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When is poor spelling/grammar ok? Discuss literacy...

I havent read all this thread.. but..

my opinion is..

Its never OK ... Poor spelling and grammar !

It seems that the eniglish language is evolving.. in some way... especially the use of slang words being more frequent.

Also using acroynims on the net like IMO, ROFL, LMAO, and ect ect.......

And text messaging..

Its our layzyness. ill'd say.

Also I believe that i was a Victim of poor eduducation from the teachers always concentrating on the "smater" kids at school and leaving the rest to just sit and learn.

Thats how i saw it during my schooling.

I also could blame my self for this to.. as i'll do anything to go back to school and actually learn somthing. And have a better job !

Well isnt that what we all want !

yes im really dumb and i probally spelt heapz of shit wrong and nothing makes sence.. BL spellcheck isnt that smart either
What can I say? I'm sorry if this post isn't very coherent but in all my time on BL I have never had a thread upset me as much as this one.
I have always been a terrible speller. I have been a strong reader from a young age and have made efforts to try and improve my spelling but it hasn't seemed to have helped all that much.
I feel that some of the people on here who are so critical of others spelling/grammar having very little empathy for those who genuinely do try but still fail. Some of these people may naturally be more skilled in this area and may not know what it's like to struggle with something so seemingly simple to them on a regular basis. To my mind it's like teasing a child who is not naturally athletic because they can't throw a ball as well as or run as fast as other children.
But what does my opinion matter as I am obviously another member of this forum with a low IQ? 8)
Smiles: so eloquent in your arguement and at least the message is precise.

moonlight_blue: I would never have a go at someone who has genuinely put some effort into correcting their spelling. If you have taken the time and effort to quickly browse over what you post to see if you can find any clear spelling errors then you have probably tried twice as hard as most.

I am aware that there will be people who will never have perfect spelling, but at the same time it will not be for a lack of trying. There are plenty of others out there who are simply lazy and therefore cannot spell because of this.

There have been some fantastic points made in this thread and I think everyone has kept it fairly general. In starting the thread I hoped to seek people's opinions on when it was ok to use poor spelling and grammar, then to challenge those opinions to see their response.
moonlight - :)

i find it funny that no one has discussed the last point i made about different intelligences. Gee i could possibly have a point there right but who wants to admit that the dumb dq is right because she's not a strong spellA. pfffttt
What irks me is that i've only been speaking English for the last 9 years or so and i seem to have better punctuation, structure, variety and accuracy in my spelling and general written work, than most people my age and above that have been living in Aussieland since birth.

Munchee said:

moonlight_blue: I would never have a go at someone who has genuinely put some effort into correcting their spelling. If you have taken the time and effort to quickly browse over what you post to see if you can find any clear spelling errors then you have probably tried twice as hard as most.

I am aware that there will be people who will never have perfect spelling, but at the same time it will not be for a lack of trying. There are plenty of others out there who are simply lazy and therefore cannot spell because of this.

^^ excellent, excellent, excellent! :)
ive had to deal with dicks pointing out i have bad spelling for years
ive got to the stage now where i have given up on being nice and just dont care any more and simply state "i have dyslexia deal with it" i have also given up on spell checks as they dont always work

i been dealing with this problem for over 20 yrs and have realised that its just somthing i will have to live with

i do like corect spelling and gramma as makes it easyer for me to read what the fuck people are saying but as for my own its beyond help so i just live with it and try to spell phoneticly
doofqueen said:

How do you think teachers teach 30 kids in a classroom who all have different intelligences, ways they learn and interests?

and how do you think teachers can expect to teach their students the fundamentals of the english language if they themselves lack a basic understanding of spelling and grammar?

and no that wasn't a personal attack on you DQ, i know you're studying to be a teacher, this is just something i feel strongly about.
^^ how is that not a personal attack? and i have mentioned that myself several times in various threads...

ps - i was in the top english class all through highschool. Nothing to do with spelling!
maybe cause there is a high instance of teacher who themself have dificultys wth spelling and grammer and up till recently when the goverment introduced the litracy and mathmatc skills test through all schools there was no big push on teachers to teach spelling and grammer

aso you will find that astro works in a school so she would see just how bad the teachers spelling is

My grade 12 English teacher was herself a C average English student in school. She was hardly the best person to be teaching nerds like myself the subtleties of the English language!

In the 80's and 90's, school curriculums shifted away from rote learning and placed little emphasis on spelling and grammar. The argument was something along the lines that focussing on spelling and grammar was discouraging kids from enjoying language and it was comprehension that truly mattered. They figured that once kids developed a love of language good grammar and spelling would follow as they read more. This (my) generation is now teaching the next generation and few of us would actually pass thourough testing on our English language skills: I don't think it is acceptable that those without a decent grip on the language are now educating others in it. And to boot, the philosophy really doesn't appear to have paid off: we still have apalling grammar and spelling and don't read nearly as much as our parent's generation (unless you count internet forums, which are hardly providing a good example of how to use the language!).

I don't think bad spelling and grammar should be considered acceptable at any time. I'm not saying "you can't spell, therefore I don't find you acceptable", I'm saying once we do declare it acceptable the problems only worsen and kids will never learn to spell correctly.

Consider your local supermarket: walk down one aisle and spot the number of mis-spellings on packaging. Yes, I know it's done deliberately to avoid breach of copyright, to get around labelling laws and just to look "cool" too. Kids read this stuff everyday - how the fuck are they suppost to know that it's fruit, rather than "froot", light, not "lite", or crispy as opposed to "krispy"?

We have deemed incorrect spelling on packaging as acceptable and in the process have compromised our childrens' learnign by regularly exposing them to accepted incorrect spellings. Sure, they may be understandable, but I don't think it's going to do much good when they're writing that essay or job application.

Acceptability is not about whether people pick out your typos or not on a web forum (and as my Dad is dyslexic I know how frustrating that can be), it's about what society condones as allowable, and in this case I think the consequences clearly show why it should be unacceptable.

But That's Unfair

Jus' outta curiosity,
what if they were applying for a job at
"Crispy Cream" Donuts.

No job for you.
we also now accept the american consept of spelling as aposed to the correct english spelling
magpi said:
maybe cause there is a high instance of teacher who themself have dificultys wth spelling and grammer and up till recently when the goverment introduced the litracy and mathmatc skills test through all schools there was no big push on teachers to teach spelling and grammer

aso you will find that astro works in a school so she would see just how bad the teachers spelling is

Do you really think i'd be studying to be a teacher if i didn't think i would be a good one? Literacy is VERY important i agree.

Do people on here really think i have a problem? Seriously....
astrosmurf said:
and how do you think teachers can expect to teach their students the fundamentals of the english language if they themselves lack a basic understanding of spelling and grammar?

Do teachers even teach this any more? lol.

My English teacher throughout high school took time out to teach us extra grammar, but I know it was not in the curriculum (as smiley just added in a post).

My cousin while I was overseas was asking me about english grammar, and the only reason I could vaguely reply to her was because I had studied french all through highschool/uni so knew what the elements of the language were. I couldn't answer her questions though as I had never actually studied english at school as you would if you were learning a language and all the tenses, conjugations etc. I felt very silly for not being able to answer a question on my own language, but in situations like that I play the 'Eeengleesh ees my second lengwege' card ;)

I prefer reading things with good grammar and spelling, just as I prefer reading good handwriting to bad - subconsciously I think people tend to favour neater writing in marking exams etc (I have the dodgiest handwriting ever!). Reading something where the grammar and spelling is completely lacking I feel often takes credibility away, just as if you have a business that presents itself professionally or one that does things on the back of envelopes.

I am the typo king so I'm not too fussed with obvious typos and even sometimes I find words leaving my head and my fingers do their own thing meaning I break my pet hate of making the there/their/they're rule which really disgusts me when I notice it. I always edit it if I notice it. If I'm not sure how a word is spelt i'll look for an alternative or use www.dictionary.com or word spell check. I know I still make mistakes but I do try to minimise them. I acnknowledge that i probably should proof read more before I post as well.

If I see effort has been put in or someone is in a situation that they can't help it I don't really care, I understand it's not something everyone is good at.

One of my close friends that basically topped the state in 3(?)Unit Related English and has just completed a PHD at Stamford in Statistics - essentially the smartest person I know - used to leave me very confused and incredulous with some of his spelling mistakes so it's not just an intelligence thing.
oh god who fucking cares? its a god damn forum! not like it's anything important. I think everyone is being highly picky and snobby. Am in incomprehensible?
^ No, but the question is kind of annoying.

I realise you were trying to say I instead of in, but it required extra effort on my behalf to decode that, that wouldn't have been required had you checked it previous to pressing submit :)
smileyfish said:

My grade 12 English teacher was herself a C average English student in school. She was hardly the best person to be teaching nerds like myself the subtleties of the English language!

Consider yourself lucky! My VCE English teacher was an Indian lady with a masters in IT and no grasp whatsoever of the english language.

And dq, stop taking everything so personally. It seems to have become a trend as of late. It's not like something said on this forum would signify the end of the world. 8)
Something kinda funny I noticed....a lot of people in this thread have gotten on their high horse about spelling and grammar and how they find it thoroughly distasteful when some lower class plebian exhibits a lack of command of the english language and blah de fucking blah....and a lot of those exquisite sophisticates have exhibited some pretty atrocious errors themselves in said posts.

It's funny is all... :p

--Raz-- (who never uses a spellchecker but doesn't think it makes him special) ;) :p