• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Where in the world????


Jul 9, 2012
Ok Bluelighters I need your opinion/suggestions. I am completely fed up with my "community", "culture" or rather lack there of, the government, the people, and the closed minded beliefs and ways of thinking in the current western culture I live in.
I know that there has to be better place out there. A place that is more free than the so called "Free America", where the government is not trying to control every single thing that goes on, and there is not at war with other countries for thier own agenda, and does not have a war on drugs. A place where the government doesn't support the rich getting richer, the poor getting poorer and giving all power to the large corporations. A place where the people are happy and free, taken care of. A place that is forward thinking and open minded, non-judgmental and accepting.
Does a place like this even exist somewhere in the world? Or is this just a fantasy utopia?
Where do you live and is it a happy place to live? Are you free or do you feel smothered?
Tell me where I want to live!
Funny, I'm reading a very LONG post made on a website about "running away". It's elaborate and is far more than 99% of people are willing to try doing.

So, long story short, I'm telling you that you want to live in a place where you can get enough alone time, less stress, and good, secure ties with either family or friends. You can do that anywhere, really, as long as you make your circumstances the best that you possibly can. Other than that, you need to forget the things you can't change.
Funny, I think about emigrating to USA to run away from the same things you said.
Dude, if you think your government supports the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer then come to South America. You'll see what is really like to see the rich getting richer and the poor getting f****d everyday.
Come to a latin country where the Roman Catholic religion is dominant and you'll see how extremely close-minded and judgmental people are
^^ you know, this attitude is more than a little frustrating to me. I can appreciate that living conditions always can be, and most likely are worse worse in other places in the world, but I don't think that's any reason to throw in the towel and just accept anything less than a reasonable, fair justice system and equal opportunity for happiness and to explore existence within our own minds as well as the universe around us. I too would like to find a community less burdened with the obsession for material gain, and more likely to encourage and support the well being of the entire community, rather than just the wealthiest members. Are there any communities out there with people and quality of life in mind and at heart? Is there anyone out there who feels they are free to be who they are, and are accepted by there community? Maybe its a bit of a pipe dream, but if it does not yet exist, I'd like to propose we create it. I don't have a lot of financial resource myself but I'm a good, hard working, compassionate, understanding and loving person willing to do my part in creating such an amazing place.
My happiness is internal. It follows me wherever I live.
If I cannot control or change it, I let it go.
I do what is right in my community and do not concern myself with political issues.
I surround myself with like minds and attitudes.
What looks utopian on paper often fails to cater to our ideals in reality. Knowing what little I know about Utah, I feel your pain, but before you look at becoming an expatriate perhaps you can look at a shorter hop like moving to another state.

I think age is also a factor. If you're a young guy then maybe you just haven't explored the possibilities available in your locality. There are a lot of cool, very progressive places in the PNW. Have you visited any of them? The U.S. is a fairly diverse place, looking at it from coast to coast, and Canada is similarly so. There's a good chance you can find your happy place closer than you think.

If you feel convinced that it's the American culture in general that you can't agree with then you could start looking outside of the U.S. for places to settle but there's usually a fair bit of effort involved:

Aside from the basics of a) raising funds and b) learning the language of your destination nation, there are also considerations like visa requirements (in some places are fucking outrageous) and distance from family and of course the possibility of feeling alienated and being completely on your own in a foreign land.

You don't come off as a person who has travelled much, so I'm just gonna end by saying that figuring out your place in this world becomes a lot more clear once you've travelled, because of how much you grow as a person simply by moving around and experiencing new things on this bigass globe.
go live off the grid. but all of the people who do that are pretty gross. are you gross? you might enjoy it.
I'm not sure there's a place which has all those qualities, there's always going to be faults in the way the system is setup, but I feel the more you travel the more you can come to an informed answer about what it really is your looking for.

I've been living out of a backpack throughout Europe for the last 3 months.. and I've been to some places where I could absolutely see myself living, perhaps not setting up a life there because it would be financially impossible but living there for a couple of years for the experience.

The loneliness factor can be huge, especially in a country where very little English is spoken.. but you learn more about yourself and your capabilities then you ever thought existed.
I am curious as to what "culture" and community values the OP will bring to his new home? Close knit and caring communities usually expect their members to contribute positively to their society, so if you want to be accepted you will have to bring something positive to the table.

Unfortunately a country that has little government control and gives it's citizens a lot of personal freedom are magnets for the corrupt and quickly turn into a dog eat dog world. Third world countries often allow you to do what you want with little intervention but by default become lawless and unmanageable. Safe, ordered societies require stricter control of it's citizens because unfortunately society is a balancing act of good and evil. Free healthcare and education don't come cheap, so taxes are usually high to fund these luxuries. This means such countries value hard work and reward you accordingly. This makes it tough for those marginalised individuals such as lazy drug users. Several Scandinavian countries rate high in surveys of living standards and overall happiness, but generally have restricted immigration and are often very insular to outsiders.

If you want true freedom you are best trying to establish your own community off the grid. You are able to set your own boundaries and social expectations, however you will not be able to interact with other communities and will have to provide everything from food, power and medicines. The smaller the community the tougher this is to achieve, it is why societies have grown over the generations. If you do happen to create the "perfect society" you have to also accept that this will become attractive to other people, good and bad who will often want to share. It is a catch 22. A great society might not work with more members and it may be difficult to persuade them you should be welcomed with open arms.
It seems my intent needs some clarification. First of all, I am happy and now that true happiness comes from within, however on my constant quest of growing I can't help but, want, no need a like minded community, where people and the "upper management" care for one another. Secondly, I realize that the way this thread was presented may seem like I am complaining, and being ungrateful, this is not the case, I am completely grateful for what I have and take nothing for granted, I am frustrated with the way the world is and am concerned that society is ok with blindly living and not bettering themselves and their communities. I agree with missinthizzin that we, the entire world, should not just throw in the towel and let everyone else take advantage of ourselves just because somewhere in the world some one has it worse, if thats the case then there shall be no growth and no evolution, we might as well give up on everything with that attitude.
Not concerning oneself with political issues is part of the problem, they are taking away our rights and liberties, people need to pay attention and wake up.
Traveling sounds like a great idea, Thanks for the suggestion. :)
All people who live off the grid could not possibly be all gross and I find the statement completely closed-minded, what was the point in the comment?
I am more than willing and able to contribute all the I have to any society. As far as being "marginalised individuals such as lazy drug users" I am not sure who it is that you are referring to. I am a hard working individual who has had a job since I was 17, I have worked hard for everything that I own. I was a straight A student, who participated in honor rolls, student councils, team captain, as well as a huge variety of other community contributions. I stand on my own two feet and take care of myself.
I just want to know if there is a community of individuals that are like-minded, who want to grow, take care of one another, are open minded and free?
"We are powerful, beautiful, extraordinary. There is no reason why we cannot understand who we truly are, where we are going. There is no reason why the average individual cannot be fully empowered. We are incredibly powerful beings.” Tim Galloway: "Winstar Lecture", 1984
Maybe go to a couple Rainbow Gatherings? They may be able to turn to you farming co-ops and the like. I'm not trying to patronize but how old are you? You were on the honor roll etc. and don't talk about college. Are you 18? 19? You may gain some worthwhile experience in college majoring in a subject that explores the disfunction of the world.
Rainbow gathering is a great idea thank for the suggestion. I am 23 actually. I have not had the opportunity yet in my life yet to finish college, although it is in the plan and I am working on going back to school.
A partial college degree probably won't bring much to the table compared to some horticultural experience or the ability to weld and repair engines. There are plenty of communes all around the world. Small to large communities that live off the land and all share common goals and morals. Not all of them turn into a cross between Lord of the flies and Jonestown but one or two do. Whether or not there is a "perfect society" any where really depends on how high (or low ) you set your standards.