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Why does pot give me chest pain and Adderall doesn't?


Mar 22, 2015
I have a history of serious heart conditions, and while my heart is functioning near normally today, it is safe to say at the very least I am at high risk for cardiovascular disease. So of course when I ask any doctor if I can smoke pot, they say no. But the funny thing is they still prescribe me Adderall, and aren't stimulants proven to cause strain on the heart too?

I have to admit that I do get chest pain almost every time I smoke. Does anyone know WHY that is? If a doctor would tell me clearly "When you smoke, it does _______________ to your heart and that is why you have chest pain, and that's why you cannot smoke pot" I would happily quit. But they never explain. They just say don't do it.

Pot makes me see how beautiful the world is. It makes me appreciate each moment. I honestly believe if used responsibly it makes me a better person with a rich, meaningful life. It's not like other drugs that just become addictive and stop working. It actually changes my perspective. It's not that easy to give up.

So, I guess my question is does anyone else experience chest pain when smoking marijuana? Do you know what causes this pain? Am I doing permanent damage to my body when I smoke?

I mean obviously smoking isn't good for anyone, but I'm just trying to understand what it is about me in particular that causes me to have physical pain after smoking.
Many doctors, despite abounding intelligence, still hold a prejudice against cannabis. Some of that may be simply due to the nature of the laws surrounding the subject. A doctor can't prescribe cocaine or meth, at least not in street form, and would surely advise you to stay far away from such street drugs if you were to ever ask. However, it has been noted by many drug specialist that there is very little difference in effect of some prescription drugs and street drugs, such as adderall and meth. Of course, side effects due to impurities will always be greater, but speaking directly about the effects on the brain, it is very similar in the areas of stimulation. There are legal versions of these drugs still, and I'm sure I don't need to ramble too long about how doctors once precribed heroin, and still basically do.

You might get a completely different answer asking the same doctors outside of their professional environment and out of potential lack-bash.

Hey, there are even doctors out there now in about half of the US who will give you a prescription for cannabis now.

But as to your original question, my guess would be it has something to do with anxiety. Especially if you are smoking weed while on adderall.

I'm pretty sure cannabis is known to increase heart rate in general. Maybe not for the duration of the high, but definitely at onset I would say so. Also any anxiety related to cannabis use will probably increase your heart rate as well.
Talk to a doctor or medical professional about this. Or maybe see a cardiologist and be honest about all the drugs you use? Good luck.