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White House To End Drugs & Terror Ads

SpindleFlesh said:
Telling kids to just say no only entices them further without telling them what they're really getting into.

thats pretty much what i was saying. btw very good quote from jefferson.
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When do they understand that if someone WANTS drugs he can GET it!!!!!

Originally posted by Summer of Love
i still dont think even naive kids would appreciate lies, even if they are "little white lies". lies are lies, and in my opinion fear tactics or any lies do nothing but harm and deceive. if you were told even the smallest lies about drugs by offical programs, and found out the truth later,(well you and me were told big lies) wouldnt it still diminish your trust in the system? it sure as fuck did me

Stop being so damn sensitive. Were you dissapointed in your parents when you learned that Santa wasn't real, or the Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairy? Maybe, but did you completely lose your trust in them? I sure hope not
Randel_The_Candel said:
Stop being so damn sensitive. Were you dissapointed in your parents when you learned that Santa wasn't real, or the Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairy? Maybe, but did you completely lose your trust in them? I sure hope not

haha, i cant say i lost trust in them, but i was a pretty pissed off 4 year old for the next 30 minutes. i think thats a pretty ridiculous comparision though man, even though it is the same basic concept, and i understand your point. why lie period? no matter how small the lie, i still think it would encourage use and reduce trust, not discourage drug use. why discourage anyway? is it really that hard to just tell flat out facts in a highschool drug program and let them decide on their own? santa claus and the easter bummy arent major issues. you cant put santa or mr bunny in your body to alter your conciousness. my point is that drugs are a big thing, and the best way to deal with them in my opinion is to be as factual as possible, end this just say no and prohibition bullshit, so when the kids do use them, theyll at least be properly educated. im not being so damn sensitive, im being real.
The reason (imho) they will never tell the absolute truth to kids without any bullshit, is beacause they are afraid that if they tell kids the truth they will then want to go and do drugs. (which is true)
PG Tips said:
The reason (imho) they will never tell the absolute truth to kids without any bullshit, is beacause they are afraid that if they tell kids the truth they will then want to go and do drugs. (which is true)

i think the real problem is that drug use is seen as criminal activity, not just another thing humans do for pleasure or other reasons. aside from that, in my opinion any bullshit is going to threaten safety and cause those who do use drugs to possibly use irresponsibly, since they dont know all the facts. i just think its better to tell the truth and let people make their own decisions than to dish out bullshit and fuck up peoples' trust., along with causing harm to those who do use by not giving proper information.
Looking at this decision, along with the gradual reductions of civil liberties and increases of media control which seems to have become such a feature of US life, this decision makes sense. If you want to 'brainwash' a media savvy youth culture then you have to start early.

Why waste dollars on the youth of today when "they" can shape the youth of tomorrow.

I don't live in the US but if I did I'd be very worried about what's happening...

"Give me the children, I will give you a nation. "
tranquilo said:
Looking at this decision, along with the gradual reductions of civil liberties and increases of media control which seems to have become such a feature of US life, this decision makes sense. If you want to 'brainwash' a media savvy youth culture then you have to start early.

Why waste dollars on the youth of today when "they" can shape the youth of tomorrow.

I don't live in the US but if I did I'd be very worried about what's happening...

"Give me the children, I will give you a nation. "

well said. what also is quite sad is that certain responses to this thread have even agreed with the fact that kids should be lied to about drugs to protect them. i certainly was pissed off when i found out nearly everything i had "known" about drugs was false, and made me lose much trust in the us government(not that i had much in the first place, even when i was younger). even though you dont live in the us, the way you explained it is perfect. i just wish these old dogs making the decisions COULD learn new tricks. prohibition and misinformation are useless, always have been useless, and always will be useless.