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When An Entire Country Gets High


Jul 21, 2005
When An Entire Country Gets High


On the topic of recreational substances, one just has to move the cursor back along the timeline of human existence as we know it and many potential candidates slowly begin to vie for the title of being the first to be consumed with the intent of getting high. A range of possible contenders come to mind: the legendary, sacred concoction of Ayahuasca from the tribal Amazonian cultures; the blood red wine, from the Greek and Roman eras; and the illegal intoxicant found in the poppy flower, opium. One of the closest competitors, if not the outright winner, is the cannabis-infused concoction of Bhang Thandai from the Indian sub-continent.

Bhang essentially consists of consuming dried and powdered leaves of the female cannabis plant mixed with native spices and milk, resulting in a noticeable and prominent haze that clouds the head for the rest of the day. Before booking tickets to India, bear in mind that Bhang Thandai, which literally means “marijuana leaf milkshake,” isn’t consumed every day. The Hindu festival of Holi is the only time of year when it’s brewed.

One among many cultures’ ways of symbolising the beginning of spring, Holi is celebrated in early March or late February, depending on lunar calendars. The day symbolizes a new beginning; wrongs are righted, debts are forgiven and relationships are mended. Also known as the festival of colors, the entire country celebrates by throwing colored dye powders and dyed water on one another while heavily under the influence of copious quantities of Bhang – all as an intrinsic, religious part of the celebrations. History is awash with countless myths regarding the history of Bhang’s correlation with Holi; whatever this may be, the two have certainly gone hand in hand for centuries. There is no Holi without Bhang.

The beverage is consumed by people from all strata of life, regardless of age or income, from sunrise to sunset. The wild marijuana plants aren’t very potent at all, but most recipes call for an ounce of plant matter (leaves and/or bud) per glass. It’s rare to see someone stop at a single glass. Naturally, the country slips under a blissful blanket of pleasant intoxication by noon. The high is initially relaxing and deceptively clear, soon followed by fits of laughter, brain fog and a heavy stone that goes right down to the bone.

To make it, a mix of almonds, cardamom, turmeric, jaggery, saffron and other spices are ground and mixed with ghee (clarified butter) and marijuana leaves to form a dark, aromatic paste. This is then thoroughly mixed with milk. The resulting sweet refreshment is an explosion of flavors, as the initial rush of spice gives way to the sweet, cool aftertaste. Glasses are dunked inside earthen pots filled with Bhang Thandai and handed to color-stained youngsters and seniors alike. No time is wasted in tilting the glass bottoms up; the Bhang is gulped and people return to take part in the rainbow of festivities.

The problem with all of this is that marijuana isn’t legal in India. What does the government have to say about all of this? The answer is: nothing – absolutely nothing. A large portion of the public knows that ganja is illegal and knows that Bhang clearly has psychoactive effects, but they’re completely unaware that they’re actually the same parts of the same plant. This isn’t limited to the rural majority of Indian population hovering around the poverty line; ironically, multi-millionaire businessmen and political figures alike are known to consume Bhang during Holi and the latter continue their strong, vocal stance against the use of marijuana as a recreational drug. How are millions of people unaware of the connection between Ganja and Bhang? Well, for starters, most of rural India where the populations are most dense doesn’t even have Internet access — so checking things out online isn’t an option.

The fact is that the government lacks the power to extricate an intrinsic part of religious celebration from the people; it’s simply too deeply embedded in history and culture to remove. As many scenarios in the world have shown us, the revocation of religious allowances causes mass hysteria and active opposition. The immense degree of outrage and revolt that this would cause is unpredictable, but the thought of it is enough to keep the government from prohibiting the open sale, distribution and consumption of Bhang.

There’s no mention of it in legal documents. There’s no age barrier or individual quantitative restriction. And there’s certainly nothing more frustrating to an informed, modern teenager than getting reprimanded for marijuana use while watching their parents get higher than the Eiffel Tower on pot shakes.

Have you ever tried bhang? Tell us about it in the comments.

A passionate organic and hydroponic farmer in India, H. S. Rada has been backpacking across the Indian subcontinent, collecting heirloom strains and conducting breeding projects with more commercial and popular strains through a network of breeders and growers across the globe. He likes nothing more than to stretch out his legs and kick back to some powerful, dark psytrance.

I always thought it would be cool if one day a year the entire country dropped some good ecstasy. Love thy neighbor...and have freaky neighborhood love orgies. PLUR
that occasion sounds so lovely. its a bummer its not a worldwide tradition (kindred to christmas, birthday celebrations etc) and goes to show that regardless of class or status within society that marijuana brings humanity together in a peaceful, neutral and loving state; even in the name of "religion" and law (the two fundamental apparent causes of war?).


ps. bhang sounds very much like a chai latte blend mixed with thc. yum! :D
I always thought it would be cool if one day a year the entire country dropped some good ecstasy. Love thy neighbor...and have freaky neighborhood love orgies. PLUR

I've always thought the world would be a much better place if every year or so there was an entire gathering of world leaders and other major political/social/spiritual figures where they all drop a decent dose of MDMA and get loved up for the night. Imagine how much easier it would be to break down international boundaries if negotiatons took place and policy was formed under the empathic state MDMA induces?
Yes, talk about the South Asians whilst entirely overlooking the fact that something life 90+% of Westerners rely on caffeine (a DRUG, damned what you say) just to roll out of bed in the morning to do their daily toiling in mud, (i.e., low wage slavery).
I've always thought the world would be a much better place if every year or so there was an entire gathering of world leaders and other major political/social/spiritual figures where they all drop a decent dose of MDMA and get loved up for the night. Imagine how much easier it would be to break down international boundaries if negotiatons took place and policy was formed under the empathic state MDMA induces?

MDMA can cure many things, from death anxiety to depression to marital turbulence. However, psychopathy/sociopathy isn't one of these. Considering that the preponderance of politicians are probably psychopathic, MDMA would presumably be of little efficacy and the world as it is would cease to change if its dictators were dosed with molly.

If one truly wants to change the world, I sincerely believe dosing a politician with a bullet to the brain would be vastly more effective than any drug to the mind. I am being jocose, of course.
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that occasion sounds so lovely. its a bummer its not a worldwide tradition (kindred to christmas, birthday celebrations etc) and goes to show that regardless of class or status within society that marijuana brings humanity together in a peaceful, neutral and loving state; even in the name of "religion" and law (the two fundamental apparent causes of war?).


ps. bhang sounds very much like a chai latte blend mixed with thc. yum! :D

I reckon once a year is about right for a dose of bhang. The shit is hardcore. But yeah like masala chai with extra peppery ganja flavour.

I wish I could get myself there for Holi or maybe just throw some coloured dry paint around on the same day here.

The funny thing about that article is that it's true that people don't equate bhang with recreational ganja. I was talking with an Indian doctor and she was convinced that bhang is vastly superior in its health benefits and far less intoxicating because it is made using different parts of the plant. She didn't realise that it is the very same buds.

ps. bhang sounds very much like a chai latte blend mixed with thc. yum! :D

I love chai and weed, how could that get any better.

Above post is interesting.
When it comes down to it it is recreational and we don't need it to be circled into religion or government to get high.
that being said I'd gladly drink a mug er two too bad I'm in merica.

What happens when a whole nation gets high together,
unity love peace respect? Maybe a lil less work an a lil more living.
I love chai and weed, how could that get any better.

that being said I'd gladly drink a mug er two too bad I'm in merica.

Nothing stopping you making your own. The first recipe on this site is pretty good. Except grind your own ginger and spices and maybe tone down the ganja content especially if you get high quality weed probably use 1/4 of what it says.

MDMA can cure many things, from death anxiety to depression to marital turbulence. However, psychopathy/sociopathy isn't one of these. Considering that the preponderance of politicians are probably psychopathic, MDMA would presumably be of little efficacy and the world as it is would cease to change if its dictators were dosed with molly.

If one truly wants to change the world, I sincerely believe dosing a politician with a bullet to the brain would be vastly more effective than any drug to the mind. I am being jocose, of course.

It's unfortunate (in the sense it would require destroying our biologically human kin - although from the perspective of the relatives and friends of the millions killed by dictators and politicians during the 20th and 21 centuries, a sense of compassion is often very difficult; "justice" is no simple matter ethically or practically) but so true. It must be mentioned that a bullet in the head is just one of many strategies of efforts to change the world. In any case...

Well said, my brother.
MDMA can cure many things, from death anxiety to depression to marital turbulence. However, psychopathy/sociopathy isn't one of these. Considering that the preponderance of politicians are probably psychopathic, MDMA would presumably be of little efficacy and the world as it is would cease to change if its dictators were dosed with molly.

If one truly wants to change the world, I sincerely believe dosing a politician with a bullet to the brain would be vastly more effective than any drug to the mind. I am being jocose, of course.

But dosing the people with MDMA could have amazing effects on how politicians would be required to behave in order to gain reelection, which is about all we can hope for with those sniveling specimens of humanesque underbreast-sludge.
"Jocose" is not the right word in that context. And violence doesn't solve problems. It creates bad karma.

"A man who lives in violence will die in violence."--from The Tao te Ching by Lao Tzu.
Yes, talk about the South Asians whilst entirely overlooking the fact that something life 90+% of Westerners rely on caffeine (a DRUG, damned what you say) just to roll out of bed in the morning to do their daily toiling in mud, (i.e., low wage slavery).

Yes, true. Don´t forget the daily or weekly alcohol happily available 24 hours a day in all bars, specially in Westerns societies.
Nothing stopping you making your own. The first recipe on this site is pretty good. Except grind your own ginger and spices and maybe tone down the ganja content especially if you get high quality weed probably use 1/4 of what it says.


whilst the standard bhang recipe itself sounds lovely and very homely/gentle (yet powerful); the hot buttered bhang it seems (while sounding glorious) would be kindred to a spiritual punch in the face. :D weed infused ghee AND vodka. my gosh :D

Yeah I've not tried the second one. It sounds brutal. The first one is strong enough- comes on in about 45 minutes and lasts for hours.