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Wheel Filters in Canada?

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Sep 13, 2013
Anyone know whether pharmacies carry these or any reliable websites that you have successfully purchased from within the past few months? Amazon.com seems to have incredibly dubious products and at least one site mentioned in the archives gave me a security warning and seemed to be offline.

Luckily the luer locks are 45 cents each, no prescription/ suspicion. Not sure if needle van has them, nor am I sure whether I would even bother going to it anyway (rarely comes to my part of town). I have seen people inject without one and shudder at the idea of particles purposely designed to injure ("discourage IV drug abuse") going into my body.
Dont even think about shooting without a filter man just go to a pharmacy and ask
Man, I hate that I have to close this thread because this stuff definitely seems like good HR to me but unfortunately the "no sourcing" rule now applies to HR supplies.

I'm sure you can find a canadian based website that sells wheel filters with a bit of looking (although It sounds like you already tried), otherwise you might want to try some local pharmacy stores.

I agree though, I remember searching amazon and feeling like they were a little sub-par looking for the price, though this was about a year ago. Sorry that we can't help though :\
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