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Why can't I hit baseline?


Dec 2, 2013
Since my last shroom trip about half a year ago I haven't really felt normal. I constantly feel out of synch with reality and that I am never truly in the moment. I feel like I am a witness to my own life rather than first hand experiencing it. Also my perception gets pretty messed up at points. Everything looks really far away and all objects look out of place, like they have been simply placed there and don't belong. I also at points get the general kind of sinisterism associated with the come-up of shrooms and micro doses.

I also get quite a lot of static visuals. I cant really think of any other way to describe it.

Pretty heavy herb use and occasional mephedrone is the only other things I've done since. Is this in my head/Is this normal or what?

The only reason I ask is I feel like I am not experiencing life fully as I am never really there. I have no mental conditions or anything.

The thought of going back to baseline makes me metaphorically drool. Is there anything I can do to get back there or am I going to be very slightly tripping for the rest of my life?
Heavy herb use can contribute to those feelings I would say. When I quit pot for periods, life is certainly different. I've never had lasting effects from psychs except after using LSD, in which case pot essentially shot me into a way more psychedelic space than normal for about 6 months after.

So what I'm trying to say is, pot certainly can't help your situation. Try going sober for a month or two, and if that doesn't help look for other solutions I guess.
Baseline is WAAAY over-rated bro...

Maybe ya got HPPD...

...or you're just phuckingnutz....I am.

Oh...not ever being baseline IS a mental condition
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Definitely stop smoking for a little while, marijuana exacerbates this sort of thing.
hmm ok, its worth it. Once I hit baseline for a while I wont mind this, I just need to feel completely drug free one more time
Hey, as someone who hasn't been drug free in over three years, I feel ya. It can be hard. I should quit smoking/drinking/tripping for a while myself. I hope you have good luck in your attempts. Pot is great, but we all need to realize it isn't everything.
This kinda sounds like the depersonalization and derealization I get when I smoke way to much weed everyday or after a weekend of moderately heavy MDMA use, definately try and quit the smoking and mephedrone or at the least give it a long break. It's like life is dull and I feel like I'm living three steps behind myself, like a dissociation to a mild degree. Trust me I know how hard it can be to quit smoking weed, I live in california in an area where even the parents of children are potheads and if you wanna smoke the finest you can simply get it by walking two blocks to the nearest dispensary :\. It's hard bt after a week or two you will likely forget about weed or feel so clearheaded that you won't wanna go back (admittedly this mentality doesn'always last).
You see this a lot here on Bluelight, I can almost promise it is the after effects of Mephedrone that WILL go away with proper:


Even though Ganja is a great medicinal plant it is not always the best for those who have a past of hard drug use.
I have been eating lots of eggs recently. Theoretically for the magnesium. It seems to help get the fuzziness out of my thinking, if you are short on certain nutrients a diet change could help.

Healthy eating and exercise. Sound body, sound mind.

Other than that, benzodiazepine helped, but I hear if you abuse both you will get completely stuck.
Thank you all for the information. I guess I just need a break. Good thing is my exams are coming up over the next few months so I can lock myself away from all my friends with reason, that is the only way I can go herb free. I exercise quite a lot and have a half decent diet. Its good to see this is fixable :) thanks again.

Kratom I'm not sure I would even want that level of ease when it comes to weed, we have to put down some sort of middle ground between the government calling it a mind rotter and the rastafari considering it sacred and sanctioning daily use.

Edit: I've read about a lot of people feeling identical to this solely due to herb. It was wrong for me to blame it on shrooms
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These threads are fucking ridiculous. 'SHIT IS WEIRD AND WRONG. OH AND I'M FAT and/or SMOKE WEED ALL THE TIME'. Gee, couldn't possibly pinpoint what the problem is 8)
Kratom I'm not sure I would even want that level of ease when it comes to weed
Some might even say it's a curse :p, too many people have the mentality that weed is totally harmless around here and so much weed is thrown at me throughout the day it makes quitting seriously hard... consider yourself lucky I guess.
:\ there is a difference between being fat and eating hallucinogens when it comes to mental effects.