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Where do you hide your drugs?

I cut a little slit in the edge of the carpet and slip them under there, OR pull a drawer in my dresser completely out put the drugs in and put the drawer back in the dresser. but under the carpet is the best place.
I personally don't have much contact with search dogs now that I've graduated from high school(mind you, I went to a pretty shitty public school notorious for drug problems and plagued with dogs And police, present constantly) but when I did attend school I've been less than three feet away from a search dog with a little less than a gram of unballooned black tar heroin(the smell doesn't penetrate the baloon but in plastic or cellophane alone it smells of vinegar pretty bad to the human nose from about a foot away) and the dog didn't even flinch. Of course, I was sweating bullets and shitting bricks, but the dog showed no sign of the slightest interest.

Personally, I believe the problem with search dogs is that they're dogs. They can easily make a mistake or miss something completely due to the fact they're living creatures, just as humans can mess shit up due to human error alone.
As for now, I hide my needle, a small metal teaspoon measuring spoon, my dope and qtip cotton in a metal sliding starbucks sugarfree gum case. Cops have searched me twice with it on my person and not even bothered with it, of course with me sweating bullets and shitting bricks again.
I never have any drugs to stash. They are all gone before I get home usually :D
It would be difficult for a dog to detect a pill, because they are smelling the little particles that shed off the substance and go into the air, I would think. So with heroin since it is just a bag of heroin little diamorphine particles would more easily go and float around in the air, but with a pill with a coating, and a solid structure, less particles would fall off and go into the air for the dog to smell.
I traveled to Miami - actually pet a drug dog @ airport with my bottle of Vicodin in my right pocket - had a script, no worries and dog didn't detect anything. Walked by drug dogs in Miami with Vicodin many times. I think the dogs are used to detect marijuana, coKa, and heroin.. NOT PHARMACEUTICAL PILLS
Just as an FYI sniffer dogs can be taught to sniff for ANYTHING.

This thread belongs in Drug Culture.
It would be difficult for a dog to detect a pill, because they are smelling the little particles that shed off the substance and go into the air, I would think. So with heroin since it is just a bag of heroin little diamorphine particles would more easily go and float around in the air, but with a pill with a coating, and a solid structure, less particles would fall off and go into the air for the dog to smell.

If that was the case every drug dealer would put their drugs in pill form so they would all go undetected. The coating has nothing to do with it. Dogs can sniff out ecstasy and that is in pill form.

Dogs are currently being trained to sniff out pharmaceuticals but currently most of them don't. My question though is would they be able to detect Desoxyn, as it is methamphetamine
Well, I keep my pipes, bongs and other 'pieces' out next to my bed on the side where if you walk in, you don't immediately see them. Not very smart, but my bong is kinda big and I can't get rid of it at the moment so I'm living on the edge I guess you could say, lol.

As for my drugs, I like to keep everything in air-tight jars, especially bud. LSD I keep in a baggie, wrapped in tin foil in an air-tight jar. Pills I'll just keep in a baggie and find a decent spot cause usually their gone in a few days. I haven't had to hide pills in awhile though, ironically though I'll be picking up some Vicodin today so I'll have to think of something. I know I use to put my Oxy's in my 360 game cases, just put them in a baggie and put the case back on the shelf. Only trouble is remembering which game you put them in!:D
The cops showed up at my friends house last week for a parol sweep and she hid a half oz of ice in her left over mash potatoes inside the fridge! Genious!
Im on sub now, on me at all times
benzos, only as many as i feel i could swollow and not pass out
amphet - on me all times
ive been accostumed to hiding just about EVERYTHING in my life thusfar. illegal shit, and paraphenilia that i want to keep with me, that will disappear if i dont hide it. my lightbulb, pipe, lighters, stoner tools(pencil, ink straws, american flag wood poll thing that you put in coffee cups. i use them to scrape and shit for my equipment, theyre all rezzed up.
and i hide just about all my personal belongings as well. wallet, keys, ipod, gameboy, usb memory drive... all my valued shit. for my illegal ones, if parents find it, its gone.

i hide my lightbulb in the towel closet, weed in a cowboy strap thing hanging on a mirror display in the gun thing, lighters in my first dresset under and ipod case. a big problem with me is that i FORGET where i leave my shit. like if im not in the area and i hide it somewhere else, ill completely forget where i put it.. especially if im high. it drives me motherfucking nuts, ill start losing it when i feel ive lost something. and the worst part that that happens even after MINUTES of leaving something somewhere.
In my old bermuda shorts in my burrow. I have it all stuffed up in the leggings of the pants and just hidden....
I keep all my stuff in a black BLU box. Its black box that BLU electronic cigarettes come in. It has magnets on it to keep the cover closed. I use it because i like the way the box look it just look sleek and nice. I keep the box under my bed for safe keeping.
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