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where can i buy pills online?

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Jul 3, 2010
i found a site from a friend but it only offered adipex . i really want adderall but i can't really tell what sites are legit... i have a lot of allergies and would hate to buy some fake placebo pill that contains some kind of derivative i'm allergic to and then die. so i'm trying to buy 100% Real freakin adderall . how can i tell if the site is gonna legit me or not?

gonna legit me lol. whoops

err...without a prescription
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why maybe somebody cares about my add that is going untreated and destroying my life
Honestly you can get anything almost if you look hard enough, trust me google works really well just try it again
The best advice anyone here can give you is to get proper medical treatment for your ADD.

Asking for or providing sources is totally against the forum rules here.
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