Open Discussion Why does Bluelight not have a Stimulant section?


Apr 16, 2012
Most threads turn up under "other Drugs" but I think it would be nice to have a stimulant sub forum. There are Subforums on so many other types of drugs and I find that very helpfull but Id just love this concept expanded to stimulants
^That, they are.

I think that, for the most part, all that is covered under the umbrella name 'Other Drugs' has fit there quite well. It's a large forum with a busy populace of users, but the traffic concerning stimulants, per se, hasn't been so overflowing that their own sub-section has felt necessary. The same might be said of opiates/opioids, in fact - and the topic has come up in the past!

As pasha suggests, tagging your posts is a great way to narrow down their visibility when a relevant search is performed for their terms.

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Yeah tagging is fine technically. I'd still like to try and make a case, because I wondered about this for some time and I seem to be not alone.- But why would someone get the idea that our beloved stimulants don't deserve a dedicated forum? No other group of drugs has a user base as large as the stimulant group. And I don't mean meth, but amphetamine sulfates and coffee. Breakfast, in other words.This policy is like telling AC Milan they can't have their own stadium since Inter Milan already has one and they can use it from 11 pm till 5 in the morning. Two stadiums, such a waste.- There's so much misinformation and misunderstandings about, for instance, what speed paste is and what should be done with it, that I wonder if that hasn't got to anything with the lack of a Camp Stims here on Bluelight. Most other drug groups have a user base that has somewhat moved from 101. I agree I can do more about that myself, but I must simply confess that I feel too homeless for it. I can't really figure out whether I am overseeing this website enough to not only write answers here and there or add my opinions, but to do so in an obvious place and a consistent manner. There is the possibility that I am completely missing something, but then: who else might be?- "The traffic concerning stimulants, per se, hasn't been so overflowing that their own sub-section has felt necessary" Yeah but is that not a logical effect? People won't go looking in "other drugs" if they're looking for one of the Big Three, right? I remember coming on Blue Light for the first time many years ago. It felt like navigating the linux directory structure for the first time: "How does this structure make sense? Are they taking the piss?" I love this place, and probably everything is just as logical as Linux turned out to be. But to be honest the information structure and overviews still puzzle me until today.Are there any technical difficulties involved in starting a stim forum? Are there any other reasons to not start a forum for stims, even if it won't be the busiest one? Attracting an unwanted crowd maybe? It just makes no sense to me to go through the list of forums and see what's there while stims isn't... it shines so bright by it's absence that you could consider the canon broken.If it's not too complex but too much work, I hereby volunteer to help and try to find others to help, too. I'm pretty sure there's more people who'd like to assist building a proper home. I duly realize that might sound overly optimistic, but, you know, stims. It's a crowd that should be able to handle some repetitive task like moving discussions.
Lost whitespace, can't edit though, edit button is there but clicking it = infinite loading...
I will begin a discussion with senior staff regarding the concept and we will move from there. Thank you for the suggestion - we are always looking for ways to improve the site :)