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  • BDD Moderators: Keif’ Richards | negrogesic

when you guy a G of dope; do you fully load the G right away!?


Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 3, 1999
I try to load my G in pins ASAP!

how many pins do you load w/ a G? also, are you less, the better, or more water, the better!? I seem to see people play it both ways. I think I meet in the middle.

ill shoot one off immediately, just to give me that drive, motivation to load the rest. by the time the rest are loaded and ready to rock, ill shoot another, just to kinda give myself a gift for taking the 15 minutes it took to load a G for shots ready to rock.

wondering how many pins you shoot for? w/ a G I like to get 8-10 shots off.

how about the rest of you? I get heavy fent laced dope, so my shots doubled compared to what I used to do w/ regular dark dope. nowadays here in Boston its white as a ghost and anytime I get drug tested I will always fail for fent/dope; seriously tho the color is white and I wont cook so there is nothing left behind.

it got the the point when it was just dope I would get 3-4 shots out of a gram rather than the 8-10 I am getting nowadays.