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Why is weed, especially good weed, so fucking expensive?

I just read the last couple o pages of this thread and let me say my faith in the complexity of both the growing and the economics of our current cannabis markets has made me realize that this endeavor makes wineries and making even some world class intoxicant product such as Dom Perignon seem downright simple by comparison and that I have no business comparing this elaborate process to growing parsley, which no one is nearly this passionate about. Now, if only I could smoke some of those buds described as priceless. What do you have to do get a quarter of that short off dedicating one's life to learning this apparently Byzantinely elaborate system that is kind bud cultivation, which I am not smart enough or dedicated enough to even remotely begin to master or even embark upon? Obviously, going to a state that allows small scale cultivation and having world class skills in finding and befriending world class growers is of paramount importance. I have the feeling large sums of cash would only be of marginal utility in procuring such headies as well. Perhaps the barter of fine gemstones and gold would suffice? Anyway I'm joking halfway there, but seriously, you guys are veritable marijuana producing specialist experts who have taken growing herb almost beyond the point of hobby or avocation all the way up to the level of a bona fide lifestyle! Finally, ignoring my genuine awe and admiration for purveyors of your dare I say sacred skill for a moment, what does the acronym PGR stand for?

What do you have to do? You gotta get on your knees and start prayin', boy, AND YOU BETTER PRAY GOOD.

I've never really thought the price of weed (when compared to other recreational drugs, both legal and illicit) was all that bad, honestly. I spend less money per week than most drunks do on booze, for example, and I smoke weed err'day (but I also live in a legalized state). The people I buy from spend a lot of time growing high-grade chronic and blasting oil, plus they're cool to chill with & generous.
The primary tweak dealer I know around here is a cool/generous guy, too, but there's nowhere to sit in his trailer and you gotta dodge whatever fucked up bitch he's got stumbling around in her underwear
FeloniousMonk, I meant, sourced, as in, asking me for me for my weed hookup. Also, I understand what's being said about growers willing to export "not the best stuff" elsewhere. I'm sure that's true, but I get, ,here in VA, stuff I see in magazines, it's very good. Maybe I'm lucky to know an importer, or maybe I'm just luckey period, but the bud I get is top noch. I'm sure it's not the shit the grower saves as their best, but it is good. I've seen stuff around that's just okay, but everything I deal with is good quality medicinal.
The primary tweak dealer I know around here is a cool/generous guy, too, but there's nowhere to sit in his trailer and you gotta dodge whatever fucked up bitch he's got stumbling around in her underwear
Sounds like my guy haha. All I know is his crystal insanely potent and dirt cheap. A 1/4 lb can be had for what a lb of A++ herb costs. I live in northeast pa where if your not in the loop shits way taxed. From the same guy we're paying west coast prices on weed...a pound costs what I used to pay for a hp. Weed prices have deff dropped over the last 8-9 years.

The amount of meth and heroin around my area is fucking crazy. The dude my dealer goes threw for meth picks up 8 pounds at a time, pretty crazy for a town of less than 2000 people. I doubt hes bs'ing me either, hasn't told any tall tales in the 5 yrs I've known him

It's not about where you live, it's who you know. People I deal with are all about the fast flip, get it and get it gone asap, Selling bulk cheaper and faster is safer than sitting on it and breaking it down. Wish more dealers understood this