Where does the name Bluelight come from?

@Tronica and everyone.

The site which hosted MDMA Clearinghouse where Bluelight was founded in 1997 was Bluelight.net
Yup @Joey is correct!
I had a chat with Johnboy and he confirmed this.
When we moved to our own domain in 1999, it was called The New Bluelight because the old one was Bluelight.net but was a site that hosted multiple groups, including mdma clearinghouse.
So that also means all these other assumed meanings were actually not intended. But hey, nothing wrong with multiple meanings!
Does anyone have any additional history on this question? The quote above doesn't actually describe why the name Bluelight was used. I'd love to know why :)


Um, yeah....in a sec.

Was the earliest message board a dial-up BBS or was it through WWW internet?

ubb threads, I believe. Once the front page filled up, threads fell off and were lost forever. Ah, the days of dial-up.

The owner is a conservative. That should make other conservatives here feel welcome.

The One of the owner is also a jackass. Does that make other jackassess....nevermind.

so why's it not called redlight?

Because we have nothing to do with prostitution or the red light district.

And THIS, ladies, gentlemen, and others....THIS is the answer I would have provided. Thank you, @Mysterier.