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Misc Whats your favorite long haul flight drug?


Feb 1, 2016
I love travel, but hate long haul flying. And a few times a year I do 10-12 hours flights. Due to spinal issues and pain I’ve been doing Buisness class, but I have to step down to normal seats to make it more sustainable.

Previously oxy was my go to, also as i had paperwork for it. But I get serious depression hangover from oxy, and too stimulating for my taste.

Im considering to try oral opium for my next long haul. I like benzos or even pregabalin for shorter flights, but no matter how sedated i get I cannot sleep in sitting position, thus im considering a long lasting opiate.

Edibles also no go for me, i lack the enzyme and i avoid cannabis in general anyway nowadays.

Whats your go-to for long flights?
valium or xanax as im boarding

then 2 stilnox as the meal is served

meal finished, asleep. usually wake up 1 hour or 30 minutes before landing.
valium or xanax as im boarding

then 2 stilnox as the meal is served

meal finished, asleep. usually wake up 1 hour or 30 minutes before landing.
Dang, that would probably knock me out. How long are you out? I do have those at hand.
Dang, that would probably knock me out. How long are you out? I do have those at hand.

flights are long. like 8 to 10 hours. Been doing to for years. feel like I've perfected it for me.

If its only 6 to 8 hour flight probably just 1 stikllknox etc, But always the benzo when boarding. it elevates any anxiety as well.. love it.
Nice, I will have to try this i think.

Can't go wrong. Just make sure you get your meal in before you crash. Maybe with a nice glass of wine.

As you finish your meal you will be ready to sleep beautifully making what is otherwise a torture trip a breeze.

Or CBD and Benadryl. You basically just pass out. Although the CBD might make you hungry.
I had valium, alprazolam and bromazelam. I liked the valium best, especially if you have stopovers where you have to deboard/transit
I love travel, but hate long haul flying. And a few times a year I do 10-12 hours flights. Due to spinal issues and pain I’ve been doing Buisness class, but I have to step down to normal seats to make it more sustainable.

Previously oxy was my go to, also as i had paperwork for it. But I get serious depression hangover from oxy, and too stimulating for my taste.

Im considering to try oral opium for my next long haul. I like benzos or even pregabalin for shorter flights, but no matter how sedated i get I cannot sleep in sitting position, thus im considering a long lasting opiate.

Edibles also no go for me, i lack the enzyme and i avoid cannabis in general anyway nowadays.

Whats your go-to for long flights?
I fly to Thailand every year from JFK and its a 20-22hr flight at minimum and poppy pod tea is by far the best drug ive found so far,ill be nodding off,sleeping the first leg which is about 15hrs then switch planes and im usually awake for the second flight but still pretty chill with a couple glasses of wine,i also bring my prescriptions with me and Valium is one of them i travel with for any flights i may take while there
you may consider alprazolam to skip the jet lag, ibuprofen and acetaminophen to deal with the inflammation and pain and then a fire hour massage followed by a yoga class. Should be right as rain.
The best drugs in my opinion are benzos. Diazepam or Clonazepam.
Though clona stays in your body too long, so you might feel like a zombie when it's time to get off the plane. If it's your final destination and you don't go right to your hotel room at 9.30 am it might be okay. Otherwise you'll be tempted to take a nap and then jet lag will be a problem.

That is, of course, if you aren't microdosing or used to stay awake on benzos.
I love travel, but hate long haul flying. And a few times a year I do 10-12 hours flights. Due to spinal issues and pain I’ve been doing Buisness class, but I have to step down to normal seats to make it more sustainable.

Previously oxy was my go to, also as i had paperwork for it. But I get serious depression hangover from oxy, and too stimulating for my taste.

Im considering to try oral opium for my next long haul. I like benzos or even pregabalin for shorter flights, but no matter how sedated i get I cannot sleep in sitting position, thus im considering a long lasting opiate.

Edibles also no go for me, i lack the enzyme and i avoid cannabis in general anyway nowadays.

Whats your go-to for long flights?

https://jcsm.aasm.org/doi/10.5664/j...rall,insomnia medications would be beneficial.

I know the question wasn’t about insomnia, but I came across this link when I compared zolpidem to zopiclone (just because).
I use clonodine off label for sleep/anxiety.

I talk about it so much I should be a sales rep. But honestly, I just can’t get over the calming/sedating qualities. I don’t find it has any hangover effect.
I only once did a long flight, from here to America. The flight was 38 hrs long with one stop over in Germany with a layover of 4hrs.
Anyhow first part of the flight I had 20mg diazepam. And a few hrs I had some midazolam with alcohol that made me pass out and sleep till we landed in Germany. There i just chilled and waited the 4hr layover and before boarding for the rest I had another 20mg diazepam and midazolam with a few alcohol beverages on the next flight that was still another 12 hrs flight which I also then slept through most of it.

So diazepam and midazolam was my friend when flying very long distance.