Why Do We Treat Heroin Addicts Like They Deserve to Die?

yeah very good article basically sums up why some humans are such pieces of shit to others. What's there to do about this though when it is intentionally set up this way by others? The drug trade, Law enforcement, big pharma, prison industry, government all have a hand in the same setup (The drug war), along with greed and capitalism, these people have tremendous power, global influence and i imagine will not be easily swayed by appeals to humanity. I'm sure some people in earnest believe in the drug war but i bet the large majority know why we keep this charade up. If those people in power have to identify with heroin addicts as human beings equal to themselves then there's no way they could keep this drug war up, of course they don't give a fuck in the first place which is the real problem IMO.

it's not going to be like Germany's destruction, this drug war can play out forever unless enough actual people put a stop to it as in some sort of revolution.
Because people are naive and don't believe drugs are indiscriminate. Nobody knows what led people into this life, but childhood and parenting play a great part!
I was a heroin addict, but I never considered myself a junkie. Someone with no morals etc.
heroin is evil, evil in the way it will suck ANYBODY in.
I've done things I'm really not proud of, but I as a rational person would never dream of doing.
The drug changes people, but some of them come back and go on to help other addicts. And why not use your life experience? It makes us more knowledge than any PhDs. We know more about the "real world", so why not utilise - in my opinion - a professional?

From a junkies point of view, if they rob your house, it's not personal, it's somebody who feels there are no other options.
Then again there are people you can't help, so what do we do? I was offered help for years, I jumped through the hoops, but I didn't change until I personally changed and %100 wanted to quit. %90 of people are doing rehab to keep their wives, jobs, families. That won't work. One doubt in your mind and that grows. You NEED to be ready. And life is so much better clean. People talk to me with respect now. I earned that, I worked hard and gradually regained the trust of my lived ones.
I don't know if I'm off topic, I'm new to this site, but there are my thoughts.