  • Sports & Gaming Moderators: ghostfreak

where is LeBron James going to end up next year?

where will LBJ end up?

  • Cleveland

    Votes: 10 25.6%
  • Chicago

    Votes: 10 25.6%
  • New York

    Votes: 7 17.9%
  • New Jersey/Brooklyn

    Votes: 4 10.3%
  • LA (Clippers)

    Votes: 1 2.6%
  • Miami

    Votes: 4 10.3%
  • Dallas

    Votes: 3 7.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I wouldn't hold too much to what Espn says. They've been wrong way too many times to have credibiltity.

But who knows we will find out.

It's not so much about ESPN in general, but who on ESPN is saying it. Brousard (sp?) has a pretty good record for being right and he admits that it is far from a sure thing, hence the "if everything works out" part of my post. I just know that I want for it to happen. The Heat, Canes and Dolphins (less so for the Dolphins) would all be contenders in the same season, it would be Miami sports heaven for me (nobody down here gives a shit about the Marlins or Panthers).

As the the person above me saying Bron should pass it to Wade, hell yeah he should. Wade is a better player than LeBron, hence his title. Kobe is still the best player in the NBA right now and history will likely judge him better than both Wade and LeBron if they don't team up in Miami and out-championship him. That is the way it works in sports.
Kobe is for sure the best since MJ, Lebron dosnt have that clutch shot but he is one of the best passers in basketball and DWade is clutch as fuck
Lebron to the Knicks w/ Melo coming to NY next offseason...make it happen!
Weak. Time to play second fiddle to Dwade on Dwade's team. Truly disappointed in the new Queen in King Dwade's kingdom.
What? Bosh is the Fresh Prince of Miami Air?

You look at the Celtics, with Garnett+Allan+Pierce....(you could add in Rondo, but he wasn't considered part of the power trio there) - this is the most recent example of how to win championships, with a core of 2-3 top players each capable of taking the load when needed but all willing to support the others in the role required if it is another guys night to win the game. I see the same thing here - finally LBJ gets top level talent to be with as the core 2-3 guys, egos are already in check and they are in it to win it together not for themselves individually. The same 'core' and 'chemistry' is required for most recent championship teams, these guys just decided to do it together (with their 'friends') as opposed to some concoction built by team managers and a coach that could change every other year. THEY are committed to each other, the Heat then have to support THEM, as opposed to the usual scenario of a team's acquisitions being asked to support the coach and existing players.

I think it's kinda cool, in a 3 musketeers kind of way, but would not be whollly surprised if they continue to not get it done. Not so much by a lack of the core guys (LBJ+Bosh+Wade), since I think they will do everything they can....but by the factor of the supporting cast. Will those three leave enough money in the team to buy decent role players and bench players to get it done? Will these three become insular and support 'the 3' rather than ALL the players they'll have on their team....possibly turning on the support players when things don't go as planned?

For Wade, it's all about having fun at this point, IMO. For Bosh, it's being part of the core (but there is an element of remaining NOT the guy and sitting in the shadow of the other two). For LBJ, it's character check time (again). I think LBJ had plenty of character to serve 7 yrs in CLE with slowly growing bench depth and starting lineup strength, but that's long enough to have served and NOT been given enough help to get it done. Now, he's got enough help - let's see you get it done, or finally flake out and be the NOT uberstar so many criticize you of being. LBJ can be THE MAN in some games, or be the set up guy for WADE, or be the Magic Johnson of Miami in making all his team mates better.....but at the end of the season, with the choices he makes and how he plays, he better end up holding that trophy or he's never going to be put up to that top 'legend' status.
Now, I'm NOT saying that the Heat got LeBron for FREE . . .

. . . but I *WILL* say that thanks to D-Wade, LeBron is now complementary.
TheLoveBandit said it well. With the Celtics line up and other teams building similar situations what hope did LeBron ever have of winning a championship?

The guy was in a catch 22. He could remain loyal to Cleveland and never win and get constant shit for the "King" title he was given (and accepted) or he could leave and have a championship (or a few) and get shit for leaving.
Fuck LeBron, I lost so much respect for him. I thought he wanted to try to be the best, seems like he took the easy way out.

He would have gotten one in Cleveland, they were a pretty good team.
FORGET the LOYALTY factor.

FORGET the chance to change the lives of MILLIONS of suffering fans in CLEVELAND or NEW YORK.

FORGET the chance to test yourself, grow some balls, and actually TAKE ON the other best players in the league, rather than joining one of them.


Why the FUCK would that piece of shit excuse for a human being go on national TV to do it?

He's a low-life.

The Basketball Gods wasted talent on a megalomaniacal, unclutch, disloyal, uncaring, pussy.

Good riddance, fucker.

I hope you have nightmares about die-hard Cleveland fans burning your jersey on national TV.

There are so many wonderful human beings who deserve an hour platform to utilize their 3-digit IQ, their life experience, and their grace and humility to send a positive message.

LeBron, you just took that hour and threw yourself your own surprise birthday party.

I don't hate anyone.

Certainly not anyone I've never met.

But if other people hate you (and you bet your sweet ass MANY MILLIONS of them DO), you deserve it.
Am I the only one who is entertained by hearing hearts break in NYC, chicago, Cleveland and Miami?

LL, Lap, LB and Axl I'll send you all Heat Championship shirts next year ;-)

Honestly I thought he was going to Chicago. Whatever mojo Pat Riley and D-wade did to convince him to come to Miami needs to be used for world peace.

...And don't worry Cleveland you got two first round draft pics to rebuild.
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Am I the only one who is entertained by hearing hearts break in NYC, chicago, Cleveland and Miami?

No - I don't think you're the only one who is entertained by other people's hearts breaking.

But kudos for being entertained by watching innocent people suffer.

You wanna watch Schindler's List with me later?

I hear it's hilarious.
Am I the only one who is entertained by hearing hearts break in NYC, chicago, Cleveland and Miami?

LL, Lap, LB and Axl I'll send you all Heat Championship shirts next year ;-)

Honestly I thought he was going to Chicago. Whatever mojo Pat Riley and D-wade did to convince him to come to Miami needs to be used for world peace.

...And don't worry Cleveland you got two first round draft pics to rebuild.

I'm entertained too, mostly by the people who take this thing way too seriously. I've seen people posting death threats on the internet. Seriously? You want to kill a guy for wanting to get out of shitty Cleveland? Grow the fuck up and move out of your parents garage for godsakes. It's just a game, and you have no control over it. These people need to find a real hobby.
To Crow and the roughly 2 dozen other REAL Heat fans out there, congratulations. Now you better hope your team becomes the best ever, otherwise it becomes disappointing with each year that doesn't end up with a banner ready to be hoisted.
^^^Thanks LD :)

Dan Gilbert fined $100,000 for his comments about LeBron. I'm sure he thinks it's worth every penny.