. You will almost certainly look back on this moment with regret if you try it.
I didn't do it and probably wouldn't have but if I wanted to I could, I know a pharmacy that sells any needle any amount I could walk in and get 100 needles for free if I wanted to anyway i just can't help thinking sometimes what IV would be like even though my addiction is over all a lot better controlled and less chaotic since I got on methadone although I had some real nice stuff last night quite a big size for a ten bag actually (compared to what the guy normally does at that price)had it all last night and was still high all day today since having my methadone a few hours ago I feel really good now lol got some nice weed as well
I didn't do it and probably wouldn't have but if I wanted to I could, I know a pharmacy that sells any needle any amount I could walk in and get 100 needles for free if I wanted to anyway i just can't help thinking sometimes what IV would be like even though my addiction is over all a lot better controlled and less chaotic since I got on methadone although I had some real nice stuff last night quite a big size for a ten bag actually (compared to what the guy normally does at that price)had it all last night and was still high all day today since having my methadone a few hours ago I feel really good now lol got some nice weed as well
I'm sure you could do it if you wanted to, but deep down you know it would be a very bad decision. You definitely made the right choice.
If you start IVing heroin when you're already homeless and selling your stuff to buy more you're only going to make your life considerably more difficult.

Look at the bigger picture mate, listen to your inner voice, the one that truly knows what's best for you and not the primate instinct that wants to self-sabotage.
I really hope you choose not to IV, but if you do: You must know for a fact, be 100% certain, that what you are injecting is from known batch.
Just carry on smoking it i know the urge to try iv it i smoked it for 13 years and i went close to iv it a few times but a promise to wife kept me from it. You in a bad place bro dont make shit worse
Question says it all on the title really I got a little pinch of powder probably 5-10 lines but I hopefully might be able to get some tomorrow if I can sell my bike but I got nothing until then ain't got any methadone either because I had the whole 3 days with in one take to ur time answering I'm in no rush I'm also homeless again but it's minor cus Its warmer now and I know a public bathroom I can kip it's not hygienic and I'm a clean freak but I need my sleep...
Bro you cant IV H just once...one time and your hooked. Dont go down that road.
Please don't, the chances of it being "just this once" are virtually zero. You will almost certainly look back on this moment with regret if you try it.


I'm really sorry for your situation, I've been homeless and with a habit, it's horrible.

But if you start IVing, it's extremely likely that's how you will continue to use it.

While I have enormous experience with heroin, I actually started out IVing so I don't really have much experience with having used it some other way then getting into IVing.

But to me, using heroin and IVing it may as well be the same thing. I don't use it any other way and neither did pretty much anyone I knew in that life. Even if people had started with some other route, eventually they tried IV and never stopped.

So the longer you can stay away from it the better, it's just one more line you can't uncross.

I see this thread is now a few months old, I hope things have improved. You don't wanna end up stuck in the street with a heroin habit. The shit people tend to get into when things that bad is shit you tend to carry with you long after you get out, if you get out.