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⭐️ Social ⭐️ Why you're deciding to get into drugs?

Honestly? I just like to get fucked up fairly regularly and alcohol had lost the novelty value. Nothing more complex in me trying illicit substances for the first time than that, which I reckon goes for a lot of people. Curiosity overdosed the cat Xd
For me it was first curiosity when a buddy recommended me DXM robotripping or I heard from others in the psych ward how they shared their drug experiences at the age of 17. Then later an article in the local free sensationalist's newspaper back in 2010 or so where they showed a screenshot of an RC shop including the URL and titled "deadly party drug legal" - it was about mephedrone & instantly caught my curiosity. And while the shop closed its doors right at the same day it wasn't hard to find other shops. Back then RCs were fully legal in my country and one could order from the UK. Later I should get a sample of methoxetamine and it should become my favorite drug. At that point I was going through all drugs the shops did offer, exploring new substances became kind of a hobby of mine. These RCs were infinitely better than boring and aggressive old alcohol. Unfortunately later they changed the law and outlawed any RCs which brought me into trouble and nowadays I'm living in another country where RCs were theoretically legal but get seized when they see them so I'm pretty much cut off my supply which sucks hard. Maybe it's for the better (trying to believe this but it's hard) yet drugs were just a part of my life and staying abstinent feels like suppressing a part of mine, not to mention not having dissociatives around for their antidepressant and stimulants for their study aiding effects.