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Which antidepressant is good for sleep so lets say like benzos


May 9, 2020
Im tired of being depressed and i finally wanna have a nice sleep after i wake up and feel energized, havent had this in 7 years.
i tried lexapro nope sorry i get suicidal
Seroquel puts me into sleep but i wake up and i feel not refrebed.
Yes talk to doc but Mirtazapine is good for sleep but also gives to much of an apetite, doses not higher than 30mg, well I remember taking 15mg or half of it 7,5mg worked great but gave me some vivid weird dreams

Trazodone well it was antideppressant when I had rx years back.
Trazadone, elavil
You could try to get zopiclone for short term use

But yes, I agree with medicinal, best bet is your doctor.
Yeah, trazodone and mirtazapine I've heard are the more sedating ones. They don't feel like benzos though.

Also I guess part of the issue is the TC was a bit all over the place about which category of drugs we're talking about, but just to be clear, clonidine and zolpiclone aren't antidepressants. Both can help with sleep for sure though. And Seroquel is an antipsychotic (also helpful for sleep). No drug that's been mentioned so far is a benzodiazepine. Did we want that?
ime everyone is different when it comes to antidepressants especially ssri and ssnri. it's trial and error with your doctor. Happy Hunting
The issue with mirtazapine and trazodone is that they can leave some feeling groggy and sedated in the morning at least initially. Any meds that sedate don't really tend to provide a refreshing sleep unfortunately and the sleep inducing effects often don't persist either without increasing the dose, increasing the risk of morning sedation and leaving you on a high dose of meds that aren't doing what you want them to do. I've got good results in the past by starting people on something like sertraline (Zoloft) for their mood issues with an adjunct prescription of promethazine PRN to help them drop off to sleep for the first few weeks. Often, when the anti-depressant start to kick in and mood/anxiety improves, sleep comes easier anyway and you don't need the sleep aid anymore.

But as the above posters have said. Best speak to your doctor (or prescribing mental health nurse).
The only antidepressant I have experience with is Elavil. I've always had some degree of insomnia and it helped me fall right to sleep every night without dosage increase or reduced effectiveness even after a year. Hated the side effects, though, I sure didn't wake up full of energy.
Elavil was the chronic pain medicine du jour before Gabapentin.
The only antidepressant I have experience with is Elavil. I've always had some degree of insomnia and it helped me fall right to sleep every night without dosage increase or reduced effectiveness even after a year. Hated the side effects, though, I sure didn't wake up full of energy.
Elavil was the chronic pain medicine du jour before Gabapentin.
That's known as Amitriptyline in the UK. Its a tricyclic anti-depressant and generally still used pretty widely for nerve pain but also sleep issues here. Seems to be effective for sleep but like most of them, it comes with the risk of morning sedation. The good thing about it is you can start it pretty low at 10mg and titrate until you find the right balance.
I tend to avoid benzo's if possible except in cases of crisis or extreme anxiety. Part of the issue is that they work really well ironically which inevitable leads to physical and mental dependence as I'm sure many on here are only too well aware.
Im tired of being depressed and i finally wanna have a nice sleep after i wake up and feel energized, havent had this in 7 years.
i tried lexapro nope sorry i get suicidal
Seroquel puts me into sleep but i wake up and i feel not refrebed.
Mirtazapine, super strong sleep aid, but while u'r asleep your norepinephrine (mainly) and also serotonine levels raise so u will wake up after many hours, refreshed.
Other antidepressants are mostly bad for sleep. Overrated trazodone is less sedative than diphenhydramine, amitriptiline is lmost as strong as mirtazapine but i would reserve it for cases of deep depression emergency....antipsychotics are not ideal and benzos are not healing depression, they will just make u more relaxed, not nervous or shy but it's not tretment of depression.
U can try combination of vortioxetine and alorazolam/diazepam ( one that suits u better for sleep and mood).
Yeah, trazodone and mirtazapine I've heard are the more sedating ones. They don't feel like benzos though.

Also I guess part of the issue is the TC was a bit all over the place about which category of drugs we're talking about, but just to be clear, clonidine and zolpiclone aren't antidepressants. Both can help with sleep for sure though. And Seroquel is an antipsychotic (also helpful for sleep). No drug that's been mentioned so far is a benzodiazepine. Did we want that?

I should have specified what I was talking about, for sure. Especially since OP specifically asked about anti-depressants. Thanks for explaining!
I should learn to be more mindful of that stuff.

Trazodone and Seroquel in my experience, escitalopram is a non narcotic antidepressant but doesn't give a high, Benzodiazepines are actually depressants

:vampire: :vampire: :vampire:
There’s also a new sleep med called QUVIVIQ. It’s not an anti-depressant, but it may be worth bringing up with your doctor.
ok, it;s the way you mentioned it as important in a thread about antidepressants which fudged things I guess
I just googled it, some depressants actually do cause depression/suicidal ideation like alcohol and barbiturates, so the original idea that you thought I had is still valid to some extent.