• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Why scientists just don't create a complete happiness substance?

It is possible. It is only a matter of time, maybe 40, 50, 100 years from now. From David Pearce's The Hedonistic Imperative:

[SIZE=-1] 4.0 "Happy experiences, and the very concept of happiness itself, are possible only because they can be contrasted with melancholy. The very notion of everlasting happiness is incoherent."
Some people endure lifelong emotional depression or physical pain. Quite literally, they are never happy. Understandably, they may blame their misery on the very nature of the world, not just their personal clinical condition. Yet it would be a cruel doctrine which pretended that such people don't really suffer because they can't contrast their sense of desolation with joyful memories. In the grips of despair, they may find the very notion of happiness cognitively meaningless. Conversely, the euphoria of unmixed (hypo)mania is not dependent for its sparkle on recollections of misery. Given the state-dependence of memory, negative emotions may simply be inaccessible to consciousness in such an exalted state. Likewise, it is possible that our perpetually euphoric descendants will find our contrastive notion of unhappiness quite literally inconceivable. For when one is extraordinarily super-well, then it's hard to imagine what it might be like to be chronically mentally ill.
Here's a contemporary parallel. It's possible to undergo, from a variety of causes, a complete bilateral loss of primary, secondary and "associative" visual cortex. People with Anton's Syndrome not only become blind; they are unaware of their sensory deficit. Furthermore, they lose all notion of the meaning of sight. They no longer possess the neurological substrates of the visual concepts by which their past and present condition could be compared and contrasted. Our genetically joyful descendants may, or may not, undergo an analogous loss of cognitive access to the nature and variant textures of suffering. Quite plausibly, they will have gradients of sublimity to animate their lives and infuse their thoughts. So at least they'll be able to make analogies and draw parallels. But fortunately for their sanity and well-being, they won't be able to grasp the true frightfulness lying behind any linguistic remnants of the past that survive into the post-Darwinian era. Such lack of contrast, or even the inconceivability of unpleasant experiences, won't leave tomorrow's native-born ecstatics any less happy; if anything quite the reverse.
It's true that a world whose agents are animated by pleasure gradients will still have the functional equivalent of aversive experience. Yet the "raw feel" of such states may still be more wonderful than anything physiologically possible today.


Source: https://www.hedweb.com/hedethic/hedon4.htm
I believe that humanity can create a better world where its individuals are capable of being happier than they are now, but the concept of "complete happiness" or "paradise" reminds me a bit of certain slogans of some sects more than doubtful. I believe that happiness is not something that can be acquired externally with any substance, because it is a mental state that arises from a certain equilibrium measured over time. Obviously, I believe that if you are transparent with yourself, drugs can help you emphasize certain virtues or expel your fears, but drugs always work as a complement to what you already are, they do not have the power to turn a miserable life into a happy life. We can talk about drugs that cause a state of clean and intense euphoria without side effects, but can not behave like the "miracle" capable of providing absolute / eternal happiness. I do not think medicine is capable of that.

One of the happiest moments of my life was during a DMT trip, when after hours of pure infernal agony I accepted that I could die and that it was not worthwhile to keep fighting against that. Because of that, the trip took another direction and I began to feel happy to be alive even though death was by my side and she was holding my hand. This has probably been one of the most transcendent moments of my entire life, and it is not something that can be induced through any substance. In fact, I realized that the experience had been catapulted thanks to the DMT, but in the end what I was experiencing was nothing more than my own circumstance. When you are able to walk through your own darkness you must face your deepest fears, in that moment you have the opportunity to transcend to improve yourself as an individual. Happiness is nourished by the knowledge we absorb from our experiences, and knowledge is acquired when we face our fear and overcome it. I suppose it may seem contradictory, but it is not at all, or rather, life is pure contradiction.
Why do I say all this? Because these existential doubts already existed within me, let's say that "hard work" had done it before of this experience. I faced what I am.
Obviously, I am still working on the idea of ​​death, looking directly into her eyes and trying to accept her inevitable challenge with all the love I can offer the world, and without hiding from my defects and my miseries. Tell me, is there anything more than that? I think not. I have discovered that there is no other way to happiness. My own experience has taught me that other alternatives end up collapsing because they are not able to hold on to something real long enough to reach that state. And obviously, drugs can not be a genuine alternative to the real experience of life as a whole.

In short and to finish, happiness is a state of inner peace that must be worked throughout life and slowly. Buddhism, for example, and the practice of meditation, have many roots buried under this ancestral concept of happiness, one can almost say that happiness is a state of enlightenment but without the romantic additive of oriental mystical legends.
If you want to be happy, start now to direct your mind and your being towards thoughts / actions that make you a better individual in your life. Be patient and learn to contemplate life with humility, patience and prudence, I believe that this is the best recipe for a state of happiness.
And believe me friend, even so, you will not be short of the days when you would kill someone or you will be sad because you have to die someday.

I do not know if I am happy, I suppose it would be arrogant for me to say yes, since there are many injustices and many setbacks that still interfere in my inner peace. I can simply tell you that I am grateful to live and that every day I feel lucky for that reason.

No medication can alter the flow of life in this way. And if it existed ... I don't want it either ...

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