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Wilderness Programs - Forced Rehab

that was the original one that was like that, but there's tons of programs called "wilderness programs" all over the country now that cater to 15-20 years old behavioral/drug problem kids....I ended up in an aftercare program with a lot of kids that had been to them...

i wouldnt mind doing one of those things, sounds pretty cool actually.
Shit man, Moab is in the middle of fucking nowhere. Just big ass red rocks everywhere. That would be hell to be forced out there. I went there to go wheeling one year, but I can just imagine being held captive there. I'd probably run off and steal a car too, fuck that shit. Someone's getting straight up car jacked and robbed- get me the fuck out of there.

Dub, @ that link you posted, everyone in those pictures looks fucking miserable besides the staff with their creepy fake smile. If I was a parent I'd already know something was up. Also, under the FAQ tab there is a "False Accusations" section that covers negative press... uh, really? There's another red flag.
Scary shit man, I feel bad for those kids even if they are 'bad children'.
Yea its bullshit bro, basically they use military style brainwashing techniques and make you feel like you're a huge piece of shit, then they "build" your self-esteem back up. And at the ages that kids are being sent there most kids are just trying to figure out where they fit in with life and their peers, not intentionally being a bad kid or anything. There were kids there that got sent there at 12 and kids like me that luckily were almost 18 and could leave at 18. But man that place was a complete joke.
Ahhh, the old "tear you down to build you up" philosophy....Man, I've had some horrible experiences at rehabs before, never "wilderness programs", but in a way, those sound even worse than the rehabs I've been too in many ways!

They try to marry the ideas of self-sufficiency, responsibilty and recovery with this whole "survivalist" thing....It's just weird!.....It's supposed to be "everyone works together to survive in the wilderness!".....and that's supposed to somehow translate back into "surviving in the real world without drugs", I guess....It seems to make sense to the parents that send their kids there....And if it was just "camping out" in the desert or forest or whatever, I guess it would be pretty cool....but from the stories I've heard, it's a far cry from just "camping out"....

They pretty much make you live like a cave-man, starting fires with sticks, building shelters, shit like that....And then they have some traditional rehab group therapy shit thrown in...on top of that, head games and psychological torture techniques pretty much seem to be the norm!

Of course, the kids that I met that were getting sent there were generally doing worse things than just skipping school and getting high....they were doing things like stealing cars and beating up teachers....starting fires! More extreme shit like that!

When I was a teenager, I just wanted to party all the time and get laid! Id never come home when my parents told me! I'd never go to school! Sure, I got into fights here and there, but I pretty much stayed under the radar and did my thing....

I always knew kids that were into beating people up and randomly vandalizing things, but that was never my scene, so I got labelled more as a "slacker" than a "behavior problem"...
Honestly, if they just did it like a regular camp like boyscout camp or something I bet most people would come out better. Some people just need to break the cycle, and can do without the whole drill Sergent screaming in your face bit. If you just treat them like normal people it can go a long way towards building their self esteem, while avoiding breaking it down first.
Come to think of it everyone I know that has died of heroin overdoses had gone to rehabs that their family had forced them into, or at least gave them an ultimatum of rehab or the streets (so still basically forcing them to go).

Same here, I know more than a few people that died of heroin od after there family turned there backs on them
Honestly, if they just did it like a regular camp like boyscout camp or something I bet most people would come out better. Some people just need to break the cycle, and can do without the whole drill Sergent screaming in your face bit. If you just treat them like normal people it can go a long way towards building their self esteem, while avoiding breaking it down first.

Yeah, I'm sayin'! I went to boyscout camp as a 11-12 yeard old, and it was pretty cool! ha...

They have you out in the middle of fuckin nowhere anyway, why fuck with you?!

Shit, if you took me out into the middle of nowhere right NOW and told me all I could do was chill and toast marshmallows and swim in a lake, I really wouldn't care! I'd probably have a good time! Why do they have to turn it into this big mind-fuck?!
I was sent to Second Nature in Utah when I was 15. Was there for ~10 weeks, then was sent to a "therapeutic boarding school" in Virginia and was there for 25 months. Only ever got 1 year of regular high school. Really wish I had been able to have a normal school experience; as I've lived my life since I got out, I'm realizing I didn't learn certain social ques or have experiences I would have had otherwise and that it can be difficult as a result. There was also this contract I agreed to that extended for a year after I left that restricted me. ugh. I guess it may have helped me a bit but all in all it was a serious loss of time, money, friends, and my youth.
I was sent to Second Nature in Utah when I was 15. Was there for ~10 weeks, then was sent to a "therapeutic boarding school" in Virginia and was there for 25 months. Only ever got 1 year of regular high school. Really wish I had been able to have a normal school experience; as I've lived my life since I got out, I'm realizing I didn't learn certain social ques or have experiences I would have had otherwise and that it can be difficult as a result. There was also this contract I agreed to that extended for a year after I left that restricted me. ugh. I guess it may have helped me a bit but all in all it was a serious loss of time, money, friends, and my youth.

I feel the same way man having been in Cross creek when i was 17/18. I feel like i'm missing something that everyone else learned in high school not only social but academic as well. If you've read the posts earlier it turned out that none of the credits i got there were good. I had one of those "home contracts" too, but it only lasted about a month because i was 18 when i went home and they couldn't really enforce it. Luckily, my parents have come to their senses since then and never talk about program shit. This was also in 2005.
i think you are thinking of "Outward Bound"

There are behavioral reformation wilderness programs everywhere. I got sent to Outward Bound when I was 16 after growing pot on my parents' roof. The only problem is, I loved it. Living outdoors is no punishment to me. :D
Yea i was in one last year. Fucking helk. Outa asheville.75 days two showers haha
There are behavioral reformation wilderness programs everywhere. I got sent to Outward Bound when I was 16 after growing pot on my parents' roof. The only problem is, I loved it. Living outdoors is no punishment to me. :D

I wanted to go to one of them back in the day but I wasn't enough of a fuckup then.
There are behavioral reformation wilderness programs everywhere. I got sent to Outward Bound when I was 16 after growing pot on my parents' roof. The only problem is, I loved it. Living outdoors is no punishment to me. :D

I did a two week outward bound program for fun when I was 14, it was a good time, I used to love wilderness survival and that kind of stuff when I was younger. It was a boating trip, 8 people went on a really big row boat with a councilor and you got off at night to camp. There were a bunch of groups of 8 and one or two of them were for kids being punished for bad behavior, they weren't allowed to talk to anybody from the other groups and had all of the stuff searched throughout the trip...
I'm supposed to be going to a rehab now and I told my parent that I don't want to go to any local ones, only ones upstate in rural areas so if there are any activities they will be outdoorsy. I wouldn't mind some outward bound shit as long as it's not run like the military with 'counselors' screaming at everyone like it's boot camp.
^That's how a lot of them are! In many cases, they have a "team" show up and kidnap you in the middle of the night, but you're not a minor and your parents don't sound like complete assholes, so it wouldn't happen like that for you....

Honestly Tommy, if you go to an evaluation and tell them your honest drug history you'll probably get a recommendation for long term residential....They'll also probably want you to sign releases so that they can talk to your family wherever you go....It can turn into a bad situation if you wanna leave but they think you should stay in treatment....A lot of the time, they'll recommend that your family not help you out or let you go back to living with them if you leave.....It can turn into a very frustrating situation....The way most of these places treat you like you have no say in your own life if pretty unbelievable.....