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Will bouncers confiscate Poppers (Amyl Nitrite) ?


Feb 23, 2005
Will bouncers confiscate Poppers (Amyl Nitrate) ?

I was wondering if I had a small bottle of Jungle Juice on me when I entered a big Sydney rave (or possibly a club) and the bouncers asked me to empty my pockets ect as they do on entry and they saw the jungle juice bottle what would they do?

As far as I know amyl nitrate (poppers) is legal to possess here in Australia but would a bouncer know that? Would he demand to confiscate it or not let me in with it? Could he get even more paranoid and make a scence such as not letting me in at all or even calling the cops?

Just wondering because I really am not going to be bothered smuggling a bottle in to a rave... I'd much rather be honest and upfront to bouncers about my legal drugs that I'm taking into an event ....and save the other ones for smuggling in ;)

Would love to hear from anyone who has taken or does take poppers into raves...

Nitrite not nitrate.

Tell them it's a room air refreshener. It's illegal to sell as "poppers" but legal to sell as an "air freshener".
It's one of those situations where it will be the sole discretion of the security/bouncer searching you. At midnight at the door of a club when the bouncer sees you take whatever it is out of your pocket (amyl, nitrous oxide, box of nurofen, berocca, anything) they will make a decision whether to confiscate or let you have it back. When they take it, you're gonna have almost no say in whether you get the item back (even if it's 'put aside' for you to pick up when you leave, if you ever see it again) unless you can really prove you need it inside the club for some reason... doesn't matter whether you call it air freshener or not, even a bouncer isn't dumb enough to think you are going to use it legitimately inside the nightclub!

Security staff primarily respond to anything that falls outside a fairly narrow range of acceptable behaviours or scenarios. If they see something unexpected when searching you, they'll confiscate it or knock you back as a first reaction. Everything runs smoother when security see nothing unexpected.

BigTrancer :)
I have been at a melbourne venu were inside a friend was seen using, had it confiscated and was thrown out.
Please be careful when carrying amyl nitrite with you to an event, that the lid is secured tightly. It can give you very unpleasant chemical burns that you likely won't notice until the next morning. Yowch.
DAMN cos the plan I was thinkin of was to pass one around socially with buddies when rolling hard in a big arse rave while standing right in the lasers or while chillin on the benches and all be peaking together.... Kinda don't want to have to conceal it especially cos when you're off chops that might be a bit impossible!

Thanks for the tip about the sock... So sounds like there are ppl out there who take poppers into raves! I'm not so sure about having a big bulge in my sock though. I know security isn't usually that thorough but still even once I get in, the bottle would still be a bit of a risk of getting thown out once we start using it...

Hmm... maybe just maybe I can fit enough in a couple of those tiny vials you get with purfume samples... do you think if I could pour the shit in there it would last 4 enough hits? Then if I take some in and security sees us using it or whatever it will be in a bottle with a purfume label on it and I could say (with huge eyes & big smiles) "I'm smelling the purfume! It smells fucking great!"=D And I wouldn't be lying would I? Cos I've heard its sold as a room orderizer (that's technically purfume isn't is it?) I mean I'm thinking security must have seen a few ekki-childs runnin around all happy with the vicks inhailers by now and not bothered to do anything to trouble them. What do ya think?
bouncers are dodgy they will confiscate n e thing that they can make money off or piss you off about my past 2 dealers have been bouncers and i know of 3 or 4 other bouncers round north of tas who also do it so if a bouncer can a bouncer will!!
Try Propyl, Butyl or even Cyclohexyl Nitrite instead then.


I heard somewhere that gay men use the rectal-relaxing property of poppers to facilitate penetration. A close friend of mine took his first few hits of poppers and spent the next five minutes on the floor, laughing uncontrollably with tears in his eyes, and repeating, "how do they have anal sex?"
Don't know about Amyls being gay but I've heard most the people who use them are..... Hah har har :D

Sorry couldn't help myself on that one!!... hey man I've you've got some constructive crittisisim them I've love to hear it like what popper have you done and If you've done it while rolling hard ect. otherwise its pretty usuless....

I have yet to try poppers and from what I've heard they aren't anything that hugely fantastic.... but have also heard they're amazing when rolling hard ;) ... I mean It got me thinking when I read about so meany ppl using simple vicks inhailers to make them peak when rolling! ....have also heard that cream bulbs (Nitrous Oxide) is pretty damn amazing when rolling hard also.... But somehow I don't think you're gonna be able to sneak that into a rave too easy:\ .... have to save that one for the bush doofs;)

One thing that I just thought of.... What would be funny but is if ya had a tank.... oh man how cool would that be!!... just fill up a stack of ballons tie strings on them and give them to the girl in the group who looks the youngest and the most convicing little raver child.... bet the security at the front door would have no idea and let her stright in with em!! Later on in the rave you and all ya buddies when rolling hard start huffin down all the balloons!!!=D

N E 1 got a spare NO2 tank they wanna lend us bluelighters B 4 the next big rave???8)
I thought Amyl Nitrate was illegal in Australia and had been replaced by Butyl Nitrate. I don't intend to provide a source but the stuff i bought, all be it many years ago was through a gay newspaper and was advertised as video head cleaner. This stuff was Butyl Nitrate, which i was told at the time was all that was allowed by law. (i asked when i phoned through the order)

Having had both i clearly feel the Amyl was far superior to the Butyl, Butyl left a very 'unclean' feeling after administration.

just fill up a stack of ballons tie strings on them and give them to the girl in the group who looks the youngest and the most convicing little raver child....
Offtopic: The problem is that security know, and even most ravers know that balloons are supposed to float. Helium balloons do, because they're lighter-than-air, but nitrous oxide on the other hand is not (more like ~twice as dense as air at a given pressure).

Back to the topic: linusSL, AFAIK isobutyl nitrite would be most likely to be found in your bottle. Amyl nitrate is not allowed to sold, last I checked.

BigTrancer :)
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i had amyl nitrate that a friend got from an adult shop whilst rolling and whilst completely straight and on both occasions it was nothing to get excited about. Just gives you a bit of a head rush.
Companies I e-mailed said that Jungle Juice was no problem legally and they have been sending poppers to us Aussies for quite some time with no problems they've heard of.... Amsterdam poppers is Amyl Nitrite and Jungle Juice is Isopropyl Nitrite (AKA Amyl Nitrite so I've read) I've read reviews saying they have the most kick... also 1 other is Rochfort I've read is ok (Butyl Nitrite) but is rather a high that builds up rather that a kick... Can't say I've tried or buyed as yet but I plan on ordering some JJ from overseas since I read it is the best as opposed to some shitty brand 'video head cleaner' from a porn shop that is likely to be weak and give headaches... plus I found a site with very cheap shipping and they said shipping to Aussies is no problem....
BigTrancer said:

Back to the topic: linusSL, AFAIK isobutyl nitrite would be most likely to be found in your bottle. Amyl nitrate is not allowed to sold, last I checked.

BigTrancer :)

This purchase went back as far as 1993 (if my poor ass old memory serves) and Amyl had only just been declared an illegal/controlled substance. I find it quite strange that the alternative lifestyle magazines can be allowed to advertise 'video head cleaner' when it is quite obviously not the intended use for the product.

And Ekstasis-//7, your quite right about the headaches from the Butyl, it was pleasant for a while but got unenjoyable very quickly. Unlike the Amyl that a friend hand introduced me to a year os so before i went looking for some myself.
thanks phase_dancer, great information. All the answers you are looking for is rigt there kids. It's funny, but of all the recreational drugs i have used poppers has always stuck in my mind as being the one i felt was the worst for me.

guess this proves the possibility of that theory.
yeah i think they would confiscate it...damn in melbourne they are such pricks especially at the more exclusive/late night clubs... they are usually coked off thier faces and looking for someones night to ruin, also it does make the club look a tad seedy and ammyl isn't the most marketable drug, although its good for abit of a laugh on a pill comparisons to chroming are not without merit!