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White rock heroin QLD


Jan 25, 2006
Hi guys - hope you cool; just a quick question.

Anyone know what number the white rock heroin found in QLD is? Is a hard white rock which scraps off ok. It can be mulled up with water no problems and is also smokeable apparently.

Main question I have - is it snortable? Experience mainly with script opiates (all the main ones).

Did not fancy booting it and reckon without the technique down will waste it if smoke it.

Obvs will start low if is snortable and wait etc.

Mods - Posted own thread as was hoping for quick reply, imagine you might want to move to smack thread....

Muchos thanks and happy new 2012 ;)


Update: on browsing bluelight guessing #4 - only thing that doesn't add up is that this stuff meant to be smokeable straight up? Did not think #4 was?
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Most smack in Aus is no.4 white rock smack that dissolves easily in water. It is snortable. It is smokable, it's just very wasteful because a lot of the heroin is destroyed before it vapourises. Most heroin users I know who don't bang it, smoke it. Even though I try and snort or plug most of my smack, I usually smoke some too, even though I know it's dumb, because it's an instant rush.

Plugging is really effective but it's also quite strong so keep that in mind if you use this ROA.
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Cheers for reply fc, tempted to whack it just a little bit nervous.... Was thinking of snorting little bits and working my way up.... would like to smoke but not with anyone who has so can see it getting completely wasted!

Have only plugged once n done more whacking - again not got a problem with plugging (none of that exit only rubbish) but more worried about wasting it by not doing it right!

Have an excellent nye :)
Cheers for reply fc, tempted to whack it just a little bit nervous.... Was thinking of snorting little bits and working my way up.... would like to smoke but not with anyone who has so can see it getting completely wasted!

Have only plugged once n done more whacking - again not got a problem with plugging (none of that exit only rubbish) but more worried about wasting it by not doing it right!

Have an excellent nye :)

Yeah, a worry for me with plugging is either spilling it, not holding it in and it somehow running down my leg, or the precious heroin liquid being soaked up by a small piece of poo.

The heroin that I used to get sometimes had a very slight damp/oily appearance. When I crushed up the rocks it would sometimes clump together or stick to the table a bit, making it into nice neat, fine power lines was difficult. When I snorted a whole deal at once some of it would be wasted down the back of my throat, so ended up doing smaller lines every couple minutes...which seemed to work better. Smoking always seemed to be a big waste (prob because I suck at smoking h), so for me snorting was the best (only) option to get my moneys worth, since I didn't IV.

If I could go back in time I'd probably give plugging a try. One guy on here mentioned it was comparable to IV?!?! Awesome if true.
^ You make a good point about snorting, I forgot to mention that. It is important not to snort it too hard otherwise like you say you get the drip and waste it. I always fuck up in that way, snort it too hard, get the drip and waste some. I try and rack it into really skinny lines so hopefully the maximum absorbs through my nose.

I've never Iv'd but plugging is def the strongest ROA for me, def is strong enough that it can take you by surprise, it kicks in straight away too and I often get that taste in the back of my throat. Def has put me in some potentially embarrassing situations with a plunger hanging out my arse :p
I have always just snorted heroin when consuming it... The circle I would procure it off would only ever inject it; when I asked about methods for smoking it they told me, 'the best way to smoke it is to sprinkle a small amount over the top of a marijuana cone.' Now I don't smoke weed so this method was of no use to me, however, if you smoke weed I would suggest administrating it this way.

Now I'm no expert on H but I never got white heroin, mine was always a nice olive/tan colour so I'm not sure how much of a grey area there is with administrating the different types.

Also I must add, heroin is known to highly fluctuate in purity/quality so ALWAYS start off with a small amount and dose a little more every 45-60 minutes if you're going to snort it, actually come to think about it this should apply to all methods of administration... You can always take more but you can never take less. I don't know how much you use but so many people who are regular heroin users pass away from building up a tolerance and taking the same dose all the time, then a strong batch will hit the street and BAM their body shuts down, so remember to think first and always be safe...
What does the number refer to with heroin?

I cannot fine a reliable research article for this at the moment but this should outline it briefly for you...

#3 heroin is just heroin base. #4 heroin is heroin salt (usually hcl but any salt will do). Disolve heroin in acid solution (hcl, citirc, ascorbic, etc.) and you have heroin #4 solution. Dry said solution and you'll have powdered #4.

People get #3 heroin but once they mix it up with citric or w/e, it becomes #4.

Edit, if you're looking to turn base heroin into the kind of powder heroin we get in America, you'd want to purify your heroin and then disolve it in dilute hcl solution until it is fully disolved. Then evap that solution and you'd have heroin hcl.


Heroin #3.
This is a more basic form of Heroin and is usually a brown to very brown powder, almost like raw sugar. It does not easily dissolve in water and requires an additive to help it dissolve in the water to make it suitable for injection. This additive is citric acid and there is a video around here somewhere on its correct use, search and ye shall find.

Heroin #4
has gone through a few more steps in its production and it suitable for injection "as is". It readily dissolves in water and requires no added citric. H4 is usually a light beige / off white to a very plain or stark white color.

H4 is usually more potent by weight than H3 because of the added purity steps (in theory). However, this also makes it a little easier to cut as anything soluble in water which is white can be used as an adulterant.


Hope this is of some help to you.
Cheers for all replies again -

Ended up going ok, had a little session by snorting: the stuff was in pretty hard White rocks, could be crushed down to a fine powder. Snorted really fine lines (extremely slowly and gently) and err'd on the side of caution.

Snorting was nice, more a stone type feeling / in the head buzz and got a nice itch on.

Also ended up whacking a bit - this was certainly a lot more of a body buzz for me than snorting. Got the the nausea a bit more with this as well but was not sick.

We all tried to smoke a bit also, did not work out too well!

Was a little underwhelmed with it all as never tried H before - could see how it would be more of an acquired taste. Also think my fear of od'ing reduced my enjoyment of the stone!

I found I got the most from it when just lying down on my own, closing my eyes and getting into the nod. Might seem obvious but other external stimuli just seemed to distract from it.

Anyhow this not trip reports so... Thanks again for all advice and hope you all enjoying 2012

Glad to hear it went ok for you mate, just remember to always respect this drug and be vary careful at alla times.