why are all these pill bottles empty already?


Nov 13, 2010
this is my first post. i've been lurking on bluelight for two years through a good friend's account, but all i did was read and learn. now i'm actively looking for advice, or at least commiseration.

i've got pretty severe depression and anxiety. i was diagnosed at 11, which meant i was given a shit-ton of drugs from then until i was 18, when i was happy enough with my then-current circumstances to believe i was "in remission" and no longer needed medication. to this day, i have no idea how much of my emotional incapacitation is, at least in some way, psychosomatic or pre-learned patterns. i don't trust my own brain and i never know what to blame on self-pity, mental illness, or my addictions.

i do know that i've been using hard drugs for the last two years and just recently realized, after spending two completely sober months working overseas, that i might be far, far unhealthier than i could ever have imagined. i'd noticed that i'd been far more depressed and emotional even before my work-imposed sobriety this summer, but now that i've been back for three months, i can only see myself going downhill. i've been taking tons of scrips, including my prescribed ambien, klonopin, and any xanax, adderall or vicodin i can get my hands on. i smoke weed constantly and have finally started to noticed a scary and absolutely causal connection between my nonstop using and my memory, decline in motivation, and general feeling of well-being. there are some, in fact many days that i am so anxious and depressed that i cannot leave my bed, let alone my home. i drink now, not incredibly heavily but almost every day, and as someone who grew up with an alcoholic uncle i'm disappointed in my inability to resist falling into at least one familial pitfall. i'm a recovered meth addict (a year of nonstop smoking coupled with severe anorexia almost killed me), and i consistently use whatever i can get my hands on (this weekend coke, some weekends heroin, some weekends ex) and i feel like i can't remember the last time i was voluntarily sober.

i'm a 21 year old university student. i'm already having to complete two entire extra semesters to graduate because my anxiety was so worsened by my addictions that i am often incapable of going to class at all. i will fail out of school if i don't get it together soon, and to combat all that stress i'm taking more pills than i've ever taken, and every day. and i'm scared.

someone tell me what my next move should be; at this point, i don't trust myself to make any decisions that won't lead me further down this incredibly self-destructive path.

i'm truly sorry for the tl;dr pity party. but i sure would appreciate a response.
You should post this in the dark side. You will get much more helpful responses over there.
I think you'll get better responses in the dark side forum so I'll send this over there for you. TDS is an amazing place where you can meet other people who can really relate to what you're experiencing and get some advice and support.



Great minds, right BIGsherm? In the future if you think something belongs elsewhere, please use the report feature to bring mod attention to it and we can move it instead of someone double posting. Thanks for the suggestion though! You were spot on
Well, look on the bright side, you did spend two months sober recently and you're questioning why you are taking all these substances. You also made the connection that this started after you stopped being treated for anxiety and depression disorders.

I'd try and go back to the doctor who was treating you or find another one and see if you can find a healthier way to deal with your anxiety.

If it makes you feel any better you're certainly not alone in your predicament, you probably already know from reading on bluelight that many many people have the same type of problem.

I'm sure more people will chime in with better advice.
thanks guys-- i'll try the dark side and see how that works out (that sounds wrong, by the way, lol). you're a friendly bunch.
I would just start to cut back on the weekend drugs, and then reassess your pharmaceutical prescriptions. Talk with your doctor if you have to.
Avoid anything that has an extremely quick half-life.
Avoid dormies(worst) & xanax . Go for valium or kpins refuse to take those fast acting benzos.
Avoid opiates if possible but if you can't, The weaker opiate you use the better. Also avoid synthetics they again have quicker half life.
Stick to only extended release uppers and again the weaker the better.

And last but not least avoid mixing uppers and downers.

Best of Luck