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Whats *your* stimulant "comedown killer" combo?

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I enjoy valium, xanax or restoril (temazepam).

Eating and drinking helps because it activates the parasympathetic nervous system in order to digest the food intake and, in doing so, decreases the activity of the autonomic nervous system (the system that is over-stimulated when you don't want it to be during a come-down).

Meditation; Kundalini Yoga breathing exercises; deep electronic music and incense. Self-massages, or massages from others. Giving massages.

Counting stars.

~ vaya
I have used oxy to come down of methamphetamine and it was nice, the oxycodone even felt stronger. The last time I was out till 4am in the morning snorting coke, I came home and popped 600mg of nuerontin and I fell right to sleep in about 1/2 an hr. and woke up feeling fine.

I'm not a fan of stimulants so I don't have very much experience with stimulant comedowns.
usually i take stims when out raving, so i'm spent when i comme back, a couple of valiums do the trick... if not i need an army of valum, loprazolam, and meprobamate to knock me out
I enjoy valium, xanax or restoril (temazepam).

Eating and drinking helps because it activates the parasympathetic nervous system in order to digest the food intake and, in doing so, decreases the activity of the autonomic nervous system (the system that is over-stimulated when you don't want it to be during a come-down).

Meditation; Kundalini Yoga breathing exercises; deep electronic music and incense. Self-massages, or massages from others. Giving massages.

Counting stars.

~ vaya

meditation is actually VERY nice on ecstacy comedowns. the afterglow and centering your mind after the mdma experience can really keep you in touch with yourself. however, i would need a benzo(not much, just enough smooth out the rough), some food(meats, dairy, beans) and fluids(water, juice, and gatorade), herbal tea(blend includes lotus, passionflower, chamomile, spearment, valerian, and skullcap),multi-vitamins, and some 5ht-p(should always take after a roll, it prevents xtc induced depression as it replenishes your brain with serotonin) before i was ready to meditate(i can't really relax enough to meditate on a comedown without a little help ;)).

fluids are important on comedowns, water is better than sodas and such but gatorade is very good as it has electrolytes, vitamins, and minerals which really helps your body. fruit juice is also good, but always drink lots of water with whatever else you drink as water will keep your liver clean.

i can meditate without anything the day after(esp. if the afterglow is still there) or when not on a comedown. although the herbal tea blend i use and meditation go very well together as it helps me relax and ignore stimuli that is going on outside my head while trying to center myself, thus helping me enter a deeper altered mindstate. i believe meditation is a good way to keep the mind to physical body bridge in check and promotes wisdom, creative thought, spiritual insight(i not religious but i am spiritual), better personality and self comfort, more feelings of well being, and a better quality of life.

sorry to get all "hippie" on ya...;)
hippie style:
progressive muscle relaxation! easier than meditation, similiar benefits.

gabapentin, about 1.5 grams taken over 1 hour.

my novel approach: (good for 2.5 days binging or less)
10 mg JHW-073 smoked every hour. This dose will essentially put me in a tranced-out blackout for 45 minutes or so. Continue until the stimulant has finally wore out. I usually pass out after 6 hours of this. Less than 10mg will just result in a panic attack, though. It only works if you truly smoke yourself stupid and apathic.

perhaps the happiest part is that you don't have to fight the compulsion to toke on the glass dick (be sure to switch pipes though).

I don't do benzo's or alcohol ever.
weed or jhw-073 just make comedowns worse for me.

i want to conserve my oxy and temazepam for times when i'm not all crashed out so i'm gonna try a weaker but similar combo next time i come down.

it will have:
120 mg.- codeine
40mg.- diazepam
3mg.- lorazepam
25mg.- hydroxyzine
chased down with some booze...

maybe this will work so i can save the better drugs ang enjoy them on their own.;)
For Coke Crash

1. Drink beer, maybe a 40oz while doing the coke - This helps long-term.
2. 20mg of Oxycontin - Snort 10mg before last big line, oral the other 10mg
3. 2-3 beers while eating the Oxy.
4. Huge Marijuana Hits

If money is an issue,

Beer and 1 Ambien or 1 Seroquel.
Heh, apart from more meth;

3 beers, 1mg ativan, 100mg dramamine, 700mg codeine/100mg smack. Mmm.
for me its gotta be a good portion of food (even if i have to force myself), maybe a valium, some weed and ideally a good amount of ketamine to shoot myself so far out that i dont even realise i am craving something else :)
Man, I only need some decent benzodiazepine, specifically clonazepam because of its long duration for a stimulant crash. On occasion I've taken Oxycodone for MDMA comedowns and that works really well. Marijuana always works great and I'll combine that with any downer I choose. Other than that I don't need massive combos, nothing more than one or two drugs is necessary. I can handle stimulant crashes pretty well with exception of ecstasy.
up to 4mg of xanax with some good indica weed is like heavon to me. Forget I even took adderall, and puts my mind and body at ease, and makes me want to smoke the most pot i can get my hands on.

If I cant get my hands on benzos I find alcohol works GREAT for me when coming down off stimulants and calms me the fuck down and puts me together socially.

This is only on dosages up to 70mg though. Ive drank alcohol coming down on 90mg and I was fine for a while but the comedown eventually got worse and I felt like shit.

So yeah alcohol for me works great on smaller doses but everyones different.
alcohol on a comedown is just like a benzo or barb. they all have a similar mechanism of action and effect.

the only problems is the taste (which is esp. harsh when crashed out although if mixed with someting tasty like punch its not THAT big of an issue), dehydration(easy fix, drink lots of water, juice, gatorate, but mostly water), and nausea(eating beforehand can help this- bread, potato chips, crackers, etc. is best).

alcohol is overlooked too much as a comedown killer imo.
hmm when i start to come down off speed, my cure is usually another line :)

but otherwise, tyrosine and alcohol
Weed back when I actually used stims at all.

Now I would probably pop a xanax as I was coming down, since I get incredibly bad depression and anxiety on those comedowns.
alcohol on a comedown is just like a benzo or barb. they all have a similar mechanism of action and effect.

the only problems is the taste (which is esp. harsh when crashed out although if mixed with someting tasty like punch its not THAT big of an issue), dehydration(easy fix, drink lots of water, juice, gatorate, but mostly water), and nausea(eating beforehand can help this- bread, potato chips, crackers, etc. is best).

alcohol is overlooked too much as a comedown killer imo.

Yes, alcohol and benzodiazepines (as well as barbs) all work on GABA but alcohol doesn't work so well for a number of reasons.

Alcohol can greatly increase the effects of cocaine and even when coming down, you begin to become stimulated again. Methamphetamine allows you to drink more but alcohol also can increase the duration of methamphetamine so when coming down it doesn't work so well. MDMA...well...just not nearly as effective as some benzodiazepines. Alcohol has never been very effective for me when coming down from stimulants.
When I am coming down I take a Mirtazapine 45mg to sleep then when I wake up if I am feeling depressed or whatever I take Opiates Dihydrocodeine or Oxy.
silly as this sounds...I frequently think to myself after a night on stimulants...damn...I've really done my body a fair bit of harm tonight. Time to take the punishment like a man and not just pop a fuckload more drugs =D

but sometimes I smoke a couple of spliffs with some mates to soften the blow. And I always drink some fruit juice before bed.
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