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Why do I pee on E?

It seems as though a certain percentage of MDMA is renally excreted, unchanged a that. This is only speculation, but that may have something to do with the diuretic effects some have been experiencing.

I did not know about the vasopression release Bearlove, I'll have to look into that. Hrm.
Do you feel anxious? MDMA is a stimulant man, so it doesn't sound strange to me. Could even be dehydration for what matters, as when I am dehydrated and drink water, I have to pee 1-2 hours after consumption. That is when on any stimulant including MDMA. Pretty annoying.

Don't stimulants increase the overall processing speed of the organs, as the CNS gets boosted btw. I have no idea about that, though, no knowledge at all about biology except for some slight basic stuff I learned back in school in fact, but it's just an assumption of mine as it sounds logical.
I've come to the conclusion.. from where my life is right now, that it was stress. I wasn't physically stressed, but my brain was. Right now I have been peeing constantly. Something is wrong with me. I'm goiing to the doctor soon.

But yes, that was it, my brain was extremely stressed like it is now... even though I'm not on anything at all.