• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

White Sugar (glucose) Contaminate

Well, yeah, man, I initially thought that you'd be able to do it simply by exploiting the differences in solubility in methanol/ethanol/isopropanol/acetone/MEK or whatever, wash it, or recrystallise it, or something like that, but sekio and ebola? suggested you couldn't do this. I don't get it, but those guys learned chemistry in schools, not kitchens, so I defer to them. Yeah, I think your method of extracting the meth with ethanol would work (as long as the solubilities are right, find a reference, or if you're lucky WolframAlpha), as would washing the sugar out of the meth with acetone (as long as the solubilities are right, find a reference, or if you're lucky WolframAlpha), but I'm just a bumpkin, people were saying you needed to do an A/B at home to solve the problem, and if there's a thing I know, it's doing A/B extractions, ghetto style, so I told you how to do that. Good luck whatever you do, man.

Thanks for your quick reply Babylonboy, I will give it the rest of the afternoon here and cross my fingers to see if ebola or seiko throw a reply up to confirm the eligibility of the alcohol recrystal method. Thanks man!
I looked up some refs. for you:
So, it seems, yeah, you should be able to wash the sugar out with acetone, or extract the meth with (m)ethanol. Speak up if I'm wrong! (I think maybe this is too... practical and DIY for NPD, which is why you've only me to talk to. Ah well, fuk da polis).
All these questions are for harm reduction purposes to procure a cleaner, safer product. Refer to PM.
This is as far as I have gotten with writing myself up a simple easy to follow method. If you guys have time could you maybe help me finish it off at i'm a little unsure of the next half of the procedure. Also to correct any of the steps so far to prevent any hiccups. I will only be doing this A/B if the alcohol recrystalization mentioned can be discredited or If no one can offer any further insight into the idea

All safety precautions will be taken :)



Sodium Hydroxide –CAUSTIC SODA (Drain Cleaner)
H20 – Distilled Water
Shellite (Australian equivalent of Naphtha)
2 x Glass Jars
1 gram Methamphetamine


1. Have meth in sterile glass jar (1gram) which will then have distilled water added to dissolve the meth (Unsure of water measurement, thinking 1.5ml?)

2. Add NaOH to the solution of meth and water (Should the NaOH be prepared in a liquid or could one just add the dry crystal drainer cleaner stuff?)

3. Add Shellite to the solution (Measurement? 3-4ml?)

4. Agitate the solution (Swish/swirling or shake like a madman?)

5. Put solution into freezer and allow the water to freeze for separation of the layers

6. Pour off the Shellite layer into another sterile glass jar

This is as far as I have gotten with writing myself up a simple easy to follow method. If you guys have time could you maybe help me finish it off at i'm a little unsure of the next half of the procedure. Also to correct any of the steps so far to prevent any hiccups.

All safety precautions will be taken :)
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So, it seems, yeah, you should be able to wash the sugar out with acetone, or extract the meth with (m)ethanol. Speak up if I'm wrong! (I think maybe this is too... practical and DIY for NPD, which is why you've only me to talk to. Ah well, fuk da polis).

I found only mixed information about the solubility of sugar in acetone. The short of the matter indicated that sugar is soluble, but only poorly. As for further details, I don't know enough of the ins and outs of the specific solvents in relation to sucrose to comment more with confidence. I'd either wait until you have full information on what procedure is optimal, but we already know that an A/B extraction WILL work.

I found only mixed information about the solubility of sugar in acetone. The short of the matter indicated that sugar is soluble, but only poorly. As for further details, I don't know enough of the ins and outs of the specific solvents in relation to sucrose to comment more with confidence. I'd either wait until you have full information on what procedure is optimal, but we already know that an A/B extraction WILL work.


Thanks for the reply. I agree that the information available is circumstantial and very mixed. I guess I will do the A/B Extraction and Recrystalization. Perhaps when Babylonboy see my post about my method to complete the A/B successfully he can tweak it and offer some more guidance.
1. Have meth in sterile glass jar (1gram) which will then have distilled water added to dissolve the meth (Unsure of water measurement, thinking 1.5ml?) Why so little? It's going to be hard to work with. You're always going to have losses, when you only have 1.5 ml, that's going to end up being significant. I'd use 20 ml, 30 ml, perhaps, though I'll admit, I'm not hugely experienced working in such a small scale, trained chemists should be

2. Add NaOH to the solution of meth and water (Should the NaOH be prepared in a liquid or could one just add the dry crystal drainer cleaner stuff?) I usually add NaOH directly, but either way is good, for you I'd say yeah, make a solution first and then add it. Add the NaOH to the water, not the other way around, do it slowly (it will get hot, this is fine, as long as you keep it under control), stir it (the NaOH is so basic it can etch the glass, move it around, this will also dissolve it faster), and take precautions, NaOH is dangerous, wear goggles and have white vinegar on hand to neutralise spills

3. Add Shellite to the solution (Measurement? 3-4ml?)Again, I'd use way more, 10ml at least, you want big enough quantities to work with easily.

4. Agitate the solution (Swish/swirling or shake like a madman?)Like a Polaroid picture. Make sure it's sealed

5. Put solution into freezer and allow the water to freeze for separation of the layers

6. Pour off the Shellite layer into another sterile glass jar Glass B

7. Save the NaOH/meth water/ice in glass A

8. To glass B, add some hydrochloric/muriatic acid. Again, be careful. I use 37% conc, diluted a bit, but it doesn't really matter, you'll be using an excess and letting the rest evaporate away. Again, a decent layer, at least 10 ml of perhaps 10% HCl.

9. Shake it like Muhammed Ali making cocktails, freeze to separate.

10. Pour the solvent from glass B back into glass A. Use ice cold water to quickly rinse the solvent from the ice, and pour this into glass A, too.

11. Let the ice in glass B melt, pour it into a dish to evaporate. It will leave a white, crystalline residue. That is methamphetamine hydrochloride.

12. Glass A now has meth, water, sugar, lye, and solvent in it, just like it did in step 4. Repeat 4 to 12 until the amounts of meth become not worth your while.

That should do it, obviously can't reiterate safety enough, eyes, flames etc
but sucrose is actually alien to the blood, usually would be broken down to simpler sugars by first-pass, yeah?

methamphetamine, alien to the blood?

either way i wouldn't IV meth in the first place. sucrose is gonna be something an organism wants to feed off but so would glucose. the whole injecting street drugs instead of eating them or any other method that is less invasive is always prone to infection. even in a hospital things are not as sterile as you would imagine.
Yes, methamfetamine is alien to the blood. That's so obvious, I didn't think it warranted mentioning. I am not hugely well-informed concerning metabolism. ebola? was saying he would not inject sucrose. To many lay people, glucose and sucrose are just words for sugar, and though I knew this, know even a little about the chemistry of sugars, I was unclear about whether there was significant difference in the risks of injecting glucose vs. sucrose, because I had the impression that glucose is naturally present in the blood, but that sucrose is not. As the details of this were murky to me, I asked someone who I know is better informed than am I and whose opinion I value. This individual confirmed, as far as I can see, that my naive understanding was in fact, correct, and that the injection of glucose is, indeed, safer than that of sucrose. I saw no need to ask whether the injection of glucose or of methamfetamine is the more dangerous, though if you are unclear on this, I am sure someone in this thread can explain.
poefacedhoe said:
the whole injecting street drugs instead of eating them or any other method that is less invasive is always prone to infection. even in a hospital things are not as sterile as you would imagine.

I think that endotropic's point about injecting sucrose harboring potential bacterial cultures stands though. For a more extreme example, we can look at case studies of people who incurred sepsis from injecting near-crude plant or fungal extracts.

Thanks everyone for your help with this difficult little problem I've had. Going to sit down in a day or so and perform the A/B and I will be sure to let you guys know of the results after its fully completed.
Thanks to everyone who posted. I am just replying back to my thread to let everyone know that the alcohol based washing (ethanol) did work somewhat with smaller amounts with a smaller amount of blackness left after heat is applied in a pipe. The A/B Method that Babylonboy posted and helped refine for me worked perfectly although the once rocky substance is very white and flakey in consistency. To quote the simpsons "nobody suspects the butterfly" as nobody suspects this meth. It is the purest, cleanest gear I have ever had the privilege of consuming. Aquaintences complain due to the consistency but once consumed offer nothing but fist bumps and high fives. I am contemplating a recrystallization technique using evaporation in alcohol route (with little to no disturbance to the solution to increase crystal size). Would this technique work for what I need? The only way I know of to create LARGE crystals is to heat MSM crystals to a liquid and carefully add the pure product and let it return to room tempreture which then causes the solution to set and then scrape/break up the now hardened MSM/Methamphetamine solution. Cutting product is not my game but due to the potency after the A/B it seems more beneficial in harm reduction as frying/tweaking friends/aquaintences that I give this product to isn't what I am aiming for...

If the recrystallization via ethanol (alcohol) route is the best option to create large beautiful crystals I will opt for this method as MSM and Other cutting agents are detrimental to the user.
Yeah, absolutely no need to use MSM, we know pure meth forms beautiful crystals on its own, yeah? The key is, as you so rightly say, is to dissolve it in a solvent that will take a long time to evaporate. The longer crystals have to form, the larger they can grow. Obviously, when the solvent (water) was spread out on a glass dish, it evaporated quickly, and so the crystals are small. You could even probably get better crystals just by forming a saturated solution in water and letting it evaporate from a taller, narrower container. Anyway, growing crystals isn't my forte, but there are people who are way into it on the internet, grow salt crystals for a hobby. What you are doing is exactly the same, just the salt happens to be one of methamphetamine, not sodium. I am glad I was of assistance to you, and wish you all the best going forward.
Bluelight isn't here to help you cut drugs, so we won't be discussing recrystalization with MSM. You already have a pure product that gets you high as fuck. ;)
