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Why did/do you use drugs? (please contribute!)

I just loved the feeling.

I mean, I was fascinated with drugs since I was young. Wanted to try them all. And I did. Never abused a drug until opiates came along at 23 (27 now) and BANG- from the first high I knew I was going to have an addiction problem. I don't care for alcohol, weed, any uppers- psychedelics are cool but the stars have to be aligned for me to want to use them- same with dissociatives. Benzos and barbs have no rec value IME. Gabapentin and Lyrica are amazing as well as GHB. Sonata is one of my all time favorite drugs as well for it's trippy, calm effects.

But opiates came along and just blew my mind. I never knew you could feel THAT good.

But to be honest, I kinda grew out of the high....

I have no excuses for my excesses with using opiates. Awesome supportive, large, well-to-do family, great upbringing. I just loved the high more than anything else in the world.
I just loved the feeling.

I mean, I was fascinated with drugs since I was young. Wanted to try them all. And I did. Never abused a drug until opiates came along at 23 (27 now) and BANG- from the first high I knew I was going to have an addiction problem. I don't care for alcohol, weed, any uppers- psychedelics are cool but the stars have to be aligned for me to want to use them- same with dissociatives. Benzos and barbs have no rec value IME.

But opiates came along and just blew my mind. I never knew you could feel THAT good.

But to be honest, I kinda grew out of the high....

I have no excuses for my excesses with using opiates. Awesome supportive, large, well-to-do family, great upbringing. I just loved the high more than anything else in the world.

This sums up my experience in very similar ways.
I convinced myself that being on opiates I could do it all. Work, be a husband, a father and quite productive at work.

I thought I wasn't myself if I was off drugs. I actually managed to tell people that I lacked endorphin and that was probably the reason I had to use. People used to buy this sort of shit because I was functional and very discreet.

For a long time I kept my tolerance under control and only dealt with high quality stuff so I wouldn't ever have to worry.
But as everyone knows this comes to an end at one point or another. I had never considered I could get sick, or be in hospital.
So eventually I knew this was all BS and that I had to do something about it.

Besides, when I was young 'everyone' in school did drugs so I wanted to be part of the group. Now I see how fast I had to run and still have to update my emotional growth considering the years I've lost.

It's not fun being on drugs when you are over 40. And it's damn tough being off. But I made it.
At first, age 14 because I had the means to and 'everyone else was.' But I quickly realised that being under the influence of 'anything' was better than feeling the way I had always felt.

Now 23 years later, all I want is to be suboxone and benzo free and to stop craving real drugs ? and somehow work out how to enjoy life with nothing in my system.
Part 2:

I am still in syracuse...pretty much homeless. My dad finally reaches out to me and I go to rehab. I graduate into a halfway house. I was selling cigarettes to get by (needed money for bus passes, NY winter is hard on you ifyou have to walk everywhere) I get caught and kicked out. The only place I had to go was back into the environment I was in before. Staying in that ladies basement and working out and doing morphine all day....so I could look good for my dates. If I didn't work out daily she wouldn't feed me drugs or food. When I think about how shallow my life was...it was reflected in my basement apartment. All there was in there was a weight bench. A shower. A place to hang up clothes. A couch and a table that I would fix up on. Basically just the bare minimum for life of being a sex worker. I lived this life for months...never thinking, not caring, not feeling. What is the point? Someone can come along and take the most amazing things you have built and crumble them like so many sandcastles. The emotional bank of manboychef was closed. Why rebuild? I didn't think I had a third time in me. I just keep hoping the next one killed me. The next shot would just shut everything down. It went this way for nearly a year. Finally one day I was on facebook....first time in a long time that I actually logged onto my old account. My mom was on. I had this insane desire to just unload all the emotions I had kept bottled up inside me. Something told me this is the right thing. I don't believe wholly in a god of any sort...but I do believe there was something more powerful at work telling me which path on the fork in the road opening up facebook had created in my life to choose. To tell her and maybe be rescued from myself, or tell her I was fine and stay in this misery until it eventually swallowed the last good thing within my soul on which I could build something tangible again. If I allowed the last little piece of hope to be washed away...that was it...my fate was sealed. I would have nothing left and that basement might as well have been my tomb.

I told her everything. We both cried. How could this happen to her baby boy? She got a plane ticket for me. I spent my last day in syracuse at jamesville beach with my cousin, her son, and one of my best friends. I left my dog with my friend. I kissed my cousin and her son goodbye...she drove me to the airport. I shot my last bags of dope and one morphine pill in the parking lot. As I opened the door I believed that I was opening up the door into a new reality. That little piece of hope that was still embedded in my heart shot out a root into me, and finally one little leaf grew from it. That leaf was the realization that I was undertaking a change that could very well save my life. I looked back at the last couple years of my life. Everything I had touched was cold as ice, and my touch spread that cold to everything in its wake...everything I saw was gray. No imagination, no dreams, just cold gray. Now as I looked forward I saw a brilliant cacophony of colors to choose from. All stemming from just never letting go of hope.

end of part 2.
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When i was first asked the question why did i take drugs my first thought was just because i was curious on how it felt... i thought that was the only reason... But then i started to think more about it and reading posts also makes me think that there was something subconscious about it...

I was never the type to do any of that stuff (drugs alcohol etc) but in school i think people would think i take drugs or they would joke around with me and i would just go along with the jokes... they didnt bother me... to tell you the truth ever since i was about 15 or 16 i kinda got attached to the idea that being on drugs is actually "cool"... not cool in the sense that people will accept me if i do drugs i know that a lot of people will judge and ridicule... i mean cool as in people will be interested in me because im different than everybody else because i do drugs and maybe it will make them think that i am the type of person that lives in the moment and maybe a part of them is wondering what im feeling when im on it... i know that theyre curious about how it feels too... i thought that if i were to do drugs i would have answers that other people dont have and will never have... i guess those are the kind of thoughts that i had... and still kind of do even though i dont do drugs anymore... i think these thoughts and all the jokes that people told are one of the reasons why i started using... i felt like they kind of expected me to be a drug user... and for some crazy reason i wanted to live up to that expectation... but i noticed that once i started using drugs, those jokes suddenly stopped...

i was 17 about to turn 18 in two weeks when i took ecstasy for the first time... my first drug ever... i never got addicted to anything... but doing drugs changed my life in good and bad ways.... at the time i first decided to take ecstasy all i was really told about it was that it makes you really happy and lovey dovey... so im thinking that im just gonna be in a good mood and smile and shit and thats it... but when i took it i was so caught off guard by the way it felt... i didnt even know it was possible to feel like that i felt like i was experiencing a whole other level of "happiness" that i never knew existed and i felt like everything that i was told about it was an understatement... it completely fixed all the things that was wrong with me basically.

My whole life i have always been painfully quiet and shy and nervous and a little scared sometimes... i dont talk to anybody except my girlfriend and even with her i cant talk right sometimes and am afraid to share my thoughts... im not even comfortable talking to my own family sometimes.... ecstasy completely changed all of that in a matter of seconds... i was outgoing i was talking louder i wasnt stuttering i actually felt like talking and connecting with people... i was not insecure anymore... i feel like maybe my personality itself caused me to subconsciously seek out something like drugs... maybe because im always afraid of expressing my thoughts to people and with drugs i dont have to be afraid... i am in control of my own actions... i dont know... its hard to explain or even figure out....

Also i was going through a hard time i guess... having a crush on a girl... her not liking me back... normal high school stuff... but i was pretty depressed at the time... so maybe that kind of had to do with it as well... because i have realized that for some reason when you are feeling a negative emotion you are attracted to negative things/substances... doesnt have to be drugs but say someones on a diet or something if they become upset they are more likely to eat cake or something fattening or whatever... im pretty sure someone on here has a better explanation for that than me...

im happy to say that i do not do drugs anymore... although i have a raging soda addiction... and from time to time i do get the urge to try drugs again... which really bothers me... its like i get fucking bored with my normal state of consciousness and i wanna feel like im on something sometimes you know... like really bad... but i cant...

Honestly i would still be doing drugs rite now if it wasnt for my girlfriend... im fine with not doing drugs for her... i love being with her but it just sucks that i have these urges sometimes you know
part three of the manboychef story forthcoming....titled "You can take the boy away from the drugs but he is still an addict"
My story is a long one and can probably be broken up into a few different areas:

First time i got high on marijuana i was 16 in 2002. The day went like this, we were sitting around a table playing spades it was the summer before high school (classic time to start) someone in the group said "do you guys wanna smoke some weed" Now small background I had never used drugs to get high before or drank at that point. I had tried alcohol but couldnt stomach it. So naturally i said "yes how much money do you want" and I gave him 20 dollars and he put in 20 so we could all smoke. I didnt know better because i had literally never encountered drugs in my life but i knew i was curious and wanted to try them. So we all smoked out of an aluminum can and spent the day acting a fool. It wasnt until the 3rd time that i got so high i cant even remember walking back inside. I just suddenly "came too" and was mid sentence about how i was forgetting shit as it was happening and was crying. Right after that i got over it and stopped it was like i couldnt control myself and was concerned for my well being. I still smoke to this day.

For opiates it was a similar story. It was the following year and my friends father got percocet 10mg for a surgery and my friend asked if i wanted to buy them. A senior told him they were valuable and bought 6 so he offered me 2 for 15 dollars. I took them again because i had wanted to try them and figured why not (this is a huge repeating pattern for me) so i spent that day nodding out and answering questions with my head down, ever the participating student lol. Cocaine happened in a much similar fashion the only one that has a different story is heroin.

I starting doing heroin with my current fiance and we discovered it together. We had both had a similar pattern of us, we think something is intriguing and we do it. We had both been doing pain killers very very irregularly until we met each other in fact i think we were both on 6 months since our last oxy when we did it. This of course is where the common pattern started. Weekends became days off of work too which became every 3 days, then 2, then heroin (3, 2, 1, Heroin! lol seemed funny)

Anyway we went from snorting too shooting. I got a better job right before we got into dope and I was making about 75% more money so we could buy even more opiates! Her depression would worsen our addiction would grow, i would get on subs to get clean so we didnt have to feel the effects financially so much, she left her job for a better one which didnt work out again right before dope. Dope stole a lot of her confidence (she always had self esteem and confidence issues) so she never got a job. So the pattern was i would work she wouldnt i would buy drugs and for a while do them and then once on subs i wouldnt so she would get more dope and complain less thus making my life easier. I got into crack because i wanted something that was "my thing" as i would call it. That stopped after my recent relapse, that went on for 3 months i hid it from her for 2 weeks but its hard to hide an IV heroin relapse from someone shooting up for 3 years daily (i also injected her every single time never taught her to do it... suicidal depression on her worst days so no IV teachings for her :) )

Here i sit she is on day 12 of no methadone and i am on 20mg. She is back to the girl i met 5 years ago and we are way better for our struggles. We only smoke weed now and are starting to get new friends... i read more about chemistry then drugs for the first time in my life drugs are losing their grasp on me. And i mean the time i devote to them learning about them or getting them not doing them. I know most people gauge stuff by how often they do drugs but drugs take up all aspects of life and i used a shit ton of brain energy understanding their chemistry, I devote that energy to where it should have been, the chemistry of organic compounds as a whole. Its about time!

*It should be noted that when i relapsed i knew what would happen but i was so sick of living the same day over and over spending money on opiates i didnt use. At that time my little bro wasnt in prison and i didnt mind paying for the dope he was getting us but it got to the point where both my girl and my brother were expecting my paycheck and it really pissed me off finally lead to me exclaiming one day when i couldnt get it "wtf why is everyone in the car pissed szuko cant get paid except him!" so i relapsed and now we are all clean lol go figure. didnt plan it but it happened that way and not by my doing at all my relapse just set stuff in motion for my girl and i*
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