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Why America Is the Only Place in the World Where People Use PCP

I've never even heard of pcp in Canada. I can get any drug, my connection even sells lsd. But I've never seen PCP, I don't know anyone who has done it.

I might take a road trip to the USA but even then, I don't like to buy drugs on the street, I'm more a make friends in a bar type of drug buyer. Since its schedule 1 here all the analogues are illegal too. I just cannot believe that I would rip off my clothes in public, that just doesn't seem like something i would do on any drug.
Ive heard of it back around the 90s. Someone elses experience. Its not around. Not something people party with anymore - or far and few at least.
I suppose it (and relatives) are around but finding it in the street here would be close to impossible. I've never encountered it. The only way I've done any PCP was by ordering the 3 meo and 4 meo analogs online.

From what i understand dissociatives are a bigger thing in uk and nl bc they have street ketamine and we really don't. I guess dxm is probably the most popular here.
Yes ket is really mainstream over here

But isn't pcp more a black and or urban community thing in the states.?
Yes ket is really mainstream over here

But isn't pcp more a black and or urban community thing in the states.?
Possibly in larger cities like maybe LA or NY maybe but I'm really only aware of it bc it makes the news every now and then when somebody does something really fucked up on it (like once a decade or so).
Like i said DXM is way bigger and not too different (just orders of magnitude less potent)
I imagine pcp is 1000x more euphoric than dxm
Pure DXM in very high doses (like a gram or more) was remarkably similar to a strong dose of either 3 meo or 4 meo PCP. I don't really find any PCP analogs I've tried or DXM to be very euphoric. K and MXE in comparison are very euphoric IV though!
Over here in the Netherlands it's common knowledge that Americans are crazy and outrageous in almost all aspects.
Lol, that's how most Americans feel about the NL too once they've been exposed to Dutch hardcore lol.
I would say dxm is much more like 4 meo PCP than 3 meo bc 3 meo could be very manic and or stimulating at times. I dunno i had to lay down mostly on both bc of the dosages i used them at. Couldn't even speak bc no motor control to the tongue a few times. Thats when you know you're gone off dissociatives... when you can no longer form a word. Just guttural grunting is possible
I imagine pcp is 1000x more euphoric than dxm
Where I’m from we call it Angel Dust, I’ve always heard people getting psychotic on it, I saw a guy on it once he literally ripped a wooden staircase from a porch with his bare hands and going nuts, I was shit scared.
Pretty sure its a case of you only hear about it when people freak out and normal non freak out reactions are the majority of reactions. I saw a video on vice or somewhere about black transsexual hookers in washington, they were smoking it and were fine. And this classic guy in the 70s
Pretty sure its a case of you only hear about it when people freak out and normal non freak out reactions are the majority of reactions. I saw a video on vice or somewhere about black transsexual hookers in washington, they were smoking it and were fine. And this classic guy in the 70s

Cool vid. So you CAN slam it. Interesting.
How that guy is acting when he sees himself completely fucked when je thought he was fine is how I've felt countless fimes when my mates have shown me videos of myself on high doses of ket.

I saw that other one with those trans hookers smoking too haha that was pretty funny.

So do pharmaceutical companies even still produce PCP in vial form? Or would it all just be home brew stuff going around those areas. Man i really fucking want some!
I always found that strange considering codeine doesn't do shit! Oh sbit I'm badness I'm sippin' lean i ain't fucked up but inliketa get itchy!!
Ever heard of tolerance? Codeine works great for people without an opiate/opioid tolerance. Assuming they metabolize it correctly though. Not everyone is blessed with a "good" liver.

I personally loved the codeine high when I first started using Opi's.
Where I’m from we call it Angel Dust, I’ve always heard people getting psychotic on it, I saw a guy on it once he literally ripped a wooden staircase from a porch with his bare hands and going nuts, I was shit scared.
Ive read PCP is very much like ket except in the fact that people on it have energy. Thats actually pretty scary. Basically an unhinged vessel.
Ive read PCP is very much like ket except in the fact that people on it have energy. Thats actually pretty scary. Basically an unhinged vessel.
Exactly I was mortified when I saw that guy rip out that wooden staircase.
Ive read PCP is very much like ket except in the fact that people on it have energy. Thats actually pretty scary. Basically an unhinged vessel.
At one point I actually grew tolerant to the anesthetic effects of ketamine (as well as the psychedelic) but at high doses I started to get up and wander around. Got injured a few times, caused havoc others.
I dont know how readily available it is these days but about 10 years ago I was living in a little town on the edge of Camden NJ and was smoking "wet" several times a week. We would take the bus down into the city and were able to buy jars of wet on several different street corners from random dealers. A jar was enough to roll a decent blunt that was enough to get 2 of us high af Supposedly most of what you can buy on the streets is embalming fluid (formaldehyde) which apparently produces a high very similar to PCP. I don't think dealers are synthesizing PCP all that much but I could be wrong. There were several times I was completely whacked out of my mind and had no clue where I was or what I was doing. Not sure how I didnt end up dead or in jail. I did come out of it in the hospital once bc I blacked out on the train and people called 911. Its definitely mentally addictive but not so much physically. My mom has a friend who's son went psycho on it and tried to gouge out his own eyes and had punched holes in his walls and lined them with tin foil to block out the "feds from listening in on him". He ended up institutionalized. Not sure if he ever recovered or not.

It was a fun and interesting drug but I would definitely not recommend abusing it/excessive or long term use. Its been years since I messed with it, I would never do it now.