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Stimulants Why don't I get energy from smoking meth?


May 13, 2022
I need to lose weight & I need more energy!! I only began experimenting with meth Feb 2022 because I need energy to clean my parents home and look after them daily (new development) and also deep clean, reorganize and redecorate my home. I only do it occasionally because I do not want to pick up a habit. I've tried different things before 2022, OTC diet pills, phentermine, caffeine pills, 5hr energy, etc and they give me mild energy, nothing like I see my friends having. I haven't taken Phentermine since I started experimenting with meth, I wasn't losing a lot with it anyway, just a pound every few months. My meth using friends suggested I wasn't smoking it right or wasn't using enough or I needed different equipment like a weed bubbler dab modified or longmata motar type thing (cpenail, cpe510) since I'm a big 0nic vaper, etc. The most smoke & biggest buzz I've felt is from the cpe510 vape with water attachment (cpenail forces you to use their base and it regulates how you hit it), the downside is it burns up a lot of meth. While the guy at the vape shop is very happy with all my repeat business, all I'm seeing is enlarged pupils, some sweating, lost a few pounds in a few days, few bumps on arms & legs that I refuse to pick, sometimes I have a bit of an appetite and others none, awake unless I take my xanax\ambien and some mild tweaking like I did in the 90s when I smoked a little crack. Some of my girl friends clean on their houses all day and they "owe it all to occasional meth use". I've used a couple different area suppliers as an experiment, I've only purchased maybe a dozen times total but I haven't received the "benefits" I thought I would.
Short backstory, I had gastric bypass surgery in 2010 and lost a lot of weight (300+), gained half that back but went on to lose it again. Eventually I Need surgery to remove all this skin but I want to absolutely lose as much as possible before that and I'm running out of time because I'm about to be 50. lol
Yes I'm sort of looking for a quick fix and that's why I saw meth as a shortcut because I see my friends doing it yet I Could sit in a chair and do it for 2 days straight and never move, no joke. I'll lose a couple pounds every few days but it just comes back on after I've stopped smoking and I'm not going to do it everyday for months and months because I don't want to get addicted.

Any thoughts, suggestions?
I lost a lot of weight when I was on Adderall (IR) , plus I had TONS of energy combining it with shitloads of caffeine.

Now I completely dislike uppers.
But honestly if you want to lose weight and keep it off, hard drugs don't work. It works for a period of time but when you quit you gain all the weight back plus more, in my experience. To keep the weight off you have to do it naturally with diet and exercise (or just dieting) on a regular basis.

As for lack of energy, I struggle a lot with that. Small doses of Kratom usually helps me, it's a natural stimulant and painkiller. But if you take it in large doses, it's more like a relaxing opiate.
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I Could sit in a chair and do it for 2 days straight and never move, no joke.
Yeah, that's pretty much what meth does to me. It turns me into a hedonistic zombie and I'll just sit on my computer for days without moving, usually doing dirty things. Meth giving people "energy" is less than totally accurate.

The reason amphetamines are prescribed for ADHD is because it causes these people to sit still and focus on one thing for long periods. Meth is more about euphoria, not energy.

There are a lot better, safer options out there for energy and to lose weight.
Some people seem to be resistant to the anorectic effects of stimulants. Mostly commonly this occurs in those with a long history of obesity. I once met a hispanic woman who was a heavy tweaker that was around 5'2" tall and well over 200 pounds.

Stimulants produce the most unhealthy and transient form of weight loss. I'd wouldn't try to push the dose any further.

Because of the serotonin release, methamphetamine can be pretty sedating overall, but I've noticed that smoked methamphetamine is particularly sedating. If you are going to continue with it perhaps try it orally.
I get no energy boost of any kind, and I essentially derive zero pleasure or reinforcing effects from vaporized methamphetamine. It can mildly de-scatter my brain if the circumstances are just right; like if I'm tired but have tasks to complete, and haven't taken any other stimulants, etc. And I find the effect from ten hits to be essentially the same as those I experience from taking one. Unremarkable and acrid either way.

Methamphetamine can be very different via different ROA's. It is for me. I find taking it orally like a pill provides the most favorable results. It's generally like a smoother, sleepier dextroamphetamine with a longer half life. And this route of administration yields the most pronounced energy boost- physically and psychologically.
Cuz speed these days is all the same ….shitty ,quality sucks …it burns mainlining and tastes like they missed a step when smoking…how I long for the 90’s and that lemon drop or put butter chalk.
Just snort it or swallow the meth, it is highly bioavailable. Don't understand that smoking thing, meth is quickly getting into your system when you snort. And yes, it will give you crazy energy if it is really methamphetamine. Crazy, psychotic energy, unfortunately, that tends to get pretty unproductive and repetitive. I would always choose simple amphetamine over meth. In good quality, amphetamine works and feels a lot like meth but more functional, less psychotic and shorter in duration. Not sure about the US but here in Europe I always got highly pure amphetamine when I wanted. People here often dislike meth, the drug dealers say it makes customers crazy, causes trouble and they often get arrested while amphetamine does not. I can see why they rather sell amphetamine than meth.

And yeah, amphetamines make you lose weight very fast. I could not eat much at all when on amphetamine and I always ended up as a skinny skeleton when I was done with my month long binge episodes.
I need to lose weight & I need more energy!! I only began experimenting with meth Feb 2022 because I need energy to clean my parents home and look after them daily (new development) and also deep clean, reorganize and redecorate my home. I only do it occasionally because I do not want to pick up a habit. I've tried different things before 2022, OTC diet pills, phentermine, caffeine pills, 5hr energy, etc and they give me mild energy, nothing like I see my friends having. I haven't taken Phentermine since I started experimenting with meth, I wasn't losing a lot with it anyway, just a pound every few months. My meth using friends suggested I wasn't smoking it right or wasn't using enough or I needed different equipment like a weed bubbler dab modified or longmata motar type thing (cpenail, cpe510) since I'm a big 0nic vaper, etc. The most smoke & biggest buzz I've felt is from the cpe510 vape with water attachment (cpenail forces you to use their base and it regulates how you hit it), the downside is it burns up a lot of meth. While the guy at the vape shop is very happy with all my repeat business, all I'm seeing is enlarged pupils, some sweating, lost a few pounds in a few days, few bumps on arms & legs that I refuse to pick, sometimes I have a bit of an appetite and others none, awake unless I take my xanax\ambien and some mild tweaking like I did in the 90s when I smoked a little crack. Some of my girl friends clean on their houses all day and they "owe it all to occasional meth use". I've used a couple different area suppliers as an experiment, I've only purchased maybe a dozen times total but I haven't received the "benefits" I thought I would.
Short backstory, I had gastric bypass surgery in 2010 and lost a lot of weight (300+), gained half that back but went on to lose it again. Eventually I Need surgery to remove all this skin but I want to absolutely lose as much as possible before that and I'm running out of time because I'm about to be 50. lol
Yes I'm sort of looking for a quick fix and that's why I saw meth as a shortcut because I see my friends doing it yet I Could sit in a chair and do it for 2 days straight and never move, no joke. I'll lose a couple pounds every few days but it just comes back on after I've stopped smoking and I'm not going to do it everyday for months and months because I don't want to get addicted.

Any thoughts, suggestions?
Maybe you have hypothyroidism. Causes slow heart rate and weight gain (among other things). This would cause you to not be as affected by stimulants.
I have hyperthyroidism and I can’t tolerate a cup of coffee.
Maybe get your thyroid checked. Could also explain easy weight gain.
How much meth did you take? Maybe you overshot the dosage. I find very low dosages together with some nmda antagonist to work best for energy and euphoria. Too much can give that zombie effect for whatever reasons. Hypothyroidism is indeed another possibility, remember that meth (or any drug) just flips some switches to unlock your own energy instead of delivering it.

For me stims worked to lose weight and gain stamina in the past, with ritalin, dextromethorphan and coffees I was constantly moving and took stairs or walked instead of elevators etc wherever possible, not because I had to force myself because it felt better and I actually wanted to. Had to stop bevause of some angina pectoris like pain eventually (ECG etc came back fine but I the pain got intense, think this is special to my pathology) but it was an unique experience.
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I get no energy boost of any kind, and I essentially derive zero pleasure or reinforcing effects from vaporized methamphetamine. It can mildly de-scatter my brain if the circumstances are just right; like if I'm tired but have tasks to complete, and haven't taken any other stimulants, etc. And I find the effect from ten hits to be essentially the same as those I experience from taking one. Unremarkable and acrid either way.

Methamphetamine can be very different via different ROA's. It is for me. I find taking it orally like a pill provides the most favorable results. It's generally like a smoother, sleepier dextroamphetamine with a longer half life. And this route of administration yields the most pronounced energy boost- physically and psychologically.
My favorite was intranasal but I had to give it up. I did long-lasting (permanent?) damage to my nose by spraying a meth solution (~15mg/ml) up there on a weekly basis for less than 6 months.
Just snort it or swallow the meth, it is highly bioavailable. Don't understand that smoking thing, meth is quickly getting into your system when you snort. And yes, it will give you crazy energy if it is really methamphetamine. Crazy, psychotic energy, unfortunately, that tends to get pretty unproductive and repetitive. I would always choose simple amphetamine over meth. In good quality, amphetamine works and feels a lot like meth but more functional, less psychotic and shorter in duration. Not sure about the US but here in Europe I always got highly pure amphetamine when I wanted. People here often dislike meth, the drug dealers say it makes customers crazy, causes trouble and they often get arrested while amphetamine does not. I can see why they rather sell amphetamine than meth.

And yeah, amphetamines make you lose weight very fast. I could not eat much at all when on amphetamine and I always ended up as a skinny skeleton when I was done with my month long binge episodes.
Amphetamine is way more cheaper-relatively good quality.Pure meth cost almost as Coke(in the capital)
Just snort it or swallow the meth, it is highly bioavailable. Don't understand that smoking thing, meth is quickly getting into your system when you snort. And yes, it will give you crazy energy if it is really methamphetamine. Crazy, psychotic energy, unfortunately, that tends to get pretty unproductive and repetitive. I would always choose simple amphetamine over meth. In good quality, amphetamine works and feels a lot like meth but more functional, less psychotic and shorter in duration. Not sure about the US but here in Europe I always got highly pure amphetamine when I wanted. People here often dislike meth, the drug dealers say it makes customers crazy, causes trouble and they often get arrested while amphetamine does not. I can see why they rather sell amphetamine than meth.

And yeah, amphetamines make you lose weight very fast. I could not eat much at all when on amphetamine and I always ended up as a skinny skeleton when I was done with my month long binge episodes.
It's rare,but I have seen a fat meth heads-and they were old tweakers.Don't know why they not loose weight
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The easiest way I can describe Methamphetamine is that I've never met a human being who encountered it and left that relationship with any kind of positive balance of the accounts in their life and in general, it seems to take everything from most people who use it with the "lucky ones" being the ones who are able to quit and still suffer years' long serious consequences of their use. I'm sorry, but you need to correct the delusion you have going on right now if you actually want a clean house and a happy family. If you want to get high, go get Methamphetamine, but don't come back here complaining of what it's done to you 3 months from now. It's a really ugly and sad situation for the people on Meth here in my town. There are too many of them and the services cannot keep up and so for the past year they have just been wandering the city center all night, walking, arguing, yelling at the ground while society around them hopes and waits for them to die. Don't do it.

If you have questions about the safety of using Meth, we will always be there for you, but if you really want my adivce, there it is.
Keif Richards is correct. Meth (good amphetamine as well) will get you addicted and will fuck you up. I got severly dependent and it ended in speed psychosis for me, I literally lost my mind. Took a while for that to kick in, maybe a year of daily and heavy use or so, but it was truly awful. Hallucinations, paranoid delusions, took months of sobriety to stop hearing those insane voices shouting inside my head.
Keif Richards is correct. Meth (good amphetamine as well) will get you addicted and will fuck you up. I got severly dependent and it ended in speed psychosis for me, I literally lost my mind. Took a while for that to kick in, maybe a year of daily and heavy use or so, but it was truly awful. Hallucinations, paranoid delusions, took months of sobriety to stop hearing those insane voices shouting inside my head.

The Honeymoon Phase

I didn't invent this term, but I've always loved it for its poignancy. Pretty much every person who uses drugs has a pretty great time at first. It's fun, you feel great and you still have your friends, family and some money in the bank. The whole point of this discussion is that, as human beings, we have to absolutely accept that we are powerless over stuff like powerful drugs. We very rarely have an accurate accounting in our heads of how the drugs are really effecting us. By the time you realize there is a problem, it's usually too late to fix it easily and the cycle begins.
I agree so much with the guy who said just snort or swallow(in coffee or capsules). Smoking it gives a neat rush but if you don’t know what you’re doing you’ll burn it up, get weak shitty hits etc. Nowdays I wouldn’t even bother, just break it down real well and do your whole dose in like a single bump or 2, after blowing your nose well. You can get such a good rush insufflating you may even puke(from adrenaline I guess?) and it should last like 16hrs lmao… good meth is a crazy drug.
Keif Richards is correct. Meth (good amphetamine as well) will get you addicted and will fuck you up. I got severly dependent and it ended in speed psychosis for me, I literally lost my mind. Took a while for that to kick in, maybe a year of daily and heavy use or so, but it was truly awful. Hallucinations, paranoid delusions, took months of sobriety to stop hearing those insane voices shouting inside my head.
Well it's key to keep the dosage down. So many people are prescribed amphetamine (Adderall) for ADHD and it doesn't fuck them up as long as they stick with the prescribed dosage which is anywhere between 5 and maybe 70mg/d. Amphetamine psychosis comes as dosage and sleep deprivation ramp up. Even meth is prescribed in some exceptions (as Desoxyn). I did use meth for some months in low dosages (maybe 15mg x2/d) and got strong euphoria and energy but not much trouble besides a depressive hangover after I ran out. Don't know if this is such an exception or it's just really important to watch your dose.