Which Steroid gives you the most POWER,Strength,Motivation,etc.


Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 3, 1999
I would much prefer mental stimulation and body stimulation.

which one would be the best?

A solid all around go with Testosterone.

Question to you what is your plan or are you just curious? And if you plan on going the AAS route what are your stats ( age weight height bodyfat% training exprience diet and goal of the cycle)?
A lot would say Tren, personally never took it, the more powerfull, the more sides. If it's Oral, I found D-Bol gave me a pretty good charge mentally.
Oh yeah tren will give you the agression, and strength. But Test will give you strength, the well being feeling and is a hell of alot easier on you.
I feel great every day on plain ole test.

I'm going to start my tren soon though. Can't wait to want to destroy everybody around me lol.

Neo, didn't you say that TNE wired you up?
As said, test is best.

Currently on 625mg Test Enanthate a week... plenty of power, strength and motivation.
Test FTW, unless you're on a "eat anything in sight" bulk diet - in this instance I found Tren absolutely blew my expectations out of the water. Was a little scary hahaha
oh yeah man TNE was straight up rocket fuel. If I took my shot too late in the day I would have issues sleeping. TNE for me any way takes a few days for my body to get use to the change in the intensity from say even test ace, as for how fast the feeling of begin ON comes into play. It is more of that feeling of boundless energy, and that feeling of aggression and like single mindedness that you would say is a type A personality. It was a good wired though lol once I got use to the feeling and training on it I looked forward to it. Tren on the other hand I love for the gains and the look, but the insomnia from it for me is fucking brutal.
I take oral DBol and test on 10 day cycles on and off and it's the breakfast of champions.
10 day cycles ? The D-Bol would do something in 10 days but you're not gna keep any of it and what Test are you using ?
I imagine Prop but why shut your body down for a 10 day cycle ? really ?
I take oral DBol and test on 10 day cycles on and off and it's the breakfast of champions.

This is what I think about your post...

This is to anyone wanting too or who engages in oral only cycles... Either man up and use injectables/propper cycling OR send your orals to me lol because its a waste and will do nothing but harm. Fucking ignorance, it pisses me off when people tell me how they do only oral cycles, if your afraid to inject you have no business with steroids.
you should try super drol it works quick its a liquid and then you will see results on the second week
In my experience Tren with test is about as good as it gets for size strength, aggression, ability to eat a ton and just put on muscle.
Awesome combo. Obviously the better the gains from any drug the higher the sides are gonna get.
Not necessarily. Some times yes with size, sheer volume and brutal strength you get some nasty sides, tren is an example of side effects in a bottle so to speak. But then you have compounds like EQ , Primo, Masteron where though the gains are not mind-blowing in the amount the quality of the gains is. So it depends on what your definition of better is. Not to sound a prat but some times better isn't always bigger. Some of the newer compounds like Dihydroboldenone the results can be very impressive and with relativity few sides. I know some of the real gorillas in the gym are looking for sheer size, and measure their success by the tape, but there is a whole other side of the equation and that is final quality, and if the right compounds in the ratio with the right training and the right diet you can minimize the side effects and get super high quality gains. I can't speak fro every one but I would rather get 5 pounds of super clean pure lean mass then 15-20lbs of low quality watery mess that you end up keeping 5-10 of any way after deflating. Though I have mates that it doesn't matter to them as long as they look like refrigerators and feel like beasts they are fine. I would rather skip the middle man and shoot for the gains I know I can keep little by little adding high quality gains, rather then yo-yoing. Then you have the individual factor, some people get wicked sides from compounds where other people it doesn't phase. I am an example of this Tren, and me while I love the brutal bastard that is tren, when on it I am lucky to get 2-4hrs of sleep a night, while a close friend of mine nada on sides there but he gets hideous sides from Deca, and me nothing I love Deca. But I digress, Tren is great but as an all around, I would have to go with Test, it just ticks all the boxes with less spillage into side effects territory be sides every one love a wicked high libido that test brings.
Nothing beats good ol Test Enthanate/Cyp....Ive only used test as my injectable all my life since i started juicing ten years ago. Its never let me down or given me harsh sides, and Im always one of the strongest people in the gym no matter where I go. Most orals make me lethargic... Dbol is ok after you adjust to it, Anadrol gives me wicked BP spikes, bloated everything and headaches... so I never use it anymore.. I cant even hardly take 50mg without looking like a blimp. I cruise on test alone much of the year at around 150mg, and my strength doesnt suffer at all... still deadlifting in the mid 500's, squatting mid 400s for working sets... not setting new PRs or anything but not hurting either. Ive read people dont think you can get big on test alone, but I, if I do say so myself, am a testament to proving that incorrect... and not high test either. Ive never gone over 650mg/week, and I get up to around 285....