• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Why are doctors so concervitive?

fairnymph -- some people do, though those people are also generally resistant to depression treatment in general. For most, the efficacy is sustained over a period of years.
dasense -- most people who take heroin once a week to "remind themselves of how good life is" won't actually do that. All they'll do is remind themselves of how good heroin is.

Worse, it's likely to increase the contrast in their life. That is, they'll compare the heroin high to their shitty week and conclude that life is actually even worse than it is. This sort of thinking leads to drug-taking as escapism, which can quickly fuel itself into addiction.

Your argument is predicated on the idea that people take heroin once a week and don't get addicted. Is this really true? Life experience shows that people DO get addicted. You can't just assume that people won't

You cannot just keep upping your dose to counter tolerance.... there IS no unlimited supply of heroin.

SSRIs don't make you happy. Have you ever been on one? They counter depression. They don't make you "happy". Many people on SSRIs report a flattening of affect; they feel like they're not depressed, but that its harder to feel happy as well.

You say that SSRIs make people psychotic and kill people. There are some reports of SSRIs triggering sucidal tendencies, but as far as I'm concerned this is adequately explained on the basis of agitation. When people are really depressed, they think about suicide but don't have the energy or willpower to go through with it. As the SSRI starts to work, they start to have more energy and willpower but are still depressed, and therefore are more likely to act on their suicidal urges. You have to remember that suicide is ALREADY a risk for depressed patients.

Opiate addiction can equally make people turn to crime to support their habit.

Your argument just simply doesn't work. You're looking only at the positives for opiates, and completely brush aside any of the (significant) negatives.
It's definitely not common, although it is more common with OCD, which tends to need higher doses of meds to begin with. I'm definitely not treatment resistant (thank god), and I really only had a significant problem with Effexor, which maxed out for me within 2 months. I tend to have to increase my prozac dose over time if I'm on it for more than 6 months, but currently I'm trying to take breaks from it periodically and my tolerance goes down whenever I do that.

SSRIs do make me happy, but it's not like euphoric; it's simply that I can stop worrying and obsessing about everything, and allow my naturally happy/cheerful self to show through. Or that's how it appears to me. I personally don't get any 'numbing' or flattening of emotions with prozac. I guess I'm lucky;I just can't orgasm very well. :\

The cases of people going psychotic/suicidal are rare, and most of the time it's due to dosage problems, either because the dr sucks or they aren't taking the med as directed, and especially if they stop taking it suddenly, which is plain stupid. SSRIs are VERY safe if taken properly under the care of a good doctor.

I've talked elsewhere about what I think of opiates for depression; suffice to say I think they have very limited value in psychiatry and most of the people claiming opiates are miracle antidepressants are just trying to justify their hedonistic or escapist use. Escapism is NOT an antidepressant.
One other thing: euphoria doesn't allow you to function properly in society.

If you're "euphoric", are you going to want to (or be able to) work at a 9-5 job? Are you going to want to (or be able to) look after kids, drive a car etc? The answer is unequivocally no.

Our society needs functioning members, not people perpetually on some blissful high.
Well i dont agree VelocideX

Euphoria can make people work twice as hard, at least!
It dependes on the high!
Lets say someone on Meth, or lets say an addict who got granted free dope for work! I think that would be very much effective to say the least, im sure they can work like it have been seen by the imperial british colonies in China - the opium trade is something who have fueled the modern trade Besides poor farmers are surviving that way, by delivering dope

By the way, opiates are just one of many more effective drugs out there

talking about depression i would say DMT and Harmaline are much more effective at curing depression since they look very much like the neurotransmitters produced by the pineal

The best drugs are the ones fitting and our own body chemistry are supperior to any ssri i would say

People on drugs can be allot better fuctioning members of society

Lets not forget we are not in a slave society (yet) lets fight for our right to be blissfull high
DMT doesn't produce antidepressive effects, it produces schizophrenic like tendencies =(

Harmaline works because it's a MAO-A inhibitor. Moclobemide (Aurorix TM) works just the same.

People on meth work more because they're stimulated to work. That doesn't mean that the quality of their work is better; in fact, its worse. Except... you're not talking about meth. You're talking about heroin. When was the last time you heard anyone saying "Man I was so junked up and so productive. I did twice the work I needed to today". It just doesn't happen, and you're kidding yourself.
Donbon said:
I think that would be very much effective to say the least, im sure they can work like it have been seen by the imperial british colonies in China - the opium trade is something who have fueled the modern trade Besides poor farmers are surviving that way, by delivering dope

Lets not forget we are not in a slave society (yet) lets fight for our right to be blissfull high

You are excessively, and most frustratingly, ignorant.

Why don't you spent just half an hour of your doped up productivity to teach yourself some history.

Let me give you a quick reality check:
The Chinese were the dominant society in our world until 200 years ago, despite all the one-sided nonsense we are taught at school. They controlled 2/3rds of the worlds supply of silver and European technologies were pitiful in comparison. Due to edicts prohibiting money/silver being paid to foreigners, the Europeans were unable to lift themselves out of the economic and technological hole that they were in.

Their solution was a convoluted system of exchange involving Opium, which was known to be highly addictive and was in fact banned in Europe.... but clearly was good enough for China, who was unaware of Opium's qualities.

So in the end (in an overly simplified conclusion), glorious England/Europe became world leaders by crippling China with Opium addiction - an addiction that brought an end to over 1000 years of world domination.

Your theories are uneducated, unfounded, childlike and illusory.

Stop trying to criticise society in order to justify your (over)use of Herion (or any other drug, for that matter). If you must use drugs, then at least try to be sensible in your views on them.

At the very least, educate yourself before continuing to make such manifestly incorrect statements.

Also remember that for the most part, laws are there to protect people, and even though legal reforms are necessary as society and knowledge develops ULTIMATELY THE AIM IS TO PROTECT THE INDIVIDUAL AND THE GROUP FROM THEIR OWN STUPIDITY/LACK OF KNOWLEDGE/MISTAKES.

A society where drugs were given out/made very available would collapse upon itself extremely quickly, or society would develop its own stigma for their use - independent of the legal system - to keep our world going.

Your views on DMT are much old, long back in the 60'ies
schizophrenic tendencies have nothing to do with DMT
In small doses it have anxiolytic effects

Isnt it a 'coincidence' that DMT are structually very similar of Serotonin

This is also true with other psychedelics
They are very close to be just like the ordinary neurotransmitters

Therefore their effects are both antidepressive, anxiolytic and so on

At least this is true for me, and many people
There might be people where this is not true, same thing can be said about other kinds of medicine, ssri as an example, not two people are the same.

Now there are new knowledge of DMT but still there are unsolved riddles, but lets make it clear that its not there by coincidence it has its own important role

Besides there are many hard working heroin addicts, the picture of the hopeless lazy addict are old, not true and generalized

Small doses of Meth can make people work not only better, but faster, neurostransmitters are important to work good.

Why do you think they hand dexedrine to people with attention deficienties

Besides of Harmaline and Moclobemide they are NOT the same thing this is a gross statement, they are not even close, even in effect, only in their maoi effect

It would not surprise me if you are a user of pharm-products
Their missinformation are giving people a gross view of the delicate knowledge of organic chemistry and the human organism

They are here to earn money, the system is depending on it, there are too much at stack to let people know the truth

They even stupidly beleived the work of the shaman to be schizophrenic, even thou they dont even know what it is, neither of them

Not the theory goes on dreams, life and death instead - Dreams are much important for the Indian soul, they are beleived to be able to alter it. The dream are very much important we now know, REM are much important SSRI are beleived to be able to disturb this mechanism, much more pharm products are doing the same thing, no wonder why people are having insomnia

The old greeks talked about godly madness

Pippin you are emotional and not listening to what im telling you:

It is you who is childlike

Your personal attack shows great decrease in addult communication skills

You are degrading your status like a free individuality

The society are hyppocritical if they are earning on opium but denying their right to their population to choose their own life

If anyone have been caught in the edducation wheel of brainwashing then it must have been you

You are defending views who make you little more than a puppet

People giving liberty for security have not earned any of those, guess who is saying that my friend

The hypothesis that asociety would collapse is just an example of more your (un-)educated nonsense

There have allready been such examples where drugs havent been demonized like you do and their structure have been very effective

Take a look at the depression, lack of money, lets prohibit booze! And lo and behold, overindulgence the resulting end, giving rice to organized crime leaving the people defenceless and fulling the corporative elite, creating corruption and civil tragedies.

Look - laws wont make people more edducated, only experience will, the experience wich they are deying people the right to have!

If you are taking drugs but still think they should be illegal, isnt you a hypocrit then?
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addiction is real, and hard to break. But forming it in the first place is stupid. Like the guy in this thread who got all pissy because he got addicted to his meds, he was stupid. You can tell when you're getting addicted to meds.

Isn't it nice to be well-educated about neuropharmacology and know what addiction looks like when it's coming? Isn't it nice not to have a serious mental illness that make staying high all the time seem like the best option?

But not everyone is so fortunate. Many people (particularly young people) do NOT know what a developing addiction is like until they're already addicted. It's the sort of behavioral problem that grows a little bit at a time. It can really sneak up on you if you don't know the signs.

Personally, I sincerely hate the taste of alcohol. In retrospect, that was a very good thing, because there was a time in my life when, had I been a drinker, I would no doubt have become an alcoholic. I know that NOW. I understand the risk and the problem NOW. But I wouldn't have understood it then. By the same token, it would be virtually impossible for me to become addicted to ANYTHING today, partly because my mental health has dramatically improved over the years (I have no reason to want to escape reality), and partly because I now have a considerable understanding of and awareness of addiction.

Well, good for us. We're the hard-asses of the drug ecosystem. But have a little pity on the less fortunate. To characterize addiction as something that happens just because people are stupid or weak is unfair and overly simplistic; we were all ignorant once, and some people are running from larger demons than others.
Donbon said:

The society are hyppocritical if they are earning on opium but denying their right to their population to choose their own life

If anyone have been caught in the edducation wheel of brainwashing then it must have been you

You are defending views who make you little more than a puppet

People giving liberty for security have not earned any of those, guess who is saying that my friend

The hypothesis that asociety would collapse is just an example of more your (un-)educated nonsense

There have allready been such examples where drugs havent been demonized like you do and their structure have been very effective

Take a look at the depression, lack of money, lets prohibit booze! And lo and behold, overindulgence the resulting end, giving rice to organized crime leaving the people defenceless and fulling the corporative elite, creating corruption and civil tragedies.

Look - laws wont make people more edducated, only experience will, the experience wich they are deying people the right to have!

If you are taking drugs but still think they should be illegal, isnt you a hypocrit then?

I don't demonize drugs in the slightest. I just consider them critically - analysing their good and bad points. I most certainly am not a hypocrit for thinking that Opiates should not just be handed out, as you said they should.

Just because someone takes drugs, doesn't mean they have to hold to your argument that everyone should just be allowed to take drugs as often as they like and that they should be "given out" at a very cheap/no cost, and that the whole thing should be illegal. In my opinion, this argument is completely irrational.
If I have missed some aspect of your argument in this summary, then I apologise, but your posts are quite difficult to follow and I am struggling to see cohesivness within your argument.

Please stop making comparisons between stimulants and heroin because they are irrelevant to your argument, as far as I can see.

Stimulants increase motivation and increase the speed at which you complete things, but they decrease the quality of the work undertaken. They are fundamentally VERY different drugs to Opiates.

You generalise about "Society" making all its money out of Opium, but I'd like you to indicate the specific societies that do so.

I never said that "laws make people educated" and I also never said that all the legislation regarding drugs was correct. Legal academics also don't say that legislation regarding drugs is the most efficient way to deal with drugs, but the likelihood of anything changing substantially is minimal.
What I DID say was that, ultimately, laws are there to protect people and to protect society.

And I don't believe there is any argument regarding the fact that society as we know it would collapse if heroin was "given out".
You can cite all the examples you like, but ultimately, we need people at the top - driving the scientific, economic and political powerhouses of society - to be rational and motivated and capable to do their job at all times.

And I reiterate that in this hypothetical, and completely impossible situation, society would step up to take the slack left by poor legislation.
xspikehead>>> re:self control

... and all addicts knew they were going to be addicts?
meh! i don't think so.

addiction can affect anyone ...it makes you no better or worse than anyone else. there are many different types of addiction. drugs being one of the more comforting, reliable ones.
(- if only some pedophiles had chosen drugs!!- kidding)

self control does have a place. so does free will.
...but you cant even measure a person's self control
... as it depends on each individual emotion and event of everyday life. you cant say what you are capable of until the very moment of decision. even then, you're not always aware of the potential of a situation. an addiction is usually when something well-meaning goes wrong.

even if someone was born with little or no self control... that is their fault? - the answer is no

however ...it's often said those who say "it will never happen to me" ...they seem to be the ones eating their words in the end.

Since you have never been an addict (i think i can safely assume this) ...if it's so damn easy... you go ahead and give it a try ...at the whole "self control" thing.

... since you seem to think you know about addiction, better than those with no "self control".

although they can be both very stubborn
...you can treat addiction ...unfortunately IMO ...you cant treat stupidity. learn up all.

...and have a self controlled day!!! lmao
In regards to the discussion about addiction -

the latest opinion of the nature vs. nuture debate is that it is not a matter of one or the other, but a combination of BOTH.

You may be aware that recent research (in a longitudinal study) has found the genes predisposing people to depressiveness and aggressiveness, but has also found that the potentiation of these genes is dependent on the environment in which the individual has developed.

I think it is similarly impossible to make the debate regarding addiction so polarised between "own stupid fault" and "inescapable disease".

Its my personal opinion that those who support solely the former lack empathy and that those who support solely the latter are looking for an excuse (this doens't necessarily have to be for themselves). I don't have much patience for either of these narrow viewpoints.

I think everyone, regardless of their position, can recognise that some people have character traits that dispose them to certain behaviours. I think we all can also recognise that some people have life experiences that have left such a mark on them that they are also more predisposed to certain actions/behaviours.

The final thing that I think some people don't see is that what starts off as a bit of "harmless" fun, can quickly spiral into much more...and often the user is unable to see how destructive their usage has become.
Either through denial, or through being simply unable to see how far they have come from the start both in behaviour, activities and personality.

I'd imagine many people on this forum have stories about when they have gone on binges - on their pill "honeymoon", perhaps - which they have afterwards regretted and wondered how on earth they lost sight of reality.

I'm a massive believer in personal strength and ones ability to overcome obstacles.
I've had a pretty tough life and I have alcoholism in my family history. There was a time when, without knowing anything about drugs (or thankfully having any access to them), I was desperate to try them because I thought anything to take me away would be fantastic - and that is what I had been told at school "people use drugs to escape". It sounded like a good option for me at the time... but with a bit of distance, greater understanding and having achieved emotional stability, I look back at that moment in absolute horror.
My life could have taken a completely different track, and I would have had no idea that I was headed there.

I didn't even occur to me that those thoughts could lead to addiction....I was a high achiever, with high expectations and goals for my future....aside from the fact that at that time I would have been unable to reconcile the two images, I was so miserable that it just plainly would not have occurred to me.

A guy friend of mine gave me a line of panadol crushed up and told me it was speed, and I (thankfully) decided that I really didn't see how drugs could help people escape their problems.
So I worked through them with my strength of will and suceeded.

But it all could have been a very different story.
I think it is similarly impossible to make the debate regarding addiction so polarised between "own stupid fault" and "inescapable disease".

Its my personal opinion that those who support solely the former lack empathy and that those who support solely the latter are looking for an excuse (this doens't necessarily have to be for themselves). I don't have much patience for either of these narrow viewpoints.
Well said.
indeed i tend to take a patient advocate side to most issues, ...as this is my focus. addiction is an issue i don't take lightly. i am thankful to those above for the "recheck" in the other direction.
Excuses they may be ...they represent a certain population I identify and associate with.
my defensiveness and swayed commentary was harsh.
apologies. im not the greatist activist. nor journalist.
My dad is a neurologist and he believes in Jesus the bearded carpenter and conservative moral values.

But back on topic, as Donbon stated so eloquently- Alcohol/caffeine/coca-cola/nicotine are legalized to enrich the corporate elites while making everyone stupid while they get even more filthy rich.
Richest brand names on earth: Marlboro, Coca-Cola, and Budweiser, Starbucks, McDonalds (food-drug).

DMT, psilocin resemble serotonin and therefore cause alterations at specific 5HT sites. But these lead us to spiritual, anarchic understandings beyond the realm of our self-interested, backwards, and cutthroat society.

Life is short relative to the earth's life. As we are all bags of electrochemicals, I don't see what is wrong with ingesting handpicked electrochemicals for a euphoric effect. anyone who hates on others' happy drug usage is truly jealous and also a puppet for the DEA. Language fails us because "drug addiction" is neither a disease nor an illness. It is a choice, no matter how tortured. 90% of the people with "addictions" don't realize they have it so good to indulge in recreational drugs. THERE ARE 800 MILLION PEOPLE LIVING IN CONSTANT STARVATION. Life is rough and if "addicts" kill themselves pleasuring with drugs so be it, you die anyway, whats the problem with feelin good? Stuck in your puritan mindset that caffiene, enkephalins, endomorphins, 20 amino acids, NTs, endocannabinoids like anandamine (sanskrit for bliss) are drugs. They are not drugs, they are the spiritual chemical equipment which we all possess...and as we are all parts and reflections of god, when you hate on our chemikals, you hate on God himself, and hes tired of your hateful strained petty human language justifying your status to your skin deep skull-enchained ego.

The musekal age of psychedelics and hedonistic chemicals has just begun.
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How is that all relevant to doctors being too conservative?

I must say, it would be pretty hard to work an office job whilst stuck in a perpetual spiritual revelation of the kind that no-one else but yourself could understand
Dont think laws is always to protect the people it is often to protect the people in charge, the people in power - who controls the society, we are talking about rich multinational corporate elite cartels run by a small circle of ultra powerfull and wealthy money giants who wants people to be zombie commercial consumers feeding the giant money wheel

s William Burroughs said: “A paranoid is one who knows the facts.”
I think the people throwing the fault of addiction completely at the feet of the addict would have a different opinion if they had worked extensively with them as I have.
Some of these people have the most fucked up historys of abuse and are often not educated or even that smart.
They take whatever drug, the pain goes,

A = B

These people often don't have the critical thinking skills that many people on here have. They often totally lack insight into their behaviour and fail to see where it is leading whereas I for example, said to myself today, "You have been doing lines for the last 4 days, time to crank it back, Hey!, I will use my education and inteligence to obtain and use benzos in appropriate amounts to control my depression and anxiety to get me through the next few days till I am back in more of a routine and the new SSRI I am taken at the moment starts to kick and help my depression (incidently which many view as a charecter fault also) .

Or take ADHD (which again many simplistic thinking uneducated people think desn't exist). Grow up being told your useless, a scatterbrain, one dose of a psychostimulant, your teachers are asking what the fuck is going on cos your calm, in control and funtioning like everyone else in the class.

I think its a shit situation when a senior moderator like blizor comes in here perpetuating these incorrect stereotypes in a forum such as this. I am loathe to personally attack someone because of their views but after hearing tom Cruize spout similar views about depression which is intrinsicly linked to substance abuse ( here is his views on ecstacy which maybe you can relate to better blizor http://www.notodrugs-yestolife.com/ ) maybe I will make an exception.

True addicts don't use to get high, they use to feel normal. Whilst still retaining a degree of personal responsibility (however diminished) these people do have an illness and are victims of biology and society.
