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why not just buy pure mdma instead of a pill


Sep 26, 2015
Exactly what the title says. Instead of getting amphetamine and other junk why not just buy crystal mdma that's roughly 93% pure.

I never buy pills you have no idea what's in them which is usually all types of amphetamines,ketamine etc etc which leads to the horrible comedown. Just my .02
Do you not know how to use Pill Reports??
And just because there's some Crystal or some Powder in a capsule doesn't mean you're getting MDxx. Your "roughly 93% pure" thing throws me off a bit as well.
Lol I just get a buzz off buying/trying different types of pills rather than the same powder all the time . Don't know why its just preference.
I just like all the different stamps etc
Why not just test everything you buy? Crystals can be just as well adulterated, cut or be something else entirely. Purity fluctuates a lot over time in the same are and on top of that it varies a lot geographically, so giving advice like that can be dangerous. This 93% thing is also untrue because of this, you have no way of knowing the purity of your product, the person that told you crystals are always 93% pure has no idea what he's talking about or is purposely feeding you bullshit (dealer for instance). Nobody should judge a drug by its packaging or physical properties, but by using testkits or ideally test centers
I would hazard a guess to say that most MDMA today is from 30-70% pure. I saw a YouTube video recently where a sample was tested in Amsterdam and came back as 69% pure. Some Canadian MDMA came back as 50%
Powder/crystal these days definitely isn't safer than pills.
Always test your stuff
I would hazard a guess to say that most MDMA today is from 30-70% pure. I saw a YouTube video recently where a sample was tested in Amsterdam and came back as 69% pure. Some Canadian MDMA came back as 50%
Powder/crystal these days definitely isn't safer than pills.
Always test your stuff

I thought the marquie tests dont show purity or identify cuts, they only show what the majority of MDA/MDMA is? How do you know what the % is?