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Which drug legal or illegal do you regret using the most?

12-14 years old buying boxes of Benadryl and OD'ing on a semi-nightly basis, because even though it was so shit, it couldn't have been more shit then had I been sober. I guess I did respond much more favorably to benadryl high's than others, though. I felt light as a feather, breathing walls, mild dissociative effects, and an amazing appreciation for music.
Ur lucky Trust me, the grip that shit has on someone Is too much. Whole another level.

So true.

In some ways I don't think you really know what you're capable of until you've been that desperate.
My ex's cousin got caught doing drugs when she was 13, and her parents decided the only explanation for why she'd try drugs was that she was depressed. She got forced onto prozac (or maybe one of the other ones I don't remember), and she started to change and become extremely withdrawn. She started to have increasingly intrusive thoughts about murder-suiciding her entire family and herself. Fortunately she didn't let it get to its ultimate conclusion and told her parents and said she needed off. She got off and after that returned to normal. Now she's one of the coolest women, has some kids, she's really happy. Sometime after that they started including the warning that antidepressants can cause suicidal or homicidal ideation in children. Then after that they included teens and then young adults in that warning.
So i am nearly 40. Done many drugs in my life. Trying to stay clean now. Suffering with a few ailments. I currently take suboxone and just started Prozac.

I am starting on a very low dose. Do you think I will still have a bad experience with it even though im older and more experienced now?
Curious of any of your thoughts.
So i am nearly 40. Done many drugs in my life. Trying to stay clean now. Suffering with a few ailments. I currently take suboxone and just started Prozac.

I am starting on a very low dose. Do you think I will still have a bad experience with it even though im older and more experienced now?
Curious of any of your thoughts.
low dose on the Prozac or sub
RC’s when they where here in the UK (legal I mean).

Also synthetic cannabinoids.
I regret first trying crystal meth while listening to Crystal Method.
True story.
Nicotine. Antidepressants.

But most of all that I fucked up my NMDA receptors by abusing dissos for escaping purposes instead of keeping them as the therapy aid and occasional hole they should be. It's just a permanent tolerance and increased tension/anxiety that will take years to go away if at all.
So i am nearly 40. Done many drugs in my life. Trying to stay clean now. Suffering with a few ailments. I currently take suboxone and just started Prozac.

I am starting on a very low dose. Do you think I will still have a bad experience with it even though im older and more experienced now?
Curious of any of your thoughts.

I wouldn't worry yourself about that happening. Many many people use antidepressants, some for decades, without any major side effects. There's always the odd case of someone being suseptable to extreme side effects like those with just about any medication you can think of. I've heard a warning pertaining to those exact side effects on every drug ad by big pharma i can think of.
Are they the best meds to try just because you've had a couple bad days? God no. They should be treated a last resort for chronic depression after all other avenues fail.
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I don't regret drugs, it's made me who I am and affected the people i've met and become friends with. I've pretty much been round the drug cart a few times and have gained the reputation for handing large amounts. Not that I wanted that, nothing to be proud of, but it was fun. I actually met some people that named gurning like a fool on pills after my first name, following after partying with me. How embarrassing I had met them twice and not again till 10 years later when I found out this. I've pushed several drugs to extreme, had fun, mostly, seen several years of the hardcore rave scene, I wouldn't have missed that for the world. My memories are unique and mostly positive. I have remained a functioning human, and was a professional til I fucked my legs up.

However, I have suffered from mental health problems, which started when I was a child and I don't know how getting smashed a lot helped here, it's simply escapism. I hate being straight headed to this date and doubt I never will know what effect it has had.. But some of the people i've met through 22 years of the music scene have become my best friends, I wouldn't change that, even for savings and health.

My downfall drugs are benzos and opiates as well as the ability to use the clearnet, then darknet to be offered pretty much what I want. Bad combo if u have savings and issues in your life. I have lost a lot and could lose more.

I wish I'd never had access to benzos, or been put on IV morphine with pump in hospital when I smashed my legs up on a train track, that seriously helped my recent H habit, having had a taste for it from pressing that button for morphine in intensive care.

I wish I'd never been shown how to IV, or been introduced to IV crack/H combo... bye bye savings and hello new problem, which I am now trying to beat, made harder by permanent chronic phantom limb pain.

None left to try without going to crazy RCs which I'm always a bit wary of.

Bit of a complex answer with two sides of the coin.
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Ive also lost friends to drugs, nearly lost myself. That's another downside but I don't regret rhe experiences I've had.
A heroin user who doesn't like cigarettes. Can't say I've met many of those. You'd probably be the only second. :)
I usually take it as a given that if you use heroin you also smoke.
Im the third. Kicked them about 14 years ago waste of money.