What's your favourite thing about music?

I feel colours don't you normally?
Hard to explain but sometimes I will feel a colour I think it's pretty normal though TBF
My favourite thing about music is it's ability to produce drug like effects in non users. That and it's ability to produce intense effects in combination with various drugs.
I feel colours don't you normally?
Hard to explain but sometimes I will feel a colour I think it's pretty normal though TBF
Music often makes me think of certain colours when I’m straight. Like if I close my eyes while listening there’s kind of a colour filter there determined by the emotional tenor of the music.
That and it's ability to produce intense effects in combination with various drugs.
I’ve actually had to turn the music off a few times on trips lately because the music in question was ramping things up to an unbearably intense level.

It had never previously occurred to me that too much music might be a negative on acid.
My favorite thing about music it how it can make you feel. you don't need to be high to enjoy that shit at all(although the experience may be enhanced). you can quickly shift from screaming from the top of your goddamn lungs to crying thinking about someone else's life experiences. its incredible. and I'm not even that big on music as well. its strange.
I like the pretty colours and shapes it makes a few hours after you down a 5 strip.
I love that too, I've had it a few times on mushroom trips. The colours and the geometric shapes moved and changed with the music, totally blew me away at the time. Wow, makes me want to grow some mushrooms again.
I love the way I can use it to alter my mood. I have a soundtrack for every possible mood I'm in as well. I can't not listen to music. It's a constant.
There are very few things that are better than finding a new group/artist and then realize they have 35 studio-albums and a dozen B-side collections.

I just can't imagine life without music. I like everything from pornogrind to ambient drone.
its the rhytm, hands down and what you can make out of it melodically and harmonically. i normally dont like voices or singing, but grew accustomed to it when listening dnb or metal/rock songs.
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My favorite thing about music is its ability to express the emotions of an artist (jingle maker) and capture emotion in sonic form. My current favorite song would have to be Deerhunter - Twilight at Carbon Lake. The beginning is fragile, beautiful, and emotional, and the release during the second half is so incredibly cathartic.
That it can fill me with such hope and excitement for the future. That everything will be ok no matter what happens!